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OxBlood Jun 18th, 2010 04:44 AM

I remember the Gameboy Kid Icarus being quite fun but I know I never got very far, so I guess it was as fucking hard as the NES-Version.

Finally got Peace Walker and hell, it´s nice, even though I trigger the alarm too often...then again the enemies can´t see or hear shit, at least in the beginning.
My main complaint is the over-sensitive Analog-Nub, it´s pretty hard to just walk instead of running around.

k0k0 Jun 18th, 2010 09:20 AM

I never got into the gameboy or any handheld games really. I don't like the small screens. And really, as for kid icarus, it was a christmas present as a kid and I would have much rather had a different game under the tree that year. I played it as much as I could stand, but it's not a good game to me.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 18th, 2010 01:32 PM

I'm on the final level right now.

My beef with the game is that, on top of evil evil shit like Eggplant Wizards near the end of a dungeon (forcing you to backtrack and start over, or die and start over, meaning they successfully created a fate worse than death) and the bugs that steal your weapons permanently until you rebuy them, there's still really intrusive glitches, like enemies that just fall out of the sky in the first and third worlds, constantly. Or Reapers that fall off ledges, or watching the first boss walk through the wall on the left side only to reappear on the right, and the countless times I've watched an arrow go through an enemy.

It's bad enough that it's Nintendo Hard and that world 1 is the hardest part of the whole game, but constant glitches don't help. It's just really unpolished.

And I love portable games. It just more intimate, I think.

Dr. Boogie Jun 19th, 2010 10:46 PM

Playing Yakuza 3. Fans of the series were mad because Sega left out the hostess bar and mahjong minigames for the American release, but for me, they were among the worst of the minigames.

There's a new weapon/armor creation system where you watch DVDs and read magazines to learn new recipes. I swear to god, though, I think Koko was involved in making one of them:

The DVD: Enema Master II


Ball Buster
Brickshitter Beer
Ass Quills

k0k0 Jun 20th, 2010 10:37 AM

It'd be even more nonsensicle if I touched them. Buster would be Buttsr, Beer would be anus, and Quills would be Cocks probably.

Pentegarn Jun 20th, 2010 10:01 PM

Your over the top depravity makes me laugh, not for the jokes themselves, but because they are so excessive it is funny. :lol

OxBlood Jun 21st, 2010 05:11 AM

I think I overdid it a little bit...

Not only do I have Peacewalker, God Hand and Maken X here, my US-PSN suprised me with 20 Bucks on my account that I must´ve loaded some time back to buy Resident Evil 3 or something. So now I bought RE3, Suikoden1 (I´d give half a kingdom for part 2 on PSN) and Wild Arms 2. PLUS The Saboteur should arrive today too (finally cheap enough in the UK).

When am I gonna play all this shit...

DougClayton4231 Jun 21st, 2010 09:27 AM

Gonna try out Naughty Bear and Singularity today if I have enough time. Exams + work + other facets of life = no time for videogames. I'll be sure to tell everyone if either of these games are worth it though.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 22nd, 2010 01:29 AM

I've been playing TF2 a lot lately, but I feel like I'm getting worse at it. That, or today was just a really really bad day :(

Beat Kid Icarus. Last level's pretty lame. Meh.

Fathom Zero Jun 22nd, 2010 02:37 AM

It can be like that. Don't sweat it. You'll have a better day tomorrow.

DougClayton4231 Jun 22nd, 2010 11:48 AM

Naughty Bear is a vile piece of software. It's clearly marketed towards children, though all the game encourages you to do is curb stomp and eviscerate all of the other bears and it was given a T rating because it lacks blood. Wtf ESRB? Btw, the gameplay is quite horrible and the camera keeps getting stuck on things.

Singularity seems pretty cool so far, but it is very old school when it comes to FPS standards (no recharging health, minimal hud, etc.)

Metro 2003 went from bad to worse. The enemies take way too many bullets, there is far too little ammo, the level design is horrible and the gasmask thing is just annoying. I don't think I will finish this one.

