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I havent played a Persona game since the first one on the PS1. :\
They've since upped their game, y'know.
It's generally agreed that the first Persona is kinda bad. Even the PSP remake was pretty crummy.
Speaking of PSP, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep was leaked a few days ago. It's aaaaaaaaalmost as good as the first, except the story and characters are probably the most retarded yet. It doesn't have any of the awful dialog from the DS game ("Maybe I'm everything...maybe I'm nothing...") but the story's just as ridiculous. At least the combat's a little better this time. And dayum, the game's pretty. Like, really really pretty. And Leonard Nimoy and Mark Hamill are voice actors?! |
I am now playing SUPER MARIO SUNSHINE, which I enjoy far more than I ever enjoyed Super Mario 64
I got to the part with the lava enemies in SM Sunshine and gave up. Spent too much time trying to get the red coins from the Palinko Machine level.
Sunshine made me upset with how difficult it was. Apparently that makes me some sort of pussy because Japanese five year olds can supposedly figure out how to kill giant electric stingrays. *sigh*
Super Mario 64 is way more difficult for me because you don't get the hover nozzle handicap. I can run amok and be less careful about it in Sunshine.
And the stingray level is my favorite because of its difficulty. The Plinko pinball machine does really suck though and I dread it each playthrough. |
I honestly don't like the 3D Marios except for the two Galaxy games (which I love). Even back at launch I thought it was kinda lame.Does that make me a monster? :(
I thought Sunshine had some great levels though, like the second world. And I used to mess around in the hub with the rocket and stuff. |
lulz Destructoid gave Kane and Lynch 2 one of the most biased reviews I've ever seen. The reviewer gave the game a 1/10 because it's realistic. One of my friends got upset about the game purely because he sucked at it as well. You can't rush enemies, shoot a machine gun with one arm and perfect accuracy or soak up bullets like a kevlar sponge and that is somehow a bad thing. There were a few sections that frustrated me, but overall I really enjoyed the whole realistic street combat thing, as opposed to military shooters where you play as a one man army who can eat tank rounds, fire two uzi's simultaneously with pinpoint accuracy and take on a battalion of troops without any cover. I guess this is why I've stopped reading and watching reviews. I know that they'll give Halo: Reach a 9 even though it's a mind numbing mess of cheap deaths and near identical scenarios. If you hate one for one reason, hate 'em all for the same reasons. |
You realize, you can read opinions then disagree with some of them, but also agree with them on other topics, yeh?
OMGBIASBIASBIAS What the fuck does bias mean? |
Besides, the only Kane and Lynch 2 review that matters is Jeff Gerstman's. |
He actually liked the first Kane and Lynch a lot, which convinced me to buy the PC version (a decision I deeply regret), and he was really excited to see the sequel.
His biggest gripes were that the story wasn't as good as the original, the single-player campaign was too short, the multiplayer was really limited, and the intentionally crappy youtube-style graphics were terrible. What are your thoughts on that? In all fairness, though, Jim does bait quite often. He loves to slip little stabs at organized religion into inappropriate places, and I remember him saying a little while ago that using mouseaim is cheating. |
I played the first one after my expectations were completely destroyed by the unanimous hatred of it and I had the same opinion as Sterling. It needed a lot of tightening up, but the style, story, and characterization were all there. It was just a bit fucked up as a shooter.
I can say that I probably won't get this one. Maybe, though. When it's in the bin like the last one, when I got it. :) |
The PC version of the first one didn't run, period. The demo for the second one ran like ass on my computer, and apparently I'm far from the only one.
For that reason, I would say the series isn't even worth pirating. |
Both games play well on the consoles. It's very funny that he griped about the length and the multiplayer, as it is virtually as long as the first game and offers better multiplayer. The graphics are better than the first games as well and it runs at a constant 60fps. That's why I said the review is completely biased, there's nothing objective about the whole review.
