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I am a fucking beast with Captain Marvel and Luthor. |
so i'm loving this steam game sale, bought prince of persia, i-fluid, and vice city. prince of persia is great, and the other two are downloading now :D
bought animal crossing, and i'm surprised as to how much i like it. also, i basically live with three other people so we have all the houses filled in our town (PALLET). i'll eventually post my friend code in that other thread |
Started Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia, finished Sonic Unleashed so that I can return it, finally installed my copy of Left 4 Dead, and then I bought Bioshock yesterday for 5 bucks.
Admist this, I'm also working on Persona 4 and Tales of Symphonia 2. And I was afraid I wouldn't have anything to play between semesters. |
rock band again, i d/led a assload of songs (MOSTLY MOTLEY CRUE :rolleyes)
Call of Duty World at War. Nazi Zombies is just awesome and should be made into a full game with an extensive list of neat features.
Fallout 3. Unarmed was cool for a while, but not being able to target body parts is kind of a drag.
Ocarina of Time. I found people who haven't played this. It's bordering on communism for those fucks.
Master Quest or original OAT?
i'm currently playing fallout 3 heading to valut 112
and its not like there's any good emulators for n64 either |
willie :( :( WILLIE!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( plz tell me you're joking :( :( :( :( |
The story in any Zelda is trash , so what's left is basically the puzzles..I'm uninformed, the only zelda game i've finished was twilight princess and the minish cap and both required me using a guide in some parts. |
you're right, you are uninformed. twilight princess was fun, graphics were beautiful, and the combat was great. the story was pretty muddy, but ocarina's is much better and easier to understand. it deals with the typical light/dark thing, but this was back when this sort of thing wasn't unoriginal. i wouldn't call it the number one game ever, not even my favorite zelda game (LTTP), but it is very good, and i would say a must for any gamer who enjoys adventure games. and you mention that all you're left with is puzzles; zelda is like 75% a puzzle game, so... yeah, no shit
ANYWAY i'm registering my games on club nintendo so i can get some free shit, and been playing animal crossing with all my BFFL's non-stop |
Link's awakening and oracle of ages/seasons are highly overlooked but are great Zelda games.
gears of war 2 on act 2 |
I think my favorite Zeldas are Link to the Past and Majora's Mask. MM just doesn't get the love it deserves. The time travel aspect was really neat, and there's way more stuff to do outside of the (short) quest. As for LttP, I'd say it's as close to perfect as the series will ever get. Wind Waker would have been another favorite if they could have made the game harder. |
Portal is stupid, everything Zelda is stupid.
portal was great, it really was, but it was really short. i'm hoping (and possibly am uninformed) that there are more portal-based games, because those puzzles could go on and on
i also havent played any of the zeldas on gamecube or wii ok I AM BEHIND I WILL ADMIT THIS >:
i have yet to play windwaker (gamecube), but really willie, play a link to the past on the SNES
plz :) |
well i played THAT of course jeez what kind of monster do you take me for
I'm trying to download SiN Episodes: Emergence, but my net connection's flaky due to my modem.
Only complaint I have was the length, so I don't really see why you'd say it was stupid. Care to elaborate? |
i just finished the fallout 3 main quest good game
Fuck you guys, there was zero personality to that game. Level design was alright, but the concept's been around since as long as there was science fiction. I'm tired and pissed off at everyone telling me how good Portal is. THE FUCKING CAKE IS A CAKE, GODDAMNIT. SHUT THE FUCK UP.
And Sam, I get high and pick at myself while listening to Boards of Canada, thank you very much. |
yeah portal was really lame and short and easy
Shooting is a dull concept that's been around since guns were invented. Less shooting games please. But since this isn't the "argue about videogames" thread... I got pretty far in Bioshock. Love the game. Reminds me of those kinds of pseudo-ride things at amusement parks with actors and all sorts of crap goes wrong. $5 for this game was a total steal. Steam is awesome. |
Also, I don't give a damn how original a game is. No one's made a game yet where you flip a lightswitch up and down constantly, but that doesn't mean it'd be fun. |
you do know narbacular drop is by the portal guys right :( it's not like they're ripping anyone off
And since this still isn't the argue about games thread, I'm gonna talk about another game that I'm playing right now. Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia is pretty rad. I just made it to Dracula's Castle, which is pretty intense, since it's probably the same size as every other level combined. The glyph system is really awesome, but I wish it gave you more to collect to fight with. I love being able to finally combo monsters, and the steep difficulty doesn't bother me nearly as much as I thought it would. It's hard as balls, but managable. Great game, but I'm getting a little tired of these "Metroidvania" games. I know they're the only ones that sell anymore (lolJudgement) but they haven't done anything radical to the main series since Symphony of the Night. |
MAn, i just really want to get my hands on killzone 2, im going to gamestop to preorder it and get the demo.