Fathom Zero Jun 22nd, 2010 06:57 PM

Giga Wing makes me feel so badass. Even though there are harder ones out there, it's just satisfying to rack up two trillion points sometimes.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 23rd, 2010 05:14 AM


I've wanted to play this game for so many years, but apparently Sony only made three whole copies, because I couldn't find it anywhere. Then I remembered "oh hey, I got a bitchin desktop for graduation. I'll just emulate it!"

So I did.

Man, talk about frustrating combat. The kid controls poorly, and the enemies are just frustrating. I'd like it a lot more if the controls and the combat weren't a pain in the ass.

DougClayton4231 Jun 23rd, 2010 09:01 AM

Ico made me want to scream, his dumbass girlfriend didn't help much either. I still have no idea why people like that shitty game.

Guitar Woman Jun 23rd, 2010 10:28 PM

I tried out Modern Warfare 2 and after playing to the point that I'm not on the bottom of my team's leaderboard every single game, I hate it more than I did when I was bad at it

It kinda feels like a copy/paste of Counterstrike, except in Counterstrike the knife wasn't nearly as fucking ridiculous.

I think the Riot Shield was a brilliant thing to put in the game, though, what with about 75% of deaths happening due to being shot by some jackhole on the other end of the continent that you would need a large HD TV to have seen beforehand

OxBlood Jun 24th, 2010 06:20 AM

Even a large TV woulnd´ve helped since there´s always 2-12 people somewhere behind you, above you or the hide in your gun and shoot you or something like that. That´s the sad thing about both Modern Warfare´s, if you didn´t start playing the multi when it was first released, it´s hard to catch up. I still remember the stupid hours in which I tried to get the...what was ist...25 kills or so with my prefered weak gun so I could use a red dot sight. Sadly I can´t hit shit without a red dot sight sooooo...

I WAS fun for a few days, I´ll give it that.

DougClayton4231 Jun 24th, 2010 11:06 AM

I still never understand why people love playing deathmatch with complete strangers. The only deathmatch I ever enjoyed was Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Outlaw on the 2600. What's the allure to killing random people from a camping point with a RPG?

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 24th, 2010 11:52 AM

Mainly because they can't screen watch.

Dimnos Jun 24th, 2010 12:57 PM

Better competition. Variety of competitors.

Guitar Woman Jun 24th, 2010 01:33 PM

My borrowed Xbox Live tag is SandierBear002, if any of you fgts think you're man enough

Maybe I can find a way to disable the combat knife so we can't kill each other by magic

Dimnos Jun 24th, 2010 02:00 PM

Man enough for what? What are you playing?

Guitar Woman Jun 24th, 2010 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman
Modern Warfare 2


Guitar Woman Jun 24th, 2010 02:41 PM

I know most of you guys don't like me but at least pretend that you read my posts ok ;_;

stevetothepast Jun 24th, 2010 08:54 PM


OxBlood Jun 25th, 2010 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 690073)
I still never understand why people love playing deathmatch with complete strangers. The only deathmatch I ever enjoyed was Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Outlaw on the 2600. What's the allure to killing random people from a camping point with a RPG?

Dominating people is ALWAYS fun, Me > You is one of the most basic principles of human society :)

Which is of course why Iīm a VERY bad and unsporting loser :lol

Erm, anyway, playing a bit of Saboteur now and itīs suprisingly fun, even though its just another sandboxgame no one really needs.
Itīs especially funny to listen to the nazis. Some of them are obviously voiced by germans or people who can emulate german without an accent while some of them are clearly american and they are mixed up all over the place...a lot of fun to listen to :lol

Great oneliners too. I break one naziīs neck, another one sees me and immediately shouts: "Ich bin dein Todesengel!" (Iīm your angel of death!)

Just hillariously stupid...also, if the nazis had fortified Paris like they did in the game, it would be german today...thereīs towers on EVERY house, thereīs FLAKs everywhere, Airships looming above the city, thereīs fucking V2 rockets in the outskirts of town goddamnit...when did they get all that shit over there...

DougClayton4231 Jun 25th, 2010 08:19 AM

lol Oxblood, the French in The Saboteur is the same, the accents are wrong most of the time and it sounds like they just got some random asshole to voice everyone.

OxBlood Jun 25th, 2010 09:34 AM

True, the main frenchman...what´s his name...Luc, he sounds like some cheap immitation of a french person by someone from god knows where...but french IS a strange language. Ever seen a french guy speaking decent english? I haven´t, so maybe it´s the same the other way round too.

