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Listen, I'll explain to you very simply.
If trophies are not in the game, I don't really feel like playing it. However, if trophies are in the game, it doesnt make the game automatically awesome, it just means it'll be one of the choices, that's why I didnt get Terminator Salvation when it has 10 gold trophies for each level you beat |
Ah, yes, that makes perfect sense! I totally dismiss games on the 360 if I don't think the achievements sound cool enough. After all, why would you want to pay over 60 bucks for a video game if not to show off your lame little sig graphic?
Microshock, what if the game didn't have any of your precious trophies, but inside the game the goal was to collect or steal trophies.
would you consider playing it then? |
metagaming is the only gaming
set my own goals? fuck that someone needs to set arbitrary goals FOR me |
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I did beat Heavenly Sword and that didn't have trophies...
Maybe it's because when trophies are in the game, I have more incentive to play thru it more than once or just thru a particular mode and may be willing to do more with the game which i wouldnt usually do |
Remember when games were good and didn't have to reward people with shiny pictures to be attractive
Or if it did have extra challenges you got fun stuff from completing them, like all the extra items in Shadow of the Colossus
Like I said, I'm not going to play any game just because it has trophies. And even in games that I like that do have trophies, I don't really pursuit them that heavily.
I need to get a bunch of quick xbox live points. My gamerscore sucks.
shining in the darkness
what game is that, chojin?
How so? Games from 2 years ago that don't have trophies are fine to me, I'll play them if theyre good games and trophies dont matter there because they came before the trophy system was ever implemented.
But when games like Saints Row 2 come out without trophies and then they refuse to patch it even after having the community on their forums ask for it repeatedly and they dont do it, i dont feel like playing the game. |
it's basically fallout 3: the mmo |
Nice.. it looks pretty awesome. I might have to try it out soon.
It's from a game? I thought it was something you slapped together in Poser.
i'm playing kingdom hearts for the ds but now in english
most of the systems work intelligently and are designed intelligently. there's also some neat tech in there. plus any game with ragdoll is good, and any game that lets me clothesline people with a sledgehammer is great. *oh, an observation I made in the region chat today: - This is the only game on the market that lets you flip off a chicken - Why is this feature not on the box - I don't know what's better - that you can flip off chickens, or that it legitimately upsets them |
![]() FILL 'ER UP ![]() oilville, near the auctioneer. mounts in this game are permanent, so people have to leave them outdoors. there's also built-in teamspeak, so it's oddly immersive when your group rolls up on a bandit camp and someone's like "okay, let's ditch the horses back here where they won't be seen" there are also plenty of motorized vehicles, but horses are cheap and there is a tremendous noob surplus at launch none of my good pictures came out :< me and this guy were doing prone TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION in a bar while people were trying to drink |
i want this game so bad but I don't think my computer could support it :(
maybe my laptop ;/ so is pvp pretty fun, then? |
Uh...Monster Hunter, the most recent one on PSP. Strange that I never got into the other two versions...such a nice game.
in the normal map, there are certain zones that are PVP-enabled |
![]() Is the bottom right faction the "FECES" ? |
Techs, looks like
Man that hella reeks of Stalker, now I want to play |
i am seriously in love with this game, guys
i haven't felt like this about an mmo since Discworld MUD back in like '96 the devs also bullshit with people over the channels all the time and abuse the broadcast function, i love it ![]() You can also play in 3rd, 2nd, and 1st person - and there are separate hand models for 1st person so you can pretend you're playing Fallout. |
also this
http://g4tv.com/videos/41836/Fallen-...eting-Trailer/ the quest dialogue also has options which ACTUALLY DO DIFFERENT THINGS and most of the quests aren't typical MMO "KILL 20 RATS" bullshit |
Is it the usual $15/Month?
My computer won't be able to run it. It's too bad because I was looking into an MMO that wasn't WoW.
I actually need to avoid people here at college and don't want to be bored shitless. |
i run it on high settings and don't have any issues outside of towns |
Wolfenstien 3D
I can't stand MMOs, for one. It's too easy for some high-level low-life to come around and brutally rape you, just because he played longer. I prefer games that are equal for everyone, and you LEARN to get good at it.
I recently came to terms with the fact that TF2 isn't fun anymore and uninstalled it :<
I switched to playing Halo PC with mexicans, which I always liked better anyway. I also am one billion times better than when I last played, because TF2 is hard as balls and 3 years of getting cheapshotted by scouts and soldiers has made me into a man. |
What is this bullshit?
