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I got a Mauser and mowed BANDITOSAM down.
10K I hope you and Sam are ready to go on a killing spree later tonight. I only have one question... Can we lynch people?
@Dimnos, I'd rather shoot bad guys of some sort. Lassoing people is hilarious though.
I have softball tonight then going to hang out with gf. I'll be playing all night tomorrow night though. Get out of work tomorrow at 6pm EST.
The gang hideout missions are awesome. Especially the soundtrack. |
Im talking like 1 am for you east coasty.
I'll try to get on, might be at a bar around then though. I thought I had off all day tomorrow but I have to work instead.
i've been hearing rumors of a delorean in a mine i'm gonna get my horse and look for it
That's gotta be a rumor but its awesome. I found out there is a white hungarian steed on the east east east side of the map.
If you ride it while escaping from Johnny Law in a certain condition you get an achievement: Headin south on a white bronco. :JUICE |
Just bought Lost Planet 2, will play tomorrow.
I tried to play Assassin's Creed 2 last night; I quit after trying to race my brother. That game sucked horribly to me.
You should try it again, AC2 is a ton of fun. Racing someone is kind of lame.
I might try it if someone beats that part for me. Another big factor is I'm generally not too big on Medieval/Renaissance games. :\
Just purchased Batman: Arkham Asylum on PC.
Its great, probably one of the best Batman games I've ever played. The voice acting is superb, the graphics are amazing, combat is fun and easy, and all the little gadgets really make you feel like your stepping into the big man's shoes. |
Preordered Alpha Protocol. FUCKING PUMPED FOR SPY ACTION.
Just got the first 120 stars in Mario Galaxy 2.
Turns out there are 120 more stars that get unlocked after :lol They're really weird, too: they're tucked away in the levels and you have zero hints as to where they are, since the missions are numbered. Then if you even do find them, you usually have to exploit the mechanics to get them, like using Yoshi's tongue to fling yourself off of a flower then flutter kicking then backflipping off of Yoshi all in one go. Fantastic game, though. It's reviewing like crazy. |
I'm pissed you can't use the Classic Controller with these games. Super Mario Galaxy 1 was a horribly clunky piece of shit and I can't believe I hated a Mario game that much.
I just popped in Sunshine and all was well. :( |
I'm inclined to agree, but to each his own. |
I'm really thinking that's it because I really, legitimately hated them. They feel way too floaty, I guess. I'm sure with practice or whatever, I could handle it.
But then, I don't really like the Remote + Nunchuk controller setup for any game on the Wii, so I'm probably not the best judge. |
See, I think they're pretty precise. I usually end up making the game a lot harder for myself by finding retarded challenges like trying to fling a hammer bro into the lava with yoshi's tongue in midair (came close, but I accidentally stomped on him in the air before he could land in the lava :lol ) or landing precise triple jumps in Bowser's stages while narrowly avoiding everything and randomly busting out sideflips or whatever. That's why I love these extra 120 stars; they require my kind of dicking around to find.
Actually, I do that a lot in Mario games. I just like seeing what kind of cool shit I can pull off, but I get a lot more into it with Galaxy 1 and 2. And Sunshine too, though I liked fucking around in that game more than the actual missions. At least Galaxy and Galaxy 2's missions are fun, and you really don't repeat much in the latter. One mission, you're spitting Bullet Bills at shit, the next, you're gliding a bird through a crumbling space station, then you're drilling through a house while the direction of gravity changes. The only changes I would make to the sequel is to bring Splatter Matter back, get rid of the Fat Luma character, and have Bowser only appear once, with the Koopa Kids filling in all of the main boss fights leading up to him. They made the same stupid mistake of repeating the Bowser fight 3 times, and while they do add twists each time (the finale is actually really cool), it just loses it's impact. But everything else is really, really solid. Technically, a better game than the original in almost every way. |
I'll look into it. :\ A bunch of friends are getting it, obviously. I'm the only holdout. I just got Okami, so I'm looking forward to playing that the first time.
It's also designed to be played online co-op, which pisses me off since I'm playing the game through with AI partners. I suppose it's my fault for not reading reviews, but it's really annoying to just be playing some capture the flag type deathmatch bullshit (with AI) when I just want to play a proper single player game. |
My second Red Dead arrived so I brought the first one back to Gamestop and switched it out for Blur which was a lot of fun in the beta...IGN doesn´t like it but who gives a shit...