What´s also funny is that, at least to me, most male characters sound like they were voiced by the same guy, they all sound the same more or less.
Sure, Sean has an irish accent...apparently. I don´t know what Irish people sound like, I´m happy that I can tell Scots from English people and some American accents from others...

Dimnos Jun 25th, 2010 12:02 PM

I have never met two Irish people who had the same accent.

darkvare Jun 25th, 2010 12:23 PM

i love how french people talk english they seem uncappable of pronouncing anything that employs using the h in front of a vowel

DougClayton4231 Jun 25th, 2010 03:31 PM

That's because you never pronounce the H in French. The main character in the Saboteur has a Scottish accent, not an Irish accent, which is very lolworthy. In every language, foreigners always have a weird accent. For example, I am not French, so my French accent is a little off and it sounds more Haitian or West African. I've never heard anyone speak German in a strange accent though.

OxBlood Jun 25th, 2010 05:02 PM

The saboteur does have it´s fair share of strange-sounding german coming out of american mouths ;)

A common thing is that non-germans often tend to pronounce a soft S like a sharp S. The soldiers in the game for examples have this line: "Ich suche...ich suche" (I´m searching, I´m searching) which is stupid to begin with because it makes them sound like a databank-program :D The S on "suche" is soft but they pronounce it like the s in "search" for example. Apart from the fact that the "Ich" is often pronounced like "Ik"...which people from Berlin actually do but it still sounds different :)
It´s the beatuy of having sounds in one language that another doesn´t use often or even at all. Your rolling R is another good example, or the TH-Sound that maaaany germans can´t seem to get right no matter how hard they try...at least that gave birth to clearly german-spoken english...if you know what I´m trying to say...listening to german TV and writing english seems to confuse me a little...

I like this accent-business, it´s kinda fun for some reason, especially when the people that are supposed to speak german in games have accents so garbled and strange that I - an actual german - can´t understand them anymore :D

stevetothepast Jun 25th, 2010 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 690200)
I have never met two Irish people who had the same accent.

I'm Irish like a motherfucker

anywho playing that risk xbla game. its kind of okay, but it's just risk with stupid cartoon characters, which is what I was expecting anyways.

MarioRPG Jun 25th, 2010 07:29 PM

I started playing Trauma Team and it is by far the best when compared to the other ones I've played. The controls are polished and the "exact preciseness" of the previous entries has been made a lot more easy. Which is good news when you think about how shaky the sensor can be. Also the different types of operations (ER, ortho, paramed, etc) is a nice touch that mixes it up just enough each time.

DougClayton4231 Jun 25th, 2010 10:47 PM

Trauma Team is great, there's nothing like multiplayer malpractice!

I lost all of my Wii saves, so it looks like I'll have nothing but work to do in the upcoming month :lol

Phoenix Gamma Jun 26th, 2010 12:58 AM

"Oh, Diagnostics. That could be interesting."
"Oh neat, the guy is some bitter, unshaven jerk. So basically I'm House without the cane or vicodin. Cool. Let's start level 1."

"Well, here I am, telling a 14 year old girl to lift up her shirt."
It's good that no one was around to see that :(

Oh and I went back to Peace Walker to try the Monster Hunter missions. Really fucking hard. Until I learned an exploit. 100+ tranquilizer darts later and I bagged my first dinosaur monster lizard thing. Big Boss is so much cooler than Solid Snake.

Dixie Jun 26th, 2010 03:12 AM


Guitar Woman Jun 26th, 2010 11:29 AM

Sometimes I forget how absolutely brilliant TF2 is until I go and play a much shittier online shooter in an attempt to wean myself off of Valve's primary-colored smack addiction.

Modern Warfare being the shittier game in this instance. I've played it for about 16 hours so far and every 30 minutes or so of getting knifed or shot out of the blue with absolutely no warning I'll remark to myself, "Holy shit, I hate this game." Visibility is really the most massive factor. Tn TF2, you can see pretty much everything and always know what's going on; where you are in a level, how to get to the place you want to go in said level, who's attacking you, the direction your enemies will generally be coming from, whether or not you're about to die, etc. In MW2, by comparison, everything is an absolute clusterfuck, you won't know you're going to bite it half the time until you're already dead, and you generally can't fucking see anything. That might be more like real life combat than anything TF2 does, but realism does not go hand in hand with fun. Like, ever.