Mafia 2 was reviewed very similarly. It sucks just as much ass as GTAIV or the expansions, except that the cars actually handle somewhat accurately, but it was panned for shortening the GO HERE-SHOOT 30 GUYS-DRIVE HOME formula to 10 hours instead of 30. It's pretty much the same game sans helicopters and rocket launchers but everyone hated it. |
i want the areana achievement for castle crashers anyone wanna play on 360 or ps3?
GTA 4, on the other hand, shortened all this considerably by letting you take cabs wherever you wanted because they understood that while a car chase can be fun, driving a long distance without a time limit is not. I understand that some of these instances in Mafia 2 are so they can squeeze in some dialog, but when Rockstar did that in RDR, they mixed it up by having the NPC drive you on occasion. None of this "I'll pick you up, but you drive my car" nonsense. As for Kane and Lynch, Jim had said that the main draw for the original was the story and unique characters, as the gameplay was a bit lacking. That's why he hated the second one so much; it had all the same problems, and none of the character development of the first. He also mentioned that the multiplayer experience suffered from many of the problems he mentioned for the single player campaign. Finally, the reason I don't like people calling game reviewers "biased" is because that statement has no meaning. When you review something, you compare it with what already exists, then you layout the good and bad points with explanations for each. That's pretty much the antithesis of objectivity. The only aspect of a game that can be evaluated objectively is whether or not the game actually runs, and even that can depend on what equipment you're using. Reporters are the ones who are supposed to be unbiased. Not game reviewers. |
I think people tend to swap around "biased" and "opinionated" as if they had the same meaning. I should hope reviewers are opinionated. If I find a reviewer that I can tune myself to, his reviews are gonna resonate with me better. Which is why I'd also give Deadly Premonition a 10/10. I really really would. That game is a labor of love on the part of the dev. You can see it in all the content. It's a throwback to the cheesy survival horror genre popularized by Resident Evil. It's campy and silly and, most importantly, knows it.
I've grown to hate the Final Fantasy games and all of it's shitty story conventions and it's art style. I'm really tired of it. Thus, when XIII came out, I was very unimpressed. But I enjoy games like Persona 4, as well, and dislike Monday Night Combat, which a buncha reviewers seem to like. It just wasn't fun for me. So nothing's 100%. |
Biased does have a meaning though. If someone reviews a game like it killed his or her family, it's biased. The same goes for reviews that can't keep the game's dick out of it's mouth.
Case in point, GTAIV. None of the reviewers managed to mention that the controls for literally everything were pretty god awful due to the crummy physics engine, 40% of the game consists of driving from point A to point B (even with taxis), the NPC's constantly harass you because you won't spend worthless time with them playing shitty minigames, every mission is exactly the same, and it goes on and on and on. I hated RDR for the same reasons, even more so because they piled a bunch of racism and flawed ideology on top of it. But both were reviewed with near perfect scores, go figure. K&L2 could have used more variety and a bit better pacing but it is no way in hell a horrible game. |
i loved both gtaiv and rdr for all the reasons you hated them, p funny
i mean it's to the point where my dick gets all soaked spaghetti if i see the old rag doll physics in motion, especially if it's a free roam environment
let's just everyone pay the money to license the good shit so i can get hard 24/7 |
The controls in GTA IV weren't mentioned because they weren't an issue to anyone with fingers. You and your muscular dystrophy seem to have a problem with it, which is fine. It makes me happy to know that you wasted money on a game you couldn't play, you baby, one that most other people in the world beat.
I beat GTAIV and RDR. The cars handled like boats, the cover systems were abominable, Roman wouldn't stop calling me to go look at titties, the PC version barely ran, and 40% of the game consisted of driving to a place or away from the police. We must have played completely different games, because everyone seems to love GTAIV's dick all in their collective mouths.
I respect your opinion Fathom, but there's no need to get offensive to me about it. Talk about the game. |
Quit being a holier than thou, passive aggressive cunt.