Let me see all you Xbots tell me how bad the game is after pretty much every beta player and publication said it was awesome |
The console war is over for this generation buddy. Call off your dogs. Wii, then 360, then PS3.
I'm still under a small pile of games after Xmas (beat Fallout 3, working on FarCry 2 and SmackDown vs. Raw 2008) but there are a few things on the horizon that I'm excited for. Killzone 2 combined with a small library of great games (MGS 4, LBP, Resistance) might drive me to pick up a PS3. Resident Evil 5, Street Figther IV, Diablo 3, StarCraft 2... there are a lot of good games on the horizon. ... I might want to finish Mother 3 soon. :( |
i dislike killzone and the only reason i might get a ps3 is god of war 3 i already pre-payed street fighter 4 and i'm saving up for resident evil 5 yeah in fact i'm playing resident evil 2 on pc 3 on gamecube and code veronica on ps2
I own a PS3 and I'm under no illusion that it's remotely useful as a gaming machine.
I DO know, you are not Serious...Sam (no way around that pun, sorry), but still, it DOES hurt to read such (intentional) fanboy-gibberish.
Concerning Killzone: I´m pretty sure it was just another shooter the last time I checked. It has nice graphics...wow...how cool is that? Nice graphics. And just to make this clear: I don´t care what platform it is released for. 360, PS3, it´s still just another uninspired Shooter and nothing else. |
![]() Quote:
Not sure how the game did financially, though. Critically, it was your standard FPS, but they marketed that game pretty heavily. |
I don't think anyone took Microshock seriously to begin with.
Castlevania: Order Of Ecclesia
I like my PS3. I download episodes of Chowder to it and am waiting for Fat Princess.
Moved Microshock's fanboy post to the arguing thread. Check there for more of his insightful commentary on the console wars.
I finished Order of Ecclasia. Good game.
Started Final Fantasy IV for the DS while I wait for my replacement PSP parts to come in the mail. I'm liking it, which is weird; I hated it on the GBA. I know the graphics aren't changing my mind, since they're not very good, and the voice acting is stale. Maybe I'm just in the mood for dated RPGs. |
I want to play Order of Ecclasia but I am at this one fucking boss and I cannot even remember what it is, but I can't beat it and I got so mad I had to quit. :(
I'm playing Gears of War 2 right now and it's pretty much what I expected: a fun, over-the-top shooter that I'm blazing through in single player but will probably get a lot of playtime out of in multiplayer.
when you go online zomboid hit me up to get some killing together
Seriously, I even died once on the first boss. I can't remember the last time I died on the first boss of a video game. It wasn't that bad until Dracula's Castle, where every enemy takes a shitton of hits to kill, but can suck out an easy 100+ HP out of you. And it's not like grinding helps in this game. |
I think it's like a giant frankenstien looking thing and he has this ground attack that fills up the entire room. :(
Order of Ecclesia features an oldschool mechanic that many gamers are not familiar with anymore: Learning Bosspatterns. The Giant Skeleton and the Crab in the beginning were kinda hard at first, true, but after that it got a lot easier.
And after you get some of the better Glyphs (especially the one from the Nova Skeletons in D´s Castle), most things are pretty easy to kill. But it´s true that this game is quite a bit harder in comparison to the other Castleroids...those were extremely easy for the most part. |
There were times where they dealt 100+ damage per hit while I only had 400HP and a handful of potions. And I grinded.