Not sure why I keep playing it, though; probably because I've found I'm not a horrible sniper, and I've always had a thing for intensely lying prone and peering daggers down my scope while I wait for an oblivious schmuck to wander into sight. Although it's sort of annoying in MW2 since sniper rifles are considerably shittier at distance-killing than most of the standard assault rifles. I get one very precise and very loud shot, while unable to move easily. The other guy gets 30 mildly accurate shots while lumbering at me, and if none of those hit me he'll probably instakill me with the fucking stupid combat knife attack instead.

Another thing I've noticed is that smoke grenades are useless; I tried throwing them at demolition targets a few times to give me some cover to set a bomb up, but the guys outside the smoke's range can see my outline plain as day while I'm fucking blind as a bat inside of the thing and they murder me just as easily as if I'd charged in Leeroy Jenkins style.

I've not touched the single player yet, but seeing as how MW2 was pretty much built around milking the multiplayer popularity of the first one it probably isn't as good. It certainly won't have anything as masterful as Pripyat.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 26th, 2010 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 690200)
I have never met two Irish people who had the same accent.

When my grandmother came back from visiting Ireland she told me how nice the big cities were and how beautiful the language sounded. Then she was like "Then we went out to the country and found a bunch of country hillbilly irish. Sounded like a crowd of fools." :(


Originally Posted by stevetothepast (Post 690265)
I'm Irish like a motherfucker

anywho playing that risk xbla game. its kind of okay, but it's just risk with stupid cartoon characters, which is what I was expecting anyways.

I saw you playing that the other day and was going to get it. Instead I got avatar warriors for 80 xbx points. It's only fun if you have someone to play it with next to you though because you can't play online.

It's basically hilarious slapfighting and kicking with really bad ragdoll physics. So much fun though.

OxBlood Jun 28th, 2010 06:47 AM

I´ve started another round with Symphony of the night...I don´t know how the game does it, but it never gets boring to me...sooo close to perfection.

I also hope they release Puzzle Quest 2 on Wednesday over here, I really want to play that thing, loved the first one.

darkvare Jun 28th, 2010 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 690437)
Iīve started another round with Symphony of the night...I donīt know how the game does it, but it never gets boring to me...sooo close to perfection.

I also hope they release Puzzle Quest 2 on Wednesday over here, I really want to play that thing, loved the first one.

speaking of symphony of the night it got me pissed off i need the 200.6% achievement and i only have 200.4% :\ does leveling the familiars counts or items

Dimnos Jun 28th, 2010 01:24 PM

I think just owning all the familiars counts. I Dont think you have to level them but I could be wrong.

darkvare Jun 28th, 2010 01:48 PM

curses i really don't know what else to do

stevetothepast Jun 28th, 2010 01:55 PM

super mario galaxy 2

DougClayton4231 Jun 28th, 2010 02:13 PM

Finally got Neo-Geo VC games to work on my Wii and I've been enjoying Breakers Revenge, which is damn close to being as good as King Of Fighters 98. Any Neo-Geo recommendations?

Phoenix Gamma Jun 28th, 2010 02:25 PM

the Metal Slug games, KoF 98 and 2002...uh...

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 28th, 2010 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 690459)
speaking of symphony of the night it got me pissed off i need the 200.6% achievement and i only have 200.4% :\ does leveling the familiars counts or items

I bet I can help you out. I have 200.6 on my PSX save. In the regular castle there is the merman room. Look on your map or let me know if you got the jewel sword from there. In the lower part of the room where the mermen attack from there is a secret room to the left with a jewel sword in it. To unlock the door you have to enter the little cave part in the top half of the merman room. Enter in the left side of the cave as the wolf. Exit out the right side as the bat.

You can also do that in the inverted castle.

darkvare Jun 28th, 2010 03:25 PM

i have that i also have the beryl head thing i used it to beat galamoth i even filled the part on the inverted castle with the wolf and the jumps

Dimnos Jun 28th, 2010 04:14 PM

Have you spent hours going over your map looking for a tiny little gap?