I'm going to go ahead and warn everyone. Alpha Protocol is fucking horrible. It feels like a game from the early PS2 era. There are virtually no positives, the graphics suck, the sound sucks, the controls suck, the RPG elements suck, and the voiceover work is abysmal. Steer clear of this one unless you want to burn 60$.
Then again, we aren't really alike as far as games go, so I think I'll enjoy it. |
Some Spanish magazine reviewed it and said the character models and animations looked meh, but the replayability was great. They gave it a 88/100.
So whatever. I'm going to play it. I'm going to be a spy. |
So I got Blur.
I really like it. Haven't played much multiplayer, but I can just feel it in my teeth that that's where the game really shines. It does have that kart-racing feel that they talked about. It's got four-player splitscreen on the PC, too. Righteous. |
The great thing about Blur for me is that I still have fun, even when I´m not winning. Sometimes I´m not even near the top 3 but I´m still having a blast :D
Just made Level 13 and the game unlocked...err...daily quests...interesting... Also, I too will play Alpha Protocol next week and I´ll be a tech-guy I guess...I think that was one of the classes... |
I'm curious as to what you'll think about it. But yeah. I'll be the James Bond guy during my first playthrough. Then I'll just be a fucking mercenary the next time and just kill everybody.
I really like the Dodge Viper. And the Reverse Nitro Boost that lets you corner quickly, then catapults and goes WOOOOOOOSH. There's a big WOOOOOOSH factor in Blur. |
True. My favorite Powerups are the Shield (gives me all kinds of advantages) and the Bolt, since I love to annoy people and the Bolt is ideal for that.
I also really love how they gave us the ability to swap out our Perks....whatsitcalled...Mods, yeah Mods, love those, it gives you so much flexibility by fine-tuning certain powerups...the shield boost is really nice, let´s me drive through two EMPs instead of one and the whole thing is active for twice the time...good stuff. Still, out of 34 races, I only made first place ONCE...I´m just not good at racing games... :D Concerning Alpha Protocol...I already know that I expect too much from it since I have to compare it to Deus Ex in terms of descisions and how you go about a mission and stuff like that...really looking forward to it. |
It's a fair comparison, considering that the character models look like they're from Deus Ex.
I enjoy the Bolts, along with the mod that lets you have four at a time. My fave event is the Destruction and seeing all these cars fly in the air because of the chain explosions. |
Once you play it and see how god-awful the controls are, you'll probably want your money back. The only way I could see paying full price for AP is if I was completely ignorant and picked it up at a whim. But, one man's trash is another man's treasure lol.
I read somewhere that some people thought this was gonna be a shooter and they were dissappointed because it´s more like an RPG...which is fine by me.
It's only called "the Espionage RPG" and all. :rolleyes
They were probably hoping that it would be an RPG in the same way that Mass Effect 2 is an "RPG".
So I was telling someone about how awesome the Bit.Trip games were, and how much I'm loving Bit.Trip Runner, and they suggested Vib Ribbon, which I've never even heard of. Got it running on my PSP and...holy shit, I love it. I just wish there was a way to load MP3s onto it since I don't have a PS1 and a copy of the game. Cause six songs aren't enough.
Good shit, though. |
Ah, Söldner X 2 - Last Prototype is available and it´s a lot of fun. Played it for around 2 hours this morning and of course the Bosses have stupid german names that make me giggle in my Poäng (pretty comfy IKEA-Chair ;))
I couldn't get Blur to run on my PC. It kept crashing and disabling my graphics card and shit. It looked pretty cool though. I might pick up the 360 version.
I just started Just Cause 2 and the acting and story are painful to experience. It's like the writer had been lobotomized prior to writing the script. The gameplay is decent though. |
Bit trip runner is hella fun and infuriating.
I like tethering things, it's pretty hilarious.
I found my favorite part of Blur - the sound design.
Like Transformers and shit. WOOOOOOOSH |
Just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum, it's really well made and highly addicting. I played it for a week straight now.
