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Secret of Mana is still fun to play if you play it with a friend. SMRPG is still great. I never played the paper mario games though. I've always wanted to play Star Ocean 1 but never did.
I just started playing Lufia 1 and Final Fantasy 4 again. I forgot how much fun these old rpgs were.
The thing that was really annoying about Lufia 1 was the targetting system during a battle. Example: You are fighting 4 goblins and you select all 4 of your party members to attack the same goblin. The goblin dies after the 2nd party member attacks him. The remaining 2 party members will still attack the blank space where the goblin was instead of attacking the 3 other alive goblins.
During regular battles this isn't so bad but I've spent a long time on a boss battle where you fight the 4 goblins in question. So you would spend a good amount of time trying to kill one of the 4 goblins. Then after attacking the 1st goblin for 6 turns you might kill it on the 1st party members attack sequence and the remaining 3 party members attacks would be useless. |
Yeah, that's true. I don't think I've ever played an RPG like that other than Lufia. The story is kinda cool though. Playing Assassin's Creed 2 and it actually is much less annoying in French than in English. If I spoke Italian, I'd probably play it in that though.
There are a couple other RPGs like that, not that I can name one at the moment.
I've always wanted to play the Wild Arms games because they looked like a spiritual sucessor to the Lufia games.
I played through a good amount of Secret of Mana 2(maybe 3....Seiken Densetsu 3 maybe) on an emulator and it wasn't that great. Would have been fun with more than one person. |
someone told me one time that mystic quest was supposed to be the secret of mana 1 or 2 or something ;(
the thing i hated most about lufia 1 is when you get to that place where you have to do some shit with fucking towers or something. I couldn't figure it out :( The first star ocean is hella awesome though. |
I looooove Final Fantasy 6. Such an awesome game.
Engineer update for TF2 is live! I didn't expect it so soon! The new upgrades look fantastic, especially the Gunslinger.
i was playing tf 2 and it froze :c
Oh man, does that mean, I canīt abuse...whatever the name of the ultra Fusion spell was that lucifer+? had to oneshot the final boss? That was fucking awesome back then! That bugs me a litte, the fusion spells were really cool and I absolutely LOVE abusable things like that in RPGs ;) itīs not like P3 was the easiest RPG in the first place, it was freaking brutal at certain spots if I remember correctly...sounds like, itīs even harder now...AND your playing on a timer AND you have to know exactly what to do on each day to maximise your results...man. Good thing I still have my 300+ Pages of Guides around here somewhere...the things you do for your favorite modern JRPG... Oh, one question, Episode Aigis is not part of Portable, right? |
From what I hear, no, but I saw the Doors of Sands in a trailer, but the male was being played. Which is kinda, you know...impossible. So there's some new content with that that isn't Answer related specifically. And I clarified a few things: spells ARE passed on still, but combo spells between two personas are items now because they were all too amazing. Like Cadenza and stuff. You CAN fuse Personas with specific weapons now, which I don't remember, but haven't tried.
The game's easier now that you don't get tired until the next day. Means you can basically grind forever, which is what being tired was supposed to prevent. Now they charge for healing, but it's not a ripoff like in P4, so you can dungeon crawl for a long time. EDIT: Oh and I won Destructoid's P3P contest. I'm getting Junpei's hat in the mail :D Second Persona-related contest I won! |
Also I got two of the three Engineer updates! Still need 3 or 4 more achievements for the last one, which is the most interesting I think (Wrangler. Lets you manually aim sentries, though they do jack shit by themselves. Replaces pistol.)
