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Glory holes? I thought we were talking about conga lines.
lulz SC2= StarCraft 2. I only got an hour into FFXIII before ragequitting. The horrible acting and voicework drove me nuts. Also, there's a cutscene every 2 seconds. It just feels like it should have come out around 15 years ago, the battle system is super lame.
I guess I'm going to attempt to play Dante's Inferno. I remember quitting right about the point when the game asked me to kill aborted fetuses. Something about that made me cringe for society. BTW, wtf is a glory hole? |
is a hole where you put something and then someone else makes you feel glorious and if killing fetuses maks you cringe you are in for a very cringy ride since they are around 90% of the game
Just tried out Blacklight aaaand...I guess Iīll just play a bit Modern Warfare 2 instead :lol Oh and I bought Dungeon Twister but that doesnīt belong here :) |
i was playing blacklight and got annoyed quickly seems like people managed to snipe me with shotguns eff that
guys sc2 = star control 2 wtf
lolololol, Now I have learned about the magic of glory holes. I'm going to go cry now.
Anyway, the combat in Dante's Inferno reminds me of a bad Ninja Gaiden 2. The God beam button is pretty awesome though. I use the B button more than I use the regular attack now. |
I only played the Bot-Mode-thingy and the aiming itself seemed pretty bad, as did the graphics...really not that pretty. Nice for a XBL-Game but nothing Iīll invest 15 Bucks in. And Dragon Quest takes its sweet time being released here...Friday I think...I really donīt want to play anything right now, might be the stupid weather...I just want to skip ahead 2 or 3 months and be done with summer...no one needs that fucker anyways... |
Dante's Inferno has one of the worst cameras I've ever seen in a 360 game. I've died about 30 times, and none of them were due to the combat. |
Am I correct in assuming Dante's Inferno is just a bad God of War ripoff?
Yeah, but God of War was a bad game to rip off in the first place. I still have no idea why nerds get boners over the idea of playing as a bald malcontent with daddy issues. The more you know, right?
We ruled out naming our daughter gloria hole.
Started the Prince of Persia reboot the other day. I know a lot of people are down on it, but I'm kinda enjoying it. Yea, the Prince isn't really a prince, and he's far from Persian (well, he's straight-up Nolan North) but I kinda like the conversations he has with Elika, and the way they interact in the gameplay is kinda...cute. Like swinging on the same pole together, or that little twirl they do when they switch sides standing on a beam.
I want a magical chick with little clothing to follow me around and help me do stuff. Except she wouldn't give me shit like Elika. Basically I just want the chick from I Dream of Genie. Oh right, the game's pretty good too. Collecting seeds is pretty annoying, but it's fun to go through a level after you heal it. I like the way Prince isn't really "locked in" on where he can and can't go, even though you technically only have a few options, there's still a way to cheat the game sometimes if you're clever enough. Tried Alien Swarm, cause it's free on Steam. Because I wanted the TF2 hat for playing two missions. Yes, I'm a bad person. But the game's actually kinda fun. It's just an overhead version of Left 4 Dead, except the zombies are aliens, and the character you pick effects your weapons and party role. So like TF2 and L4D having a baby that's 3rd person overhead. Hard to get a game going, though, and friendly fire means I (the medic usually, cause no one ever wants to be the medic and I don't want us to lose) gets whooped harder by my own stupid teammates than the aliens. I'm back into SSF4 too. Trying to learn Ibuki's combos, but they're really fast on the input. Cody's another one I'm trying to learn, cause he's awesome. |
@Phoenix, I liked the reboot too, but I hated the simplified movement mechanics.
The ending of Dante's Inferno was horrible, more male nudity than ever in a videogame. 1 shitty game down, about 30 shitty games to go... |
Aw, I like the simple controls. It's been awhile since I played the original trilogy, but I'm pretty sure that game's controls were a pain in the ass.
Then again, I'm the one person in the world who didn't like Sands of Time. |
I liked the cocks.
Hm, I just found out about the Kings Field Games yesterday, never knew Demons Souls had spiritual predecessors. Ordered 1 and 4 right away, seems like theyīre the only ones that were released in Germany back in the day. BUT KF4 must have the most horrifying intro-dub ever. Listen to this shit. Sure, itīs german but the voice itself is just...unreal. Starts at 00:22. :lol
Starting Bayonetta and some other bullshit today. I might play Bully on the Wii, but idk. |
finished deathspank the other day. the final boss was easy as fuck, but for the most part the game was pretty easy, however still enjoyable and exploring was fun. i'll probably still grind from 19 to 20 just to get the trophy. deathspank 2 anyone? or DLC? something please! (i'll probably play through the game again anyway)
Not really a video game, but it's related: I just watched the Professor Layton movie.
That man can take down a pack of wolves, a giant robot thing, and win a sword fight all in the same film. So awesome. They really need to hurry up and release the next two games so that the film can finally get dubbed. |
It's funny that Warrior Within actually improved the combat system and the platforming, but people unanimously hated the game because the prince was no longer a crybaby douchebag. I didn't know that improvements could garner so much hatred in the gaming community.