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 28th, 2010 04:23 PM

might just be a random corner then. Can you take a picture of the castle maps on your game? I know another thing people miss are getting the log data for shaft and dracula. Kill shaft, then attack dracula once and then use a library card.

darkvare Jun 28th, 2010 07:14 PM

ah finally god damn i feel like an idiot it was a small 2 rooms thing i was missing thanks for the help

Pentegarn Jun 28th, 2010 09:30 PM

Why not do the sword brothers trick and get 210%? Or can you not do that on the non PSX versions?

darkvare Jun 29th, 2010 12:35 AM

xbl patch i think it removed it

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 29th, 2010 02:14 AM

I could never get the damn sword brothers glitch to work. GLAD TO hear you made the 200.6 club darkvare. My caps got locked in the first part of the last sentence and I',m lazy/drunk so I didn't fix it. Congrats though :)

OxBlood Jun 29th, 2010 05:12 AM

I never got the whole castle...always bumbling around at 198-200% Some of the water-pools in the inverted castle just won´t let me fill them in...pisses me off.

kahljorn Jun 29th, 2010 09:09 AM

pissing off is probably your entire problem :(

DougClayton4231 Jun 29th, 2010 10:24 AM

Just beat Aria of Sorrow on GBA, it was pretty sweet.

OxBlood Jun 29th, 2010 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 690588)
pissing off is probably your entire problem :(

If Alucard could fill the things with his half-vampire-piss and it would count towards the 200.6% map, Iīd gladly let him ;)

Aria of Sorrow was pretty good, yeah, I think of all the handheld Castlevanias, Order of Ecclesia is my favorite, donīt know why, none of them is as good as Sotn...

Dimnos Jun 29th, 2010 12:28 PM

So have you guys heard of this new multiplayer Castlevania coming to xbla?

Fathom Zero Jun 29th, 2010 12:36 PM

I've seen that and the new Columns-esque Castlevania puzzle game.

Dimnos Jun 29th, 2010 12:43 PM

Is the puzzle one out yet? I keep looking for it but I cant ever find it.

darkvare Jun 29th, 2010 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 690607)
Is the puzzle one out yet? I keep looking for it but I cant ever find it.

nope and is also iphone exclusive >:
so now my ps3 has video editor lol

Dr. Boogie Jun 29th, 2010 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 690573)
I never got the whole castle...always bumbling around at 198-200% Some of the water-pools in the inverted castle just wonīt let me fill them in...pisses me off.

For some of the pools in the inverted cavern, I had to switch to wolf form and use its silly dog paddle to scoot along the ceiling.

OxBlood Jun 29th, 2010 04:42 PM

Oh...Dog paddle, eh? Never thought of that, thanks Doc :)

This new Castlevania on XBL seems to be a pure Bossrush-Game, doesn´t sound very interesting to me but we´ll see.

darkvare Jun 29th, 2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 690629)
Oh...Dog paddle, eh? Never thought of that, thanks Doc :)

This new Castlevania on XBL seems to be a pure Bossrush-Game, doesnīt sound very interesting to me but weīll see.

i wanna try it cause is multiplayer

Dr. Boogie Jun 29th, 2010 05:55 PM

I'm interested in how the single player aspect will be. For the multiplayer, everything scales up, which means you need to hook up with good players, and not idiot losers like the guy who played the E3 demo before me. That guy sucked.

darkvare Jun 29th, 2010 06:21 PM

when it comes out we can have i-mockery teams

OxBlood Jun 30th, 2010 04:55 AM

I´m gonna take a look too, but I´m just pretty sure it´s not gonna be that good. But I like to be pleasantly suprised so what the heck.

The Dog-Paddle thingy worked really well :) Now I´m up to 199.2%...what the fuck...it´s like trying to find a specific blood vessel in your veins and write a little poem on it...damn my metaphors suck in english...anyway, you get what I mean.

I hate it that XBL updates "sometime" instead of "when something new arrives". I want Puzzle Quest 2 damn it.


Okay, so after about 4 hours of Puzzle Quest 2 I come to this conclusion: Good but somehow not as good as the first one. Why? They put in some new elements (Weapons, shields and accessories usable in combat, good idea, giving every class a means to heal in battle and stuff like that) but at the same time they apparently took out the whole castle-building-thing with all it´s possibilities as well as the mounts. You CAN upgrade your weapons but it´s very expensive and you can find the same weapons randomly in chests (good minigame-mechanic btw).