The miniturret is pretty interesting, and a few times I found it useful. Like if I need to escape, I'll drop it behind a corner I'm running down and it'll at least slow down the other guy. Plus there were a few times where I ran to a point, dropped an Exit, picked up some scrap, then dropped a minigun and went on my way in seconds flat. That's pretty empowering. But since you can't repair them, it makes their role totally different. I can't figure out how to use them effectively beyond quickly setting up base or shaking off people while I haul ass. The new shotgun is worth having right now, because everyone's either an Engineer or a spy or demo. So shit explodes. Having those revenge bullets is handy when your sentry's having a hard time staying up (or is a minigun. In which case you'll lose them a LOT and save up revenge bullets). Moving buildings is pretty fucking ridiculous though. That's a game changer, and the fact that he can do it by default now really opens up strategies that are a little too effective. Like upgrading a sentry in your base, packing it up, teleporting, and planting it someplace way further off without having to camp and wait for an upgrade. If only the Minigun could do it, I'd understand, but regular sentries, dispensers, and teleports can all float around? Matches are really gonna flip flop now. Also, I'm pissed the guitar is ONLY a taunt, and not an actual weapon. As cool as a mechanical arm is. The new maps are awesome though. Really fun. |
Final Fantasy Adventure for the gameboy is like secret of mana 1. |
I gotMario Galaxy 2, but it's just like the first one. I don't know why I buy these games. I don't know why I expected different.
Uh, the first one was good, but I don't want to buy it and play it again. |
Mystic Quest was called Final Fantasy US cause we were considered "inferior" at the time and didn't get #5. |
I beat FFA while hiking through the grand canyon.
:lol take that nature. Seiken Densetsu 3 just seemed kinda disjointed.
I couldnt put it down. I took it mostly for the car ride but once we got there I had to take it with me.
So FF6 Japan = FF3 USA?
Because I've (barely) played FF3 on DS, which I'm guessing is FF3 Japan :\ |
FF1 = FF1
FF2 = Only released in America later FF3 = Only released in America on the DS FF4 = FF2 FF5 = Also released later FF6 = FF3 The rest are all properly named, and all the first 6 are properly named now thanks to countless remakes. |
Final Fantasy V was pretty good too. I have it on PSX, not sure if they remade it on the GBA as well.
i got a key for the medal of honor beta
Oh :O i guess final fantasy adventure was called MYSTIC QUESt in europe but it has no relation to final fantasy mystic quest ;/
Seiken Dentsu 3 does seem kind of disjointed at first but i think that's because you get to choose your 3 characters and depending on which characters you choose the scenarios are similar/different. i think its a pretty cool game though, especially once you start changing jobs and such :O |
It prob would be better with a controller. I was using WASD and the numpad :(
I did play as the thief guy, got to his 2nd job as a ninja I think and started cleaning house. |
I'm so excited to get back home and download the engie update.
Was Secret Of Evermore a sequel to SoM? And more importantly, was it worth playing?
nah i dont think it was a sequel, its a fun game though. better than secret of mana, i think.
how'd you swing that? |
That's the word on the street, at least. Like all those "Xeno" games are aren't related at all. Xenogears, Xenosaga, Xenoblade, the latter of which was renamed near the end of development because the same director had worked on it (and they wanted the association.)
Similarly, no one would have been disappointed in Chrono Cross if it had a different title :P |
Wow, played Persona 3 Portable for around 3 hrs yesterday and it was really hard to put down while waiting for the fucking sun to dissappear in the basement (the stupid heat got to my system, headache, nausea, the whole program)...I hate summerdays, oh how I hate them...unnecessary bullshit.
Assassin's Creed 2 had one of the most unsatisfying endings of any game I've beaten. :(
All the talk about old SNES carts got my nostalgia juices flowing. I went to a place about an hour away and bought 2 old SNES games I owned once but sold. Paladin's Quest and (because it was mentioned) FF Mystic Quest
As much as I love my old SNES, I prefer to carry most of the library around on a USB-Stick :D
Xenogears and Xenosaga are related. |
Phoenix! Im trying to put an SNES emulator on my sons PSP. When I turn on the PSP and go the "Game" section and look at the memory card I can the emulator but when I try to launch it I get an error saying the data is corrupted. I have a feeling you can help.
It won't launch the rom? Or the emulator? What emulator are you using? I've been having the most luck with SNES9x, which worked without any configuration for me. Something might be in the wrong folder, but I'm not sure. dl.qj.net has working downloads, incase you suspect your download really was corrupted.