I didn't think the cars handled like boats, the cover system was fine, having bitchy people call you was just part of the game, and, frankly, it's wholly your fault for getting a game that didn't run well on YOUR PC. GTA IV and its expansions run perfectly fine on my computer, and I built it for about $300 at the beginning of the Summer from old parts. The game is very CPU dependant. |
I am playing Metroid Prime Trilogy and about 3/4 done the first game.
I like video games :)
i love free roaming games even when theres not much to do i just like driving around
haha ok well for me video games are infinitely better after the first time you play them because you look forward to the fun parts of the game etc. I'm too busy these days to play new games in order to get the full enjoyment out of playing it the second time, so for quite a few years now I've only been playing video games I've already played before :( It is extremely shameful to admit that I waited YEARS for the Mother 3 language patch and I've only played through the first hour or two so far :( :( |
And you are correct in pointing out that a game where you play a criminal does have quite a few points where you have to flee from the authorities. As for K&L2, I have no interested because apart from being a bad port, the game appears to be the same bland cover-based shooter it was in the first incarnation. The reviews I've read all seem to mention the same problems: 1. Intentionally bad graphics look bad-bad. 2. The cover fails to serve as cover far too often. 3. The single player campaign is still short. 4. The story goes nowhere and ends rather anticlimactically. Yahtzee even claimed that the last fight in the game was between K&L and two dogs. Please tell me that's just a joke. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/vide...nch-2-Dog-Days Posted because it's funny, and because it's the only one I've heard where he actually sounds angry while he's doing his thing. |
i never had a problem with how cars handled in gta4. agree that the stupid minigame relationship simulator garbage is worthless but that's why you turn off the cellphone when you're not doing missions, duh
The PC version and the 360 version have performance issues. I got the game in 2008 and I haven't upgraded it since 2008. God forbid me thinking that the requirements on the box, which are light years ahead of an Xbox 360 and my system surpasses by a great margin, wouldn't be enough to run the game above 20fps. It's my fault, not the shitty porting job that the publisher did. You should try Saints Row 2 on PC and tell me what you think lol. Quote:
lol, the end of K&L2 is a dash to the finish and the last two enemies that attack you are dogs. The cover in the game degrades as it's shot to shit by your enemies, so you do end up getting shot alot. If you didn't like the anticlimactic ending of the first game, you won't like it in the second game either. Yahtzee is a funny guy, because I'd agree with him on some of his gripes about the game, but it's a decent game. You should get it when the price drops, the co-op and multiplayer are fun. |
You realize that the architectures are completely different, right? The Xbox, Playstation, and Wii run on PPC, as opposed to x86.
And I already own Saints Row II. On my Xbox. Why the fuck don't you have one? |
I'll consider looking into it once they fix the 3-year-old crash bugs with the PC version. |
I do have a 360 lol. I bought GTAIV on the PC before I got a 360. Architecture differences aside, it came out half a year later on PC, there's no excuse for how shitty the port was. Look up SR2 on PC and you'll see what I mean Fathom.
I don't know about the cover bugs, I never experienced any so I can't vouch for it. What are your specs Boogie? I didn't have any issues with the first one other than a few framerate hiccups. The anticlimax thing stands though, if you don't like games ending on a low note, both of the games endings will frustrate you. It didn't bother me though. |
My PC looks like this:
Intel Core Duo 3.0 ghz Geforce 8800gt 2gb RAM Windows XP It's not cutting edge anymore, but it can run pretty much anything on the market. |
wait you can turn the cellphone off on gta 4?
I've pretty much got what you have, Boogie. It's enough to play most things well.
not only can you turn the cell phone off, but you can agree to plans and then call back to cancel without a hit to the relationship
buuut i just told them no because oh no not my precious relationship percentage points that unlock extremely minor perks that i don't even remember to use when they are available oh noooooo |
I'm playing Gladius on Gamecube. I love this game.