Can't wait until the next one comes out. |
Oh fuck. I tend to agree with Jim Sterling on a lot of games, so I'll probably feel the same way. :( |
Yeah. I really wanted AP but after Jims review I'll probably wait till I can pick up a used copy for like $20 or less :\
I bought it on Steam, but it won't open up until the 1st.
So I nabbed it on a torrent. I already paid for the damn thing, mind. I'm gonna see how it plays in a minute. |
It's prettier than people have said. The dialogue choices are cool. I'm being a total dick to everyone. |
Holy shit, I can't aim to save my life. This is so fidgety.
![]() and I am now Fidel Thorton. |
GD it FZ. Why do you send me these mixed signals?! >:
lol you pretty much made the same exact character as gamespot reviewer
http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/rpg/alph...ol/review.html |
Oh my god, I'm on the first mission and it's so awful. Targeting is shit, you won't be able to hit anything no matter what. Hacking is probably the worst minigame ever made and I think I'm going into seizures.
I can't warn people enough to stay away from this game, but I'm still going to play through because I spent fifty fucking dollars on it. >: |
I fucking told you Fathom! lol If only you hadn't pre-purchased.
It sounds like you were spot-on. I was actually hoping that this might turn out to be the next Deus Ex sort of game, but instead it's just a turd.
If the gameplay wasn't so broken, it'd probably come pretty close. There's a really cool spy feeling about it, but it's just aaaaaaaaaaaagh.
Did you get it on PC FZ? You still have the hope some skilled fan(s) will make some sort of patch or mod that will fix that shit.
True. It's about as stable as Merchants of Brooklyn.
I would be able to deal with all of the dickish moves Obsidian made if they made the camera rotate smoothly around the character. I can't play a game when it's like that. I really can't. It keeps you from seeing your environment and the enemies, aiming, and everything else. |
I'm sorry, Fathom, but I have to admit I enjoyed your series of posts on the subject:
"Okay, I'm a few seconds in, and everything looks good. Conversation options are alri-AAAUUUUGH GOD WHY!? WHY!?" |
Conker's Bad Fur Day!
At first I didn't care for it, until I realized it's not so much a Banjo Kazooie type platformer as it is a simplified version of a Lucasarts-ish adventure game. There's practically no combat in it at all, and the levels are teeny, as opposed to BK's sprawling, massive billion levels full of different stuff to do. Most of it is spent just running around, solving one or two puzzles, then moving to the next area. It's ok, but not as funny as the internet would have you believe. |
Despite the gross out humor it has, I always thought the Great Mighty Poo fight was interesting and unique. Before that I never had to fight a boss that sang to me.
I admit, Alpha Protocol is pretty much shit in the technical department but I still like it, I just didn´t think they´d mess up the optics and part of the controls that much...I don´t really mind the whole "I can´t hit shit"-thing, since it´s an RPG, not a Shooter. Look at any Bioware RPG. People are hitting each other in the face with maces but nothing happens as long as the dice behind the scenes don´t say so.
But I can understand that most people will get some kind of seizure when they play this game ;) good thing I got it a bit cheaper... They should do they same thing I proposed to the Nier-team: Keep their story-writers and gameplay-designers, fire the rest and get some grown-ups to program their game. |
The training mission sucks, true. The other hubs are quite interesting up till now.
Finished Saudi Arabia and Taipeh and I´ve just arrived in Russia for my thrid operation...it´s nice how the people you meet remember in which order you went to which place...the guy I met in Taipeh (3rd Opration in the list, I did it first) talks about the things that happened there, how he and I were involved and what it can mean for our continued cooperation in Russia (1st Op in the list, doing it second). I suppose he´d treat me a lot differently, had our first meeting gone more hostile...could´ve tried to kill him too of course...but I prefer to keep potential benefactors alive, even if they´re the apparent head of some secret tech-mercenary-group. |
Just beat Resident Evil 5 for the first time. The last few chapters were designed by satan himself, I swear. It's like they don't want you to enjoy the game at all and most of it is not self-explanatory. I can't imagine beating it on the hardest difficulty, it must be like slamming your dick in a car door.
I broke a controller while fighting Wesker for the first time, I think.