Also, firmware might be the problem. Some emulators require them to be in GAME150 instead of GAME depending on the firmware, though I'm pretty certain newer custom firmwares don't require GAME150. But definitely give that a shot. I think this only works on fat PSPs with 1.50 kernel installed. Lastly, make sure you have the newest version of the emulator (dl.qj.net has just about everything), since some were rewritten for newer custom firmwares that don't support 1.50 kernel. If the newest version doesn't work, try updating to newer custom firmware like 5.50 GEN or 5.50 Prometheus. So yea, it's gotta be one of those three. Corrupted file(s), a misplaced folder somewhere, or your emulator or firmware is outdated. |
They are like Cable and Nathan Summers. |
Wont launch the emulator. Its the SNES9x that Im using. Although after looking at that site you posted Im not sure I have the latest version. Ill have to get to the house to check though.
Tried Crimecraft for a day because it was free. I was kind of liking it until the PvP portion came along. At that point, the tutorial disappeared, and I had to try and figure out where to go from there.
It's odd; you don't get newer, more powerful weapons, per se. You just get weapons with more slots so you can put in different modifiers. There's plenty of skills to choose from, too, but you can only take 2 on at a time, including passive ones. I finally quit when I realized that nearly all the quests required PvP in specific areas where no one was playing. Plus, I didn't know anyone else playing the game, so I had to pair up with whoever was available. Sucked. But now I'm playing The Red Star. It's pretty fun. Like part beat-'em-up, part shooter, and part bullet hell game. |
i had a red star demo for xbox of course soon after the game was cancelled for xbox :(
Now it's on the PSP, iPhone, and PS2. :)
Singularity was pretty good, if not a bit old school. The TMD is one of the coolest things in games since the gravity gun in HL2. I need something new to play for 360, can anyone suggest anything?
What genre? Can´t help you with shooters, but I´d reccomend Prototype and Just Cause 2 from the open-world-blahblah-genre if you haven´t played them yet.
As for NEW games...is there anything new apart from Crackdown 2 which isn´t new but just a DLC-like sequel? |
I dunno. This month is pretty dry with the exception of SC2. Was Prototype good? I heard that it was a bit like Infamous for the PS3.
Secret of Evermore wasn't related to the "Mana" series other than the system it used. US made at least. It's a pretty good game (SoM is better) but I don't think they did a good enough job with the settings... Cool idea and all. |
lol there's this other chrono trigger themed game too but it was only on the gameboy or some crazy shit. I think that you play magus in it ;/
Prototype is extremely hectic and brutal where Infamous is more relaxed and tame. Thereīs hardly a quiet moment in Prototype and it is a bit less polished than Infamous but I liked both games a lot. If you can find it cheap or whatever, give it a try. The main thing in Prototype that CAN get on your nerves is that youīre really hunted by the military AND the infected freaks. Anyone sees you, all hell breaks loose, tanks show up, attack helicopters are on your ass and you gotta get out of there if you want to survive. Sure, you can disguise yourself pretty effectively if you want but the missions force you to venture into the more infected regions of the city and the further you are in the game, the more is infected until the whole city is one giant molloch of violence and screaming and the red shit that infects everything. Oh, and I liked the story and the way it was told. You get your normal exposition during the missions but you can also work on "the web of intrigue" which is basically you stalking goverment officials and scientists and absorbing them which reveals strange visions of the whole shit that led up to you being in that city and the way you are. And from one guy you get a lead on the next and so forth. And of then thereīs one of the major draws of the game: You are SO fucking powerful in the game later on itīs not even funny. You take out Helicopters and Tanks left and right, you mow through a whole street full of infected with your tentacle-arms, you pound APCs into the ground with your sword-arm before hurling yourself 2 blocks by throwing your giant-fist and shit like that. The feeling of power really came across in Prototype. Sure, it has some cheap and frustrating missions and the constant pressure can be annoying but all in all: Awesome game. And...yeah, I guess you can tell I like it :lol |
It really was a great game, Prototype. The one big complaint that I had was that in the middle of semi-challenging missions were a few ridiculous boss fights where you're getting pounded from every direction all the time.
Prototype is fun, but the only thing I don't get is why the military wont just bomb the damn city. There's mutants everywhere and a guy in a hoodie who can rape tanks with his bare hands lol. I think that more than warrants a better strategy than "let's stand around idly until some shit pops off."
Prototype was one of those games that the more you thought about what was going on the more retarded it became. Infamous was WAY better.