Condemned 2. This game just sucks.
Sucks. |
Hehe, and again it seem like I am the only person in the world that loved Condemned 2. Loved the first one too mind you but I always though the fighting was very unsatisfying and boy did they fix that in the second one.
It was so much fun beating the shit out of all these people, so much fun. Sure, the story destroys everything Condemned 1 set up but what the hell. I just love brutal brawling I guess, can´t help it, one of the reasons I love the Yakuza Series so much. But I guess I´m pretty alone with my love for C2, I don´t know anyone who liked it :D |
I liked it. It was kind of odd the way the plot turned out, but they intended it to be a series. I guess that means they always expected to one day be screaming at hobos. I wonder if they actually will get to make that third game. |
Oh right, the review...I even read that...must´ve forgotten but hey, it´s good to have an ally :)
It would´ve been best if they kept the atmosphere from the first and just improved on the combat system like in part 2. The last few levels really were weird. Started around the ship-level I think. I liked the cabin and the bear though. |
![]() wooooooooooo |
Anyone here excited for Enslaved: Odyssey To The West? |
Enslaved? Nah, looked too much like 08/15 Stuff and as far as I´ve read it seems to be pretty bland...don´t know, there´s so much other stuff coming out these days and I´m already out of money soooo...no, not very excited for Ensalved.
i loved comdemnd 2 i completed it like 3 times the gun mode was hard as hell
I dunno. I saw some of the gameplay and it appealed to me, just because I love Prince Of Persia style games.
I liked the first Condemned a lot more than the second one. Probably because the cop from Heroes played the main character. |
And I'm not excited about Enslaved. People were fawning over how incredible it is that they're doing a futuristic take on an old story, but no one seems to remember the last time they did this very thing. It was called Too Human, and it was terrible. |
lol, Too Human was a fucking travesty. If you can, dual boot XP and 7 so you get the best of both worlds. I didn't know that anyone else here used GoG, they don't garner all that much news.
for a while i was playing old games by using VMWARE on my windows 7 machine :O unfortunately it doesn't have good video drivers :(
Too human was pretty nasty indeed. Interestingly there´s a fucking cult-following in the german forum I´m in, don´t know what their deal is, but these guys sank hundreds of hours into that game.
And Too Human kinda reminded me of Hellgate London and to this day that is the only game that I literally snapped in half and threw in the trash. Anyway I´d really like to buy birth by sleep...but there´s no fucking money left cause the state acts like a fucking...errr well, state and my payments are held up...I still got till january before I´m officially totally fucked but until then they better fucking pay me my normal...whatever "unemployment-payment" is called in the US. What the hell do I live in a social state for anyway... |
I remember seeing Hellgate: London and thinking "WOW, this game will be awesome when it comes out." Two weeks after it came out, the developer pretty much dropped support and that game was left a complete and utter turd. The only game more disappointing was Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust. I cried after I bought that one lol.
The unemployment is getting sketchy in America too. Multiple people I know haven't been getting their payments. |
Yeah, I too still remeber how excited I was for Hellgate...I thought "man, this might be the next Diablo for a while, it might really rock if they play their cards right"...but we all know what happened...goddamn mess it was, it ran like shit on most machines, it crashed on Vista...heh, a friend of mine never de-installed it up to this day because he fears the game might take the PC with it when it goes :D
Concerning jobs...all I want is the job that was promised to me but the guys had to postpone their...their...aw fucking business-english...their IPO, that´s it. Once that´s settled, I got a nice job that pays well. Until then it´s daily prayers towards the not-so-empty void beyond the stars ;) Oh and I played the Phantasy Star Portable 2 Demo this afternoon and hell, am I gonna buy that thing later next week. Thank the gods for the american PSN... |
I've been playing Duke Nukem 3D out of an odd sense of nostalgia and a pretty badass take on Super Mario called Super Mario Bros Crossover.