The real problem is that there's just not enough time to react. For instance, there's a fish skeleton boss. He charges from one end of the room, and you need to run to the other end to hide in the blindspot of the attack. If you're anywhere in the middle of the room, you don't have time to run to the other end; You can't jump over him (giant fin on his back), and there's no other place to run. You have to take the hit. Mind you, this move looks exactly like another move, except that move stops short of hitting you if you stand still. So you have a 50% of getting an attack in or being attacked. Oh, and he can poison you if you get too close. Meanwhile, the lighthouse crab was just "camp here and attack", and Albus, the rival, could be beaten by crouching. It's a great game, but the boss fights had the weirdest difficulty curve I've seen in a game. With regards to FFIVDS, I'm pretty deep into it now. It's upsetting to see Cecil and Edward sit around and cry, even in the beginning of Square's long history of RPG stories. I'm afraid to use the new Augment system since they're permanant, but I love Auto-Battle. That's a nice touch. It's making some of the meaningless battles less bothersome. |
Yeah, the Fishdude was quite nasty, took me 3 or 4 tries I think. Concerning the normal enemies, after a while, evading was pretty easy but it can be rather unforgiving at first, that´s definetely true. Then again I played through Megaman 9 right before I played OOC...maybe that helped.
I thought the voice acting was decent in FF4, ESPECIALLY when you compare it to any other RPG. Case in point....Star Ocean 2. The most expensive porno you'll ever buy. Order of Ecclesia is the shit, even if it's sans Belmonts. Have you tried to get any of the boss medals? INSANE. Anyways, I've put 12 hours into Twilight Princess and I'm only on the third dungeon. Still, I love this game. And I found nitpicky things I LIKE for a change. |
I actually got a few medals without even knowing what they were. One of them was even one of the bosses in Drac's castle.
And if you want good voice acting, Persona 3 (and to a lesser extent, Persona 4) is the only Japanese RPG I've played where I felt some kind of emotion from the actors. Any other JRPG acting has been forgettable. And goddamn, Yang is awesome. Highest attack stat? Dual Wielding weapons? Tons of HP? Awesome. Don't mind me, I'm just using Focus to do 1000+ damage. Maybe I'll start FFV after I finish this. |
I wanna play it for the job system, though. People like to circlejerk over FFV's job system, and since customization was the only reason I played Tactics A2, I'd like to see what the fuss is about. Does FFV have the Red Mage class? With a giant feathered hat and cape? I measure a FF game's value based solely on whether or not I can make a Red Mage. Those guys are so awesome. |
I played through Mirror's Edge and Dead Space and liked them both but I notice neither of them have much in the way of unlockables, that's not good. I can't play through a game a second time unless I have a reason, branching story paths or multiple endings, even something petty like a new costume might do it. I imagine the creators worked real hard on these games but because they don't encourage replay I don't think either of them will leave a very long-lasting impression on anyone.
And yea! WTF happened to multiple endings? And Im not talking about all this "good guy" ending vs "bad guy" ending crap. |
Good luck. I haven't played the remakes but I was only able to get through so far in FFV. The boss battles are really hard. Protip: there's a part where you get kidnapped by goblins or something and they take you to a small forest. Stay in the forest and kill the mobs. They drop a weapon that attacks twice per hit. You can get NIN class and dual wield these for a total of 4 hits with a char. Then you can get DRG and jump, so it's no damage for you, but when you land it's 4 hits on the enemy. FFIV was really great too. I love Cecil and Kain. I've only gotten to the boss who is underground and casts like cure IV on herself constantly. I think we've discussed this before. Haven't we? |
Dead Space was a letdown for me. I came into it expecting it to scare the holy shit out of me because everyone seemed to say it was SO SCARY. But it's more like boo type of scary, just things jumping out at ya.
The atmosphere wasn't anything special, and i never felt ...scared? Because i knew when it was getting too quiet, there must be a monster up ahead |
Who expects to be really scared when playing a video game? How often does a video game include a guy stabbing you to death in real life every 80th customer?
Clock Tower when it came out.
I had a shitload of fun with Dead Space. While it may not have been completely scary, it was very tense, especially at the higher difficulties.