I'm gonna try and get through Red Dead Redemption again. The controls made me ragequit the last time I played. Might play through Arkham Asylum on Hard again too. I loved that game so much.
over the last two weeks i spent $55 on PSN buying monkey island SE, monkey island 2 SE, the tales of monkey island bundle (chapters 1-5), and just yesterday deathspank. i've beaten MI and MI2 in the past, but god are they glorious in the special editions. control scheme for MI2 is a huge step up from MI. i've beaten tales chapter 1 which was pretty good (the puzzle when you're trapped in singe's lab is great), and am fair enough through MI and MI2
i started deathspank yesterday and i lurrrrve it. great monkey island style humor and conversation trees + mindless hack and slash. quests are pretty retrievey but i don't care, the combat is fun enough |
I just got Monkey Island 1 over the weekend because I've never played it myself.
Never played the new special editions? Or at all?
I watched my friend play part of it when I was younger but I've never played through it.
You'll have fun with them.
A friend came over the other day and I decided to pop in my SNES cart of Zombies ate my Neighbors for some 2 player action. I was saddened to find that I wasn't having any fun with it anymore.. Didn't hold up for me.. We put in The King of Dragons instead. Even if the arcade version stomps it it's still good on SNES. Zombies might be going on ebay. :( |
I just enjoyed the gameplay in Prototype more. You had a greater variety of powers, as opposed to the electricity grenade, missile launcher, sniper rifle, etc. You were also a lot more mobile in Prototype, which really comes in handy for moving around a huge city. |
I wish I had invested in a Saturn and the 2 D&D arcade games. They were a lot like King of Dragons |
So for about a month, I've been saving items in TF2 in hopes of a new hat. I finally crafted one tonight...
It's the same fucking hat, but with teeth on it. If my math is right, it costs 2 items for a scrap metal, and three scrap metals for a reclaimed metal, so a reclaimed metal is 18 items. Three reclaimed metals makes a refined metal, so that's 54 items for a refined metal. Then three refined metals for a hat, so 162 items total for a hat, correct? I wasted 162 items on the default hat with teeth. I am so fucking mad right now. |
Errr...TF2 has items now? Did I miss something? Last time I looked it was a team-based funshooter...but that was back when it was released...
Played about 4-5 hrs of DeathSpank and I really like it. Nice humor (not always but most of the time), fast, simple gameplay, a very relaxing game. Concerning Infamous vs. Prototype, I think the Plot of Prototype is better, Infamous´ Story is just too bland even with the twist-stuff. Also: The town descends from center of modern civilization to deadly mutant moshpit in a week? I don´t think so. The concept of Prototype feels a bit more realistic, I mean how many days does the game span...not that many if I remember correctly. Military tries to contain the outbreak, fails and nukes the site from orbit. That´s about what happens over the few days in the game. |
infamous was baller and probably one of my favorite ps3 games. yeah the story is a bit unbelievable, but so is a guy who gets struck my lightning or something and then can... jump off of buildings and not get hurt
but the gameplay is fucktons of fun |
I liked infamous better because it felt more fleshed out. It felt like you were more a part of the story and not just some super guy running around killing everything. In prototype the guy spends the first half of the game bitching about having super powers and all concerned about a virus he himself released?! I dont know about you guys but I dont play games for their believable stories. If I had to pick what story was more believable I would still have to go with infamous.
Red Dead Redemption just won't fucking end. I killed Williamson and Esquella, but there is still more genocide left to be committed. Now they want me to shoot endangered species and Native Americans. Haven't they suffered enough?
On another note, I find it hilarious how much hypocrisy there is in RDR. John Marston acts as if he's the good guy, but he is just an assassin with a flimsy cause of reattaining his family. Literally, everyone you meet convinces you to commit multiple acts of homicide based on their poor political philosophies or outright racism within two minutes of meeting you. 12 hours in, I've killed over 800 people and I haven't done any killing outside of missions. How can you have a mass murderer take a moral stance on anything lol? Dan Houser really needs to give it up, San Andreas was the only marginally good plot that he wrote, and that was filled with shitty dialog and paper thin reasons to kill people as well. Any parent who'd give this game to their child is setting them up for failure. |
I actually grew disdained with RDR single player after meeting the legendary gunslinger. The rest of the game just felt rushed. I did like the "I know you" stranger though. Hoping the single player add on is good and not garbage like every other DLC I've played.