That's when I returned Resident Evil 5 and never ever played it again. :lol |
For anyone wanting some good espionage action and spy stuffs, there's a game called Subversion coming out from Introversion Games, the makers of Darwinia and Defcon. It's very promising looking.
http://www.introversion.co.uk/blog/index.php http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/subvers...08163937851035 |
i kiled wesker in like 5 minutes the second fight of course
The quick time events were such bullshit in that game. That's why I stopped.
yeah at least in umbrella chronicles they had the courtesy of letting you know when they were coming with the effect on the screen
You guys are such pussies. :lol
Im with Sam. Your all pussies if you cant beat Wesker or the QT events. :\
wesker was easy i even beat it with a stupid ai partner
I didn't care for most of it anyway. I liked Mercenaries more.
Alright, finished Alpha Protocol on normal with an Engineer in about 15 hours. Up until the very last part it was really fun despite all the technical shortcomings...I for one don´t regret getting it :)
Now, on to replaying it as an asshole field agent. |
Wesker wasn't the hard part, the hard part was the giant roaches that have one hit kills and the multiple gatling gunners. Was anyone else offended that Sheva's other two costumes make her look like a stripper? Maybe it's just my feminism kicking in lol.
Wesker, especially when fighting him the second time near the Bomber is more annoying than anything else. A pretty badly designed bossfight.
And I liked Sheva´s 3rd outfit for the obvious reasons...but the second one looked fuck ugly...maybe it was the haircut and the glittering gold-stuff...horrible. That reminds me, I still gotta buy RE3 for my PSP :) Also, I´m still having a blast with Blur. Level 19 and quite a lot to work with already :) |
Sheva refused to fight Wesker the second time so it was pretty frustrating for me too. I wish my girlfriend would just play the damn game with me, it would make it a lot less ridiculous....actually maybe not :P
Or you should play RE5 online. I'm always up for it.
lol, I refuse to pay for xbox live and I don't have a PS3. BTW, is it worth it to get one yet? I really want to play MGS4 and Heavy Rain, as well as watch Blu-Rays eventually.
Yeah, Heavy Rain and Blu-Ray is making me kinda wanna get one. Then again, there still aren't enough other titles that I actually wanna play.
heavy rain is only good if 2 things get together 1 you haven't had the game spoiled and 2 only if is your first playthrough after that it looses all its charm even the director said don't play it more than once
Depends on what you define as "worth playing". I actually got the PS3 for Infamous. MGS4 is not a game you buy a console for. You play it at a friends house, shake your head and go home ;) But if you already have a PS3, buy it.
Other Games worth mentioning: Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain (Rent), GOW3, The Ratchet and Clank-games, Uncharted Series, 3d Dot Game Heroes, Maybe Little Big Planet and Folklore too aaaand that´s about all the Exclusives I own...stay the fuck away from Resistance, especially the first one, horrible game. Also didn´t like the oh so great Killzone 2...all very uninspired and boring to me...might get it now that it´s Platinum though... |
Ok OxBlood. I was probably going to pick one up once the price of used games drops a bunch. I never buy consoles unless they are outdated. I've got no idea why lol.
Heavy Rain is worth playing all the way to the end. Don't quit in the middle. I liked the super-awesome good finale, though, and how Madison got set up for a second game.
damn red dead redemption is multiplayer is pretty cool i need to level up i want the bull with the nose ring
For some reason, Red Dead isn´t that interesting to me right now...I´m somewhere around...60 or 70% and haven´t touched it in a week because of Blur, Alpha Protocol and Söldner X2...which is still a lot of fun, gotta find all the secret keys to unlock the real ending though...
You have it on PS3 dont you vare?
yes i do
if you guys wanna play online i can rent it on wednesday i have a free rental and i want achivements :P
You should wait till the weekend so you can get more play time with it. But then again I dont recall Bill being on during the weekend. He has a life or something so maybe the weekday is better. :\
i'm on vacations starting wednesday
I work on saturdays, but usually like to play on sundays. I have off on tomorrow but I need to do mad laundry.
I love the second bossfight with wesker near the bomber :(
there's like a few neat things you can do but i cant remember them :( i think one of them is when you shoot the rockets at him and he stops them, you can shoot the rockets and theyll blow up in his face :O |
I like how he jumps over to the bomber, picks up a rocket and like does the Heisman before throwing a fucking rocket at you.
Now that's badass. |
you have to shoot the rockets then stab him with the serynge
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