He wasn't a crybaby in the original. A spoiled prince? yea. But he's kinda supposed to be a Prince. I think the word's somewhere in the title.
Angsty "Crawling in my Skin" McAngsterton isn't an appealing character. At least in Two thrones they were back on track and had a solid ending to the trilogy. Even if the two prince thing sucked. |
It's funny, I hated him in the first one, was indifferent to him in the second one, and I barely remember the third one (other than it was hard as shit).
I'm going to attempt to sit through The Last Airbender tonight. Wish me luck. |
i just got afro samurai i loved the series the game is cool but not great
Im bored with Halo 3. Now I'm just stacking up explosives in Forge and blowing them up.
I just started playing Alien Swarm. Best free game I've played in a log time. Anyone want to play?
my pc won't run it and is not for mac :(
Oh my god, I got near the end of Prototype and it feels fucking impossible! Keeping up with 18 different enemies that can all kill you in one big combo is ridiculous. And then the army shows up and makes it even more difficult. Who thought that this was fun?
I found that in battles like that, it helps to swipe rocket launchers from the army and use them on the heavier enemies.
oh capcom i love you
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It's probably gonna get released laaaaaaate into next year or the one after that. Excited? Ehhh. It's more like, "That's cool."
I'm not into Tekken, and was bummed when the rumored "Namco vs Capcom" turned out to be this. Still, Chun Li jumping in for a double ultra was pretty awesome.
Popped in Road Rash II again on my Genesis.....This time around I could handle the choppy frame rate and got all the way up to Level 3 before I turned it off. Good Stuff.
The PC / Saturn / SegaCD version is IMO the best Road Rash ever created but that's only because I've never played Road Rash 64 yet. |
Free UO shard. Got a guild, some houses, and love PKing....you all should join. |
best toy review ever
![]() I was a little disappointed when I first bought this item, because the functionality is limited. My 5 year old son pointed out that the passenger's shoes cannot be removed. Then, we placed a deadly fingernail file underneath the passenger's scarf, and neither the detector doorway nor the security wand picked it up. My son said "that's the worst security ever!". But it turned out to be okay, because when the passenger got on the Playmobil B757 and tried to hijack it, she was mobbed by a couple of other heroic passengers, who only sustained minor injuries in the scuffle, which were treated at the Playmobil Hospital. The best thing about this product is that it teaches kids about the realities of living in a high-surveillence society. My son said he wants the Playmobil Neighborhood Surveillence System set for Christmas. I've heard that the CC TV cameras on that thing are pretty worthless in terms of quality and motion detection, so I think I'll get him the Playmobil Abu-Gharib Interogation Set instead (it comes with a cute little memo from George Bush). |
EDIT: nvm I thought you actually wrote that.
Someone was bored on the internet one night... |
None of the infantry weapons seem that effective when they're being used on you, but they do wonders against organic enemies, especially rifles vs soldiers. |
just finished limbo i don'y get the ending :/
I am playing the results of my last trip to the bargain bin. Summoner, the Bouncer, and Dynasty Warriors 2. There is a very, very good reason for these to have been on the bargain bin.
Dynasty Warriors 2 was decent.
Bouncer and Summoner though... At least Summoner has the "Dungeons and Dragons" skit easter egg'd on it though There was a time when that was as close to a good RPG as you could get on the PS2 |
I hope you're talking about Summoner and Dynasty Warriors 2 being in the bargain bin.
edit: I liked the Bouncer and wanted to play it the other day. |
bully again except this time on wii
Starcraft 2. The campaign is pretty cool, but to be honest, I don't think it should have taken this long to get the game out the door. 12 years is a long ass time between games that are nearly identical (except that there are new units and 3d graphics.) It's good though.
i want to play the prottoss story
So Im thinking about picking up Demons Soul or Darksiders today because I never got around to getting them when they came out. Any suggestions as to which I should pick up?
Demon's Souls. The servers are going to go offline in March. It's my favorite game of the past four or five years. And it's challenging, but not so difficult as to be boring.
Servers of going offline? Will you still be able to play it?
Sure, just not online. It make it much harder, I guarantee you. It takes away half of the fun, considering it had probably the most fun and unique online play in any game I've ever had.
So its only going to be half as cool come March?
Yeah. But I'd play it even then. I don't even understand, I thought it came out last year. How could they shut that shit down?
finally got lbp
Gotta say though, I never really played online, I thought it was a little annoying to have guys invade and onehit me, so I mostly played offline (asian version). But I can understand the big appeal of DSīs online-features, I just donīt really like them. Still playing DQ IX and still loving it, really didnīt expect it to be that much fun. |
The end of the Valley of Storms is very nice for that.