But my main complaint: No random battles. What the fuck. How am I supposed to grind? Quickbattle? Gives me around normal XP but only 30 Gold.

Oh and the game is really luck-based most of the time, the CPU cheats again, though not as much as in Part 1 and the battles are all pretty long and difficult. Somehow feels like playing an RPG where you´re about 5 Levels too low for the region you´re in if you know what I mean.

DougClayton4231 Jul 1st, 2010 01:29 PM

Trying out Crackdown 2 today. I'll be sure to tell you if it's worth the investment. (Offline at least :P)

MattJack Jul 1st, 2010 08:06 PM

It aint.

There I saved everyone a lot of trouble.

Fathom Zero Jul 1st, 2010 08:42 PM


Oh shit, Deathsmiles is out.

Phoenix Gamma Jul 1st, 2010 09:06 PM

"Man, why does everyone say Quest 64 sucked?" I said. "I rented it as a kid and thought it was pretty cool. Never beat it since I didn't have a memory card though. Maybe I'll emulate it now and try beating it!"

"Nevermind, this game is horrible. What was I thinking?"

That was pretty much the last hour and a half of my day today. I really want Persona 3 Portable to be out now :(

Also, Super Mario Crossover has a new version if you haven't played it. Tweaked a lot of the old characters, and you've also got Ryu Hyabusa added. Shit rocks.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 2nd, 2010 01:27 PM

I played quest 64 for an hour trying to figure out how to get out of the courtyard. Bad times.

darkvare Jul 2nd, 2010 01:59 PM

i think i actually finished quest 64 it was average

Pentegarn Jul 2nd, 2010 05:28 PM

Quest 64 was a blight on humanity

Phoenix Gamma Jul 6th, 2010 05:12 PM

Got Trine during the Steam sale. Man, what a fucking frustrating game. Apparently the developers never got the memo that spawning enemies two feet from the player for minutes on end isn't a fun way to stretch out the length of the game. Especially when the combat isn't very good. Also the physics frustrated me, which isn't good, because 80% of the game involves puzzles. I'm glad I finished it.

Waiting for Persona 3 Portable to come out so I can care about the PSP again.

Esuohlim Jul 6th, 2010 05:39 PM

Playing through Chrono Trigger for I think the third time, but I haven't played it in a long while so I don't really remember a lot of it. Fucking fun as hell, though

Dimnos Jul 6th, 2010 05:59 PM

I hear they will be porting it to iPhone by the end of the year.

Phoenix Gamma Jul 6th, 2010 08:07 PM

Hope not. It'd be pretty hard to use the menus with the touch screen. It was fine on the DS if you moved the HUD to the touch screen, but the iPhone doesn't have enough space, and you have to make commands pretty quickly in CT.

kahljorn Jul 6th, 2010 08:08 PM

there is an option in chronotrigger though to make it passive turn whatever shit

i think anyway

Phoenix Gamma Jul 6th, 2010 08:19 PM

yea, only when you're choosing a target or spell. But when you have three separate menus for three characters running, it'd be pretty easy to fuck up and choose Chrono's attack instead of Marle's Magic or whatever. Unless you made the menus bigger, but then the battlefield would be smaller. It's not like FF1 where you have all the time in the world, and enter commands in a specific order.

Eh, I already have the definitive version on DS. That's all that matters.

kahljorn Jul 6th, 2010 08:42 PM

yea, i guess i was thinking of a different game :( i thought chronotrigger was the one with three time options but that's prolly cause i was like HAHA CHRONO--TIME MUST HAVE LOTS OF TIME OPTIONS ;/

darkvare Jul 6th, 2010 08:58 PM

i finished battletoads cheating of course and found out that level 2 has a warp and that the game lets you drive a little jet

Phoenix Gamma Jul 7th, 2010 12:45 AM

PERSONA 3 PORTABLE!!!:love:love:love:love

The original is one of my favorite RPGs. I'm bummed the presentation took a hit, but the new content and game tweaks definitely makes up for it.