Super Mario Crossover rules. That was a well-crafted game right there.
I've started playing Metroid Other M. I've only been about 20 minutes in so I can't really comment.
Although to explain their way out of using weapons (ie power ups) that you start with it's literally "Samus decides not to use ____ until _____ says its ok" |
Playing Dj Hero fucking awesome. Didn't know the red-headed stepchild of the music game genre was so fun.
Because the Federation showed up first and Adam (the CO from Fusion and the comics) tells her she's only allowed on the premises if she cooperates since she wasn't officially assigned to it and just kinda showed up on her own.
And because Adam's a dick who makes you run through three lava rooms before saying "sure go ahead and turn on the heat protection suit now." Probably gets off on being a controlling bastard. |
Since when does Samus care about what the federation says? Isn´t she a fucking freelance bounty hunter? I´ve already heard Spoony´s ramblings about Other M and it sounded really REALLY horrible what they´ve done with Samus...
Ah well, couldn´t play it anyway. At least I was able to reorder Reach and Dead Rising 2...hopefully Reach will be here on wednesday, I´d really like to play that thing...and thankfully not as that stupid green Spartan... |
I love Dizzee Rascal and Justice, so Fix Up, Look Sharp vs. Genesis is a very fun one.
Funny thing is, I've heard some artists and DJs mash those two up way before the game. good fun, though. They do a good job with the music and make you feel really badass when you do stuff right. The controller's kinda fucked, though. |
Ox, you can make your spartan green lol.
Finished Yakuza 3. One of the best games I played this year, no doubt. I love how the game handles New Game+... Now I gotta keep myself busy till Tuesday when PS Portable 2 comes out (hopefully) and on wednesday itīs time for Reach...well...for 8 hours at least. Short SP-Modes ftl... |
i just got a call from blockbuster informing me of the midnight sale of reach i'm gonna be a very very bright look at me kind of spartan online lol
Working on my second playthru of Gladius. I really like this game. I'm also doing some novelty stuff on Def Jam: Fight for New York. For example, I made a fairly decent Captain S.
Trying (and failing) to beat Decap Attack. Great music in this game. :)
That and it doesnīt make one lick of sense. If she has powerful weapons, let her use them and the mission will be over faster with less casualties. Itīs a big difference if she just doesnīt have the plasmabeam or someone tells her itīs not cool to use it right now. You know what? Fuck the federation, Iīm going to sign a contract with those stupid space pirates! Maybe bribe Motherbrain with cake or something :D |
The Federation hired her for just about every Metroid game though :V
Hell! I bet that's how she always loses her gear all these years! They probably confiscate it! It's just that this time they didn't because she was never officially hired. |
I loved Fight for NY. Is there something better than clobbering Rappers? It´s just so much fun, smashing Elephant Man´s head on a pool table or breaking Snoops back on something...good times. :)
Oh and no, I´m not a particularly big fan of Rap or Hip-Hop. I know, you would never have guessed :D |
Lol, get outa here.
Def Jam FFNY was a fantastic fighting game. I loved the first one too. The third one was an aborted abomination that somehow was still released.
I've been playing Bully on the Wii and I'm actually enjoying it. I'm amazed that the AI actually does it's own thing and feels somewhat organic. |
Link's Awakening!
I remain steadfast in my assertion that this is the best Zelda ever. |
the removal of blazing moves from def jam and the stupid air dj mechanic killed the franchise for me i hope a new one with a feel like the old ones gets made
Playing Earthbound. Never played it back in the day and I'm having fun.
i got a new laptop so now i can play league of legends if you wanna play with me my id is donvare
And yes, A Link to the past is the best Zelda-Game, because it doesnīt look like shit like...ah...letīs say the N64-Games. |
lol @ German Hip-Hop.
Was Link's Awakening the one on Gameboy? |
Link's awakening is awesome. Except when the colorized it and the Whale looked like a Hippie.