That´s 4-3, isn´t it? I grindet the hell out of the first grim reaper in that cave, the one with the altar at the end, really pretty nice...if memory serves, those bug-things in 2-2 are also pretty great with soulsucker.
that's still within "the last four or five years", dude
if it'd been released in 2003, then you might have a point |
Yeah, you fucking idiot. It's the best game out of all games released in the past four or five years.
Downloaded a really fun iphone game yesterday. You 're a god, and you follow your hero's fake twitter account as he goes on quests and kills monsters in your name, tweeting everything as he goes.
My hero's first battle was against Dr. Chaos. He won, and Chaos gave him an item before drowning himself in a nearby volcano. Joe Hero (that's what I named him) then went to a merchant to sell his goods, knocked out the merchant's teeth, then sold them to ANOTHER merchant, after which he proceeded to ask the merchant's daughter out on a date. Today, he helped a dying Tripodal Spider pick up his wallet ("he doesn't need it anyways") and rescued a bunny ("it was delicious") before fighting a Panzer Dragon. His current equips are a cardboard box for his head ("it'll look great on me!"), mud coating for his body, prison handcuffs for his arms ("they're beautiful. And just my size!") a sharp stick for a weapon and an elephant's ear for a shield. This is probably my favorite iPhone game so far, since it updates every few minutes, and all I have to do is encourage/punish him and send him divine messages. Perfect for killing a minute or two when you're in line or waiting for a commercial break to end. There's even a browser version (godvillegame.com) but I'm not sure if that's as good. |
:lol I picked that up the other day myself. Whats your gods name? We can make our heroes fight.
Gregorious (I'm bad at names so I just made mine sound fancy :() Joe Hero's only level 8 right now but he should level up around the time he confesses his love to a snowgirl.
Well I was able to add you to my friends list or whatever but I dont know how to make our heroes kill stuff together or fight each other. Maybe we will just start seeing things in the diary. :\
Woo Hoo! I just noticed Im on page one of the evil pantheon! :lol
"I wanted to join a local gang, but they said that they don't accept religious extremists. Cut a few throats, then took away 34 coins"
:lol |
Oh fuck, I forgot to check up on my hero...last time I forgot, the poor sucker died and was bored as hell because of it...the heroic Mr. Lilybridge :D
My hero's been talking shit about me ("He has a heart of gold...cold and heavy", "He's like getting drunk, only I like getting drunk more") so I've been punishing him >: Is that any way to talk about the god who's been healing your stupid ass because you got into a fight with a Sun Dog, then decided to hide in a pitfall? >:
Loki: heroes of Mythology
Finally got the freaking game working properly, multiplayer is great....its like Diablo 2.5, an amazing warm up for Diablo fans until Diablo III is released. And is anyone here buying DC-Universe when it comes out? Maybe we should start and I-Mockery Superhero guild. |
I do want to play DCO but I guess IF I get it, I´ll get the PS3 Version...if the game is above total boredom that is and I won´t know that until there´s reviews out or they let me in the Beta...
The writing in Starcraft 2 just keeps getting worse. Since when is it a western? IT'S IN OUTER FUCKING SPACE!
I think I'm gonna start playing Pikmin 2 again, I love that game to death. |
Don´t tell me they channeled this SLIGHT western feel that Jim Raynor and the first terran missions had in the original into the whole story for part 2...
Yeah Oxblood. The whole first section of the game feels like a western, with cheesy Texas rock music. Even when you get aboard the Hyperion it doesn't change much. Raynor and Tychus have these horrible southern accents. Everyone feels like a stereotype, which is kind of sad to see in this day and age.
I've given up on Prototype, the final boss battle just feels impossible. I have no idea who balanced this game, but when you get your balls beaten around on "EASY", there's probably an issue. I guess I'm going to start Resonance of Fate today. |
All of outer space is a western. It's the final frontier.
Playing Left 4 Dead 2 again because my copy of RDR got hijacked for the time being. |
But even the wild west, wasn't really the wild west we portray in American culture. There was far less violence and far more homo-erotic tension lmao. I highly doubt that a realistic western could ever catch on in the game market.
> : (
lulz. Can anyone recommend a good puzzle game for PC?
Or you talking like Myst puzzles or Hugo's House of Horrors puzzles?
I haven't played either of those lol. Something tetris like?
you could try like armorgames or kongregate they have tons of that shit
I want to play Breath of Fire IV real bad.
Then do it, as far as I can remember, it´s pretty awesome...I have it here somewhere...
I no longer have a copy. Someone borrowed/stole it from me. I bought a copy off someone on ebay, it ended up not being able to load towns so I returned it.
I was just thinking about you twice today OxBlood. A former co worker of mine who is from germany is a sky diver, his place crashed yesterday but he is okay. Then a few minutes ago I was trying to remember what Dammerung was. |
Dämmerung? You mean "dawn"? Now that I think about it...it can also mean dusk, depending on the situation. But itīs nice that people from all over the world think of me every now and then. Imagine how it must be once I attain international fame :lol |
trenches were more of a ww1 thing from what i remember, though
Wars of attrition were much grosser in world war 1. Bonus points for willie.
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