Ghost, I killed the last gang member that I was supposed to and now the game has reverted back to being about being a farmer, rather than just fucking ending.
Your getting close Doug dont worry. :lol
:LOOLOLOL Oh man Doug. I can't wait for your next post.
Did any of you guys see that article on Destructoid about the moral implications the end of that game represents? It was quite convoluted and clear the author was looking WAY to into it. You cant help but laugh and think "Dude its just a game! :lol "
I actually skipped the opening scenes and the closing scenes. I read about what happens so I didn't bother watching them.
I got to that part, then skipped to the "after that" part where I can change clothes again. Was kind of in a hurry. Need to go back and watch it.
The final final part where you kill the guy and get your revengeance was really lame. You killed one guy YEARS AND YEARS later who all but forgot about you and was only marginally responsible for all the shit anyway.
Fucking lame. |
I felt it wasnt so much about revengeance as it was "Do it or we kill you!".
exactly, that's why I skipped most of it. |
Only because the buffalo died. :rolleyes
I've tried not to kill any because I tried saving my fellow Buffalo. One did get corpsed and skinned though. :(
Man. Fuck those buffalo. If they werent meant to be killed god wouldnt have made their fur so soft and their meat so tasty.
Wow....just wow. What a shitty ass ending. After 10+ hours of gameplay, the last thing that anyone wants is for the protagonist to commit suicide by US Army rather than flee for his life. Personally, I thought that John was going to make a run for the border. That revolutionary asshole said that he could have his own personal asylum down there whenever he wanted. It's like if Rambo surrendered to the Vietnamese army in #2 rather than trying to fight his way out. I'm just fucking mad now.
i stopped playing single player before i had to kill dutch or something :(
The ending was a bit of a letdown, especially the "epilogue" for reasons you all know well enough :D
But the real lowpoint of Red Dead for me was Mexico. The plot just takes a 15 hour break or something and just assumes you´re still there when it decides to come back. That and I fucking hate the desert. As a concept, as a place, you name it. Even Videogame-Deserts make me feel uneasy, so I guess I really don´t like it... Can´t really decide what to play now, finished Ghostbusters (360) a few days ago...good think I just got it from a friend over the weekend, pretty boring game even with all the nice atmosphere. I was also urged to play Zone of the Enders 2 since I never played that (finished the first one when it came out though)...and...I kind of hate it. Boring gameplay, stupid story, unlikable characters I almost thought I was playing an Armored Core-Game with all the senseless boosting and shit...I don´t know if it´s me or the game and I honestly don´t really care. Been thinking about givin Blacklight a shot, but the feedback from other people was not really that enthusiastic, despite the rather good ratings...good thing there´s a Demo. |
That's where I got annoyed with it too. I usually love the desert levels the best in videogames. It's the water temples/levels I hate. |
Overall, I enjoyed single player, but that ending was definitely a bit disappointing. I think the idea was that by doing what he did, they'd finally leave his family alone, but I don't think that came across very well.
Also, I think the "years later" revenge should have been more a bigger deal but I think it fits well with the western theme. Still, I put in over 5 days of play time, and that was before I started multiplayer. |
I guess I'm going to start FFXIII today....sigh.....
I know that it's going to suck, but I have nothing else to do to kill time until mid-August. At least SC2 comes out in a week. |
XIII is pretty fun to play. I need to finish it though. AND SOUL CALIBUR 2 CAME OUT YEEEEEAAAAARRRRSSSSS AGO. |
I dont know what you guys are crying about Mexico was the best part. Of course I spent most of my time there drunk playing liars dice. :\
sadface |
Yeah I heard about being able to play the liars dice in multi. Thats going to kick ass. What about the other games? Can we play hold em in multi?
Pretty sure horseshoes, hopefully poker too. I would have to think they would need some kind of online currency or something then though.
Horseshoes is stupid. It's stupid in real life, too. >:
You just have to know the twist.
The gay twist?
And it all comes back to glory holes.
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