Back in my day we got PK'd every 10 minutes by people who were better than us and we LIKED IT BECAUSE THAT WAS ALL THERE WAS. ALSO WE HAD TO GO UPHILL BOTH WAYS IN THE SNOW TO GET ONLINE, SO THERE. |
That MMO gives me a strange thought. It´s a post-apocalyptic game where apparently everyone rides a brown horse, the game looks like it´s from...I dunno, 2007, it´s p2p and I never heard of it. Somethings not right here...
BUT I will find out. |
started playing modern warfare online for the first time in about 6 months.
DEMON'S SOULS >: >: >: >: >: >:
FUCKING GAME >: >: >: >: |
Half-Life 2 again. I'm playing on Hard mode, and I'm stuck on the part in Anticitizen One where you have to defend Alyx while she lowers that core. My men got instantly wasted, and they keep swarming around me. Ugh.
Difficulty in that game is a joke :<
Just charge everyone with the shotgun and double-barrel them in the face. If you're playing HL2 any other way you're playing it incorrectly. |
I want to play it. |
Demon's Souls? Block, Roll, Block Roll, that´s really all there is to it apart from knowing how to exploit the bosses :D Just give it some time, it´s getting a lot easier the more you play.
And playing offline is a good idea. You can´t see the other player´s hints anymore but you also can´t get invaded by other players when you need it the least. |
Sam, we have to finish MUA2 on coop bastard.
Stay on AIM longer. I missed your message yesterday. :( :(
on the final stage / boss of rayman 2 and slowly working through bionic commando rearmed. i need to take a break from disc based games so i can finally justify all the money i've spent over PSN :(
Uncharted 2. Full game. It's a cinematic masterpiece so far, I'm only about an hour in but I love it
Also, I'm playing ODST. I kinda like it, and kinda don't. They cut out a lot of things; you can't pilot Wraiths, and they took out several weapons, like the Battle Rifle and the Assault Rifle, for the most part. When you DO find one, it's next to worthless, since you get two or three spare magazines, and ammo is few and far between. They also took out duel-wielding. I could understand this for the SMG and other automatic guns, but why the PLASMA PISTOL? The campaign is kind of interesting; it's almost free-roaming while you're playing as The Rookie, which is fun and annoying; it's fun to not be stuck on a linear path, but it's easy to get lost for upwards of an hour, like I did. I haven't gotten around to multiplayer yet, besides Firefight (which is AWESOME), but I've heard it's exactly the same as Halo 3. |
Someone told me that in ODST there's this AI who uses electronic street signs and shit to point you in the right direction, so try following billboards.
Or looking on GameFAQs, lol |
Uncharted 2
I am playing with myself does that count?
lol i get it because penis
it can also be a pussy though or both if he/she/it is a hermaprhodite
san andreas. have the entire map open and doing missions with woozie working towards a robbery of a rival casino. all while wearing a gimp suit. GROVE STREET
You know what? San Andreas was a goddamn great game. I should play it again.
Jet hijack mission can suck my cock.
CJ, you a buster.
can i haa dis?
I've been getting into free games lately, despite the fact that I pretty much pirate everything anyways.
A friend directed me towards a neat little flash game called Seed of Destruction. It's a game about a cowboy riding a giant sperm that beats the shit out of planes and tanks. You deflect missiles by flicking your tail at them, and there are a few different enemies that require different strategies. It's just a time waster, but I enjoyed it. I also downloaded Squid Yes, Not So Octopus, which is a lot like Geometry Wars; simple arena shmup. I'm downloading Squid Harder right now to see what kinda upgrades they added. EDIT: Ow, my eyes. Fun game, but mostly just "watch shit explode while you hear funny phrases". Everyday Shooter is still my favorite arena shmup. Also, Persona for PSP. Game's seriously dated, but a lot more "SMT"-y than Persona 4, which is good. |
Anybody know any good indie XBLA games. I've had 200 MSP for the longest time and I'm just itchin' to spend 'em.
There's a game for 1 dollar called I MAD3 A GAME WITH ZOMBIEES. I have no idea what the fuck it is, but it's a dollar
ya I saw that, but I'm really not interested in zombies.
It's a twin stick shooter by the Dishwasher dude. I played a bit on my roommate's 360. It's pretty fun. I got a good laugh out of it, and for a buck, that's pretty darn good.