I'm playing as the girl so I can gossip about girl stuff :lol and because I want to see the big changes they made. Supposedly they changed the story for both genders, but playing as the chick changes a lot of the scenarios around. Apparently which genitals you have is important in society or something :rolleyes I wonder if she can date chicks...

Oh, her music isn't as good, though. Too bubbly. The guy's soundtrack is more tolerable, plus he doesn't run in heels, so you don't have to hear those clapping all the time. I did forget how great the voice acting is, though. Really convincing delivery.

Dimnos Jul 7th, 2010 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 691318)
Hope not. It'd be pretty hard to use the menus with the touch screen. It was fine on the DS if you moved the HUD to the touch screen, but the iPhone doesn't have enough space, and you have to make commands pretty quickly in CT.

They actually did pretty good with the FF ports. I bet they do change it to be more passive and change up the menus to be more touch screen friendly.

Zomboid Jul 7th, 2010 01:44 AM

Crackdown. Man, this game is repetitive, and finding those stupid orbs is annoying.

kahljorn Jul 7th, 2010 03:36 AM

i saw somebody play the demo for crackdown 2 and i dunno. it looked/played like what i would've expected crackdown 1 to look like.

OxBlood Jul 7th, 2010 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 691345)
PERSONA 3 PORTABLE!!!:love:love:love:love

The original is one of my favorite RPGs. I'm bummed the presentation took a hit, but the new content and game tweaks definitely makes up for it.

I'm playing as the girl so I can gossip about girl stuff :lol and because I want to see the big changes they made. Supposedly they changed the story for both genders, but playing as the chick changes a lot of the scenarios around. Apparently which genitals you have is important in society or something :rolleyes I wonder if she can date chicks...

Oh, her music isn't as good, though. Too bubbly. The guy's soundtrack is more tolerable, plus he doesn't run in heels, so you don't have to hear those clapping all the time. I did forget how great the voice acting is, though. Really convincing delivery.

Didnīt they announce that they would make your Partymembers controllable in battle? That was about the only bad thing about P3 on the PS2...or...wait, could you already control them in the FES-Version? I got it here but never played it after I finished the regular P3...

DougClayton4231 Jul 7th, 2010 10:51 AM

Almost finished with Trauma Team and replaying Splinter Cell Conviction on expert. The endoscopy missions on Trauma Team should have been banned, not only for being disgusting, but also for being ridiculously difficult on the higher levels.

Phoenix Gamma Jul 7th, 2010 10:51 AM

FES had better AI, then P4 had the best AI and manual control. Portable is straight up P4's core engine with some of the stuff from the original game, and a few changes. So it's kind of a mix of everything:

-Manual control (P4)
-awesome AI (P4)
-Getting up from being knocked down doesn't end your turn, but getting Dizzy while knocked down is a threat. (P4)
-Additional commands like helping someone up, follow-up attack (P4)
-Navigator tells you enemy weaknesses, not the weaknesses you've already found (P3)
-Three types of physical attacks (P3)
-The best cast of characters (P3 <3)

They change a few other core mechanics. Fusion spells are gone completely; now you get Spell cards ala more traditional SMT games. Getting tired also works differently; you can fight as long as you want, but it seems you won't get tired until you go home. To balance that out, returning to the entrance won't fully heal you anymore (it costs money). Combined spells from the first game are gone like in P4 (Cadenza, the best starting heal spell from Asparas+Orpheus, is now an ITEM, so you can't abuse it anymore). Personally I left the AI on for P4 and P3P because it adds to the role playing aspect of the games, and it makes battles more streamlined. It hasn't let me down yet.

Some other changes were implemented from FES to Portable, like the social links, and donating money at the shrine taking up time now (but now you can WORK at shops now, which ups 1-3 of your personal stats and gets you some cash). Managing equipment is done through the main menu instead of talking to people, and the weapons store doesn't frustrate anymore.

The tweaks definitely make it the best version of the game, even if the presentation took a hit, and the changes to both the original story and the female story give an added incentive to play again.

EDIT: Aw I liked the Endoscopy levels in Trauma Team. Just found it funny that you could turn around and NOT see the endoscope at all :lol My beef with the game was that Forensics took fucking forever!