The only time I got scared in Dead Space was by accident, when my friend muted the TV without telling me. I'm sure if the sound had been on a fuckruckus would have alerted me to alien presence. |
The last bit? Yeah, scared me. And I didn't see the "what was really happening with Issac" thing until they brought it out and then I was like, "YEAH!" Maybe it's 'cause I really didn't give two shits about the plot until then.
When that lady first starts accusing Hammond of with holding information I thought the story was going to be generic as hell but it didn't turn out to bad.
I was saying the game had no replayability earlier but thinking about it now they're actually a few good reasons to play through it again; I didn't get to mess around much with all the different weapons cause I kept spending all my money on those damn Power Nodes, I kept hearing this "DA DA DA!!" sound effect indicating something spooky had happened while I was looking for boxes to stomp on (I wonder if those things were suppose to look like Xboxs) I'm still not sure if that was just background music or if I really missed something, and there was still hard mode to go through. It's to bad I rented it and already took it back but I have yet to see a game worth paying sixty bucks for. |
splitting my time between Planescape:torment and Fallout 2
I've been playing both lately and also Burnout Paradise, i can't wait for those legendary cars to come out |
My buddy's got a huge hard-on for Planescape.
i got it at a thrift store for 75 cents :0
Right now, I'm juggling several things:
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (DS) Trauma Center: New Blood (Wii) Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (PS3) I keep moving backand forth between these four, and I've probably run the battery down on both my portables from never actually shutting them off. |
I don't think Expert was ready for us, Sam.
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Bully Dead Space Earth Defense Force 2017 Fallout 3 Left4Dead The Rise of the Argonauts Tony Hawk's American Wasteland Tony Hawk's Project 8 Tony Hawk's Proven Ground |
I'm trying to get into Left 4 Dead multiplayer, and it looks like it would be a really fun game, but unfortunately I'm not very good, and letting my team down time and time again isn't a very appealing prospect.
The original Fallout on gametap for free! Woo Hoo! :rock
Anyone play Spelunky? It's a freeware PC game made by Derek Yu (dude who made I'm O.K. for Jack Thompson's challenge). He describes it as a mix between La Mulana and Nethack, and it's pretty good.
Basically, you're this Indiana Jones-y dude, and you need to collect gold and find an exit, but here, there are different elements to mix up the random dungeons. You can kill a merchant and steal his stuff, or you can try to take it and run. After, you become a wanted man, so all of the merchants want to kill you. Then there are different booby traps you need to disarm and stuff. Lots of stuff to do. Persona 4 is finally winding down, too. I'm 60 hours in and near the end of the game. I think. Last game took 80 hours, so we'll see. |
Finally tried left 4 dead and it's awesome. I've only played a few scenarios so far and have to get used to other weapons besides the shotgun. We've only played on the normal setting so far.
I just got Sam and Max for the Wii so I guess I'll be playing that. I haven't played Wii since Super Smash Brothers came out. :(
i just played and finished shadow of the colossus today not as great as everyone says imo
Just bought Soldner X: Himmelsturmer of the Playstation Store and having a grand-ole time in this German shmup. It's nice to see that almost all games getting released nowadays have trophies.
OOH, I'm also playing Crash Commando! It's like Liero X with vehicles! |
Ah Söldner X...it´s hillarious, what kind of stupid german samples they used ^^ I also love the funny german accent the english voice-samples have. The game itself is fine up to stage...3 I think. After that it get´s really bad. They ignored almost all rules for shmups.
Like I said, it's a western shmup and I wouldn't expect it to be like Ikaruga or something like that.
Yeah but there are certain things that you just don´t do, when you create such a game. Like the movement of the enemies, the layout of the levels...things like that have to follow specific ways of design. Or should.
Linger in Shadows is...pretty weird, you should try it out, only 3 bucks and like 5 silver trophies for doing 6 minutes of gameplay |
so trophys are like the ps3 achivements?
I finally finished Castlevania: Order Of Ecclesia. Dracula is a cheating bastard >:
Next up: possibly Left 4 Dead, assuming I ever get around to hooking up the 360 to my tv again. |
I haven't even touched Sam and Max because I've been in a leaderboard battle with my buddy in Geometry Wars 2. :(
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