Valyria Chronicles. Was loving this game right up to the point that the retarded bitch with the beam gatling lance gayed it all up. >:
Far Cry 2. I hit a gazelle with a go-kart, then lit a field full of soldiers on fire. I threw a grenade into the back of the truck and it exploded into the sky. Then I attacked a train depot to get blood diamonds.
I love this game. |
At least, that's how I remember it. Really, once you've got enough people on the other side of the battlefield, it's just a matter of keeping that bitch in place with the Edelweiss. The enemy base is pretty easy to infiltrate once you've made it across. I think that's the last "normal" mission before the fights start getting a little weird. |
Its not that the mission was hard. I just didnt care for the sci-fi / fantasy (whatever you want to call that bitch) ancient civilization with magical super powers being thrown into the mix. Couldnt have just been a bad ass war game without getting anigayed with a tired out cliche?
I still like the game. Its to bad ass for that one dumb bitch to bring it down. |
Trying to get alt costumes for MUA2 and getting disapointed by them. Wolverine alt costume is just Hugh Jackman. Storm's is cool, Thor's is cool. Juggernaut's looks like a drill.
Fair warning, that whole race thing becomes pretty important at the end of the game and kinda brings down the second half. Hence "Valkyria Chronicles" and not "Plain Old Awesome Wartime Chronicles". But the missions get pretty fucking awesome, too. There's this land dreadnought you have to pile your soldiers onto, and you have to use this clever trick with the tanks and the landscape to beat it. And this crazy minefield you have to finagle your way through. They definitely make up for the stupid story with some great combat. I still haven't tried the DLC yet. Hard Mode is supposed to totally change a lot of the missions, and the side story with Edy, Marina, and Gay Bender looks awesome. |
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. I forgot how badass GBA games were.
ancient empires 2 on a cell phone. It is fantastic, I played it about 2 years ago and forgot just how good it is. It really keeps your interest until the end.
I might go and get a copy of X-Men Legends 2 because I never beat it. Going through Legendary mode and just demolishing people using Deadpool Hulk Thor Phoenix Deadpool + Phoenix and even Deadpool + Thor's fusion equals massive kills. |
Whaaaat? The alt costumes are down to 2 and they don't do anything anymore? :(
That sucks so much. The only reason I used "Modern" Human Torch was because of the huuuuge increase in fire damage. |
So, Half Minute Hero. It's a game where every level is its own self-contained RPG, and you have 30 seconds to beat it or the world ends. It's pretty funny, and a few of the levels are really clever, since they run the gamut of silly RPG cliches.
I haven't tried the other modes yet. One of them has you controlling the villain, and another has you playing the princess in a shmup (with a 30 second curfew, of course). Oh! And A Boy and His Blob! That game is fantastic. |
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Oh, I also downloaded Lucidity. Between that and Boy and His Blob, I'm having massive cute attacks.
Lucidity is pretty cool. Fucking gorgeous graphics. Kind of a sappy story, and the mechanics get frustrating since the mouse controls "snap" to a grid and the keyboard controls are uselessly slow. Still, it's got all the appeal of an "art game" (clever use of story, very pretty) without any obtuse bullshit metaphors. Pretty fun for $10. |
Yeah that and the limitation to 4 active Powers per Character really bug me out. Sure, most powers were useless or copies of other powers in the first game but at least they were there... That and Deadpool wasnīt useless after beating the game on normal... |
Miner dig deep. fun so far.
So I beat the first 5 Bosses in Monster Hunter FU and it´s still fun. I guess that´s a good sign. Still, I want a version of the game on the big consoles goddamnit. That would be extremely nice, being able to play online, good graphics and all that aparently unimportant stuff...
there's monster hunter tri coming out for wii for whatever that's worth
Got a lot further in Boy and his Blob. Man, that game is fantastic. Really good puzzles, really good challenge, and the animation is top notch. The different abilities are really fun, and the total lack of tutorial and cutscenes is a nice surprise. Only complaint is that Boy can't jump for shit, and Blob's pathfinding is a little crummy.
The demo for Brutal Legend. Seems like a hack and guitar(Slash) but pretty funny. That and the gameplay demo ends with 3 Inches of Blood's Deadly Sinners which is really the thing that sold me. I haven't seen him in it yet but I've heard Lemmy is a main adversary too. :rock
Brutal Legend. It's probably the best game released this month. :posh
I'm playing as many Castlevania games as I can before Halloween. :rock
And: Hm. A Castlevania Halloween Special in my gaming-schedule MIGHT be fun. Interesting idea. |
Demon's Souls. It's the best looking Rogue-like game to ever break my balls.
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