DougClayton4231 Jul 7th, 2010 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 691369)
Aw I liked the Endoscopy levels in Trauma Team. Just found it funny that you could turn around and NOT see the endoscope at all :lol My beef with the game was that Forensics took fucking forever!

Yeah the forensics was pretty ridiculous, especially the mad bomber levels. I just don't like the controls in the endoscopy levels, it's like they got the wiimote and nunchuck controls backwards.

Esuohlim Jul 7th, 2010 05:00 PM

Does anyone know which is the best SNES Final Fantasy game? And are any of them worth avoiding?

Seven Force Jul 7th, 2010 05:34 PM

Final Fantasy 6 is the best in my opinion.

Dimnos Jul 7th, 2010 05:35 PM

FF6 that was originally sold here in states as FF3 is the best FF game ever.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 7th, 2010 07:00 PM

FF6 is the best FF game on SNES. The music is fucking amazing. I'm trying to negotiate my girlfriend into naming our child Locke if its a boy. She's almost settling on it as a middle name at least.

stevetothepast Jul 7th, 2010 07:21 PM

do not bother with mystic quest, its shit.

I prefer FF2 over FF3.

Pentegarn Jul 7th, 2010 07:25 PM

I think Mystic Quest is worth one play through. Then you can call it quits on that one. It is an intro to RPGs for the SNES in essence, and is worth looking at for mere curiosities sake. Takes a few hours to beat and then you are done forever.

I don't think there is a better between 4 and 6, they both have good story, good play, and good characters.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 7th, 2010 07:54 PM

If you get bored try and get a copy of Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrials for SNES too.

Phoenix Gamma Jul 7th, 2010 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 691407)
Does anyone know which is the best SNES Final Fantasy game? And are any of them worth avoiding?

Chrono Trigger addresses my complaints with jRPGs: you can just end conversations mid sentence by walking away. No random battles, so you see who you'll be up against or avoid them if you want. And since battles take place in predetermined locations, there's really no need to grind; the game gives you just the right amount of battles that it's not too easy or hard if you just fight everyone Plus the combat is great. It's worth it to let the time meter stay full for awhile since you can combine other characters' attacks for different effects, as opposed to just picking attack or your strongest spell as soon as the meter fills. Also character location makes a difference, since some attacks move in a line, or in a circle.

It's also got a fun story about time travel, a talking frog knight, a slutty cavewoman, a polite robot, and a parasite that ends civilization in the year 1999. The time travel aspect is explored surprisingly well, too, both in story and gameplay. By the end of the game you get a sweet flying time machine to travel between time periods, solving mysteries linking characters from totally different eras together. It's surprisingly deep for an SNES game from 1995. I think a lot of people don't realize how impressive that game is.

FF6 is pretty cool too, but it's pretty dated in a few ways. It's got the best story in the series, but I think CT improved a lot of it's game mechanics. FF6's story is more dense than CT's even with all the inter-time period relationships and events. CT's story is more fun, for the sake of the gameplay, FF6 keeps the same old gameplay from FF4 and focuses on telling a good story. They compliment each other well and are both stellar, and which one you like more will come down to preference.

Anyone who recommends Secret of Mana has nostalgia goggles on. That game's aged poorly. I don't care for Super Mario RPG since I liked the Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi games one hundred times more, but for whatever reason SMRPG is loved by many, so maybe I just don't get it.

Tales of Phantasia is pretty cool. If you don't know the Tales games, all their combat is in real time, on a 2d side scrolling plane. The stories are usually pretty bland, but the combat's pretty fun. Later entries focus heavily on stringing together combos, though Phantasia still definitely encourages keeping attacks going between all the characters.

And I'm pretty sure most of i-mockery loves Earthbound. It's got some flaws (totally hard and a little unfair at the beginning, fairly easy later on. Figuring out what to do next can be pretty frustrating without a guide, which the game came boxed with.) but it's charming as fuck, and it doesn't involve swords and dragons, so it's got a different feel to it. I think Mother 3 is a lot better, but they're both fun.

kahljorn Jul 7th, 2010 09:16 PM

i think tales of phantasia is like the greatest rpg ever :(

there's also star ocean 1. I really liked lufia 2 also.

Fathom Zero Jul 7th, 2010 10:23 PM


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