GW: Are you playing an emulated version or on gameboy? If you hit the map screen button while you are walking to a new room in the game it will transport you to the other side of the room if done right. I skipped a few areas doing this and ended up having the flying chicken from the middle of the game until the very end. That and Chain Chompin fools felt great. |
Link's Awakening is great...until the fetch quest at the end. And you can actually fuck up the 8th dungeon and not be able to finish it. I did that once and was preeeeeeetty pissed off. Rest of it was fun though.
Professor Layton 3 came out Sunday, but for some dumb reason my save data for the second one was lost so I spent today and yesterday beating it from scratch remembering what I could. Cool duel in the finale, but the big explanation was kind of silly. I mean, the same can be said for the first game, but at least that one explained why everyone had a boner for puzzles and stuff, and tied things up nicely. The second requires you to suspend your disbelief a teensy bit more. But the rest of it was so good I didn't mind. I'll start the third game tomorrow slowly. I'm burned out from rushing the second. |
Finished Deadly Premonition. Suitably back-asswards ending.
Since the PSN updates around 2 in the morning here, I only got to buying Phantasy Start Portable 2 this morning.
Oh and my Baroque was in the mail today...only a month late, yay. |
i finished halo reach already i loved the final missions
I liked the idea of Zack and York ending up how they were at the end. I thought he was talking to me, too, though. But it's not as though the game didn't break the fourth wall enough.
Harry Stewart and Michael are my favorite characters.
Beat KH: Birth By Sleep. The secret ending really builds up hype for the last game in the series. I kinda want to play it, since BBS actually turned out really well once you ditch that loser Terra and have fun with Ventus and Aqua.
Story's still a royal clusterfuck though. Ho lee shit. I thought MGS was confusing. Except MGS is fun, and KH has reached George Lucas levels of retconning. Ah well. Like I said, the combat in this one was actually the best in the series and is actually really fun. Could have done without the repeating worlds and maps, though. B- |
robot unicorn attack again, thanks SAM >:
Had a nice evening of Baroque and Phantasy Star P2 and I like both a lot.
Especially Baroque is quite a bit better than I expected. I love the desolate and sad feel the game has to it. You begin the game knowin exactly nothing and the first thing the only more or less sane person tells you is that you have committed a sin so fucking grave he´s not sure you´ll ever be able to atone for it. He hands you a gun and sends you on your merry way into the tower...and then you´ll probably just die like I did. Only that you´re kind of The Nameless´ little brother or something cause things make more sense the more you die. Crazy game but I like it even though the combat itself is kinda primitive with no evading OR blocking. |
Harry and Michael were great, though Harry's little twist at the end was pretty lame.
I'm playing a bit of Halo Reach, but it seems like it's just Halo 3 extra missions. I don't know what I expected. It's good, but it seems a bit too "You're part of an elite TEAM, SPEC OPS, USA ALL THE WAY", which gets old.
I'm compelled to eat a turkey, strawberry jam, and cereal sandwich.
Yeah, the biggest issue, which was constant to me, was the unexplained, (or worse - unquestioned), attacks on realm from the Shadow realm stuff. I mean, it's kinda gone into when they say
Oh, and another niggling bit is why the doctor didn't have a bigger role. He's a fucking doctor and a supporting character. He should be consulted more for this shit. |
Got my Reach too today and the first things that I noticed are negative ones.
-No Sound Options, meaning no way to turn the music down and the speech up -No subtitles outside of cutscenes. I know I always say how I prefer english to german in videogames but MAN, half the time, I can´t understand what the Spartans are saying. 2/3 of the team have thick accents and almost all the time when they speak they do it over the low-quality super-squeaky radio channel...how the fuck do these people communicate. Especially Kat...I literally said "what? speak up or speak more slowly, dammit" a dozen times while playing today. Other than that it´s just like any other Halo game to me but I fucking HATE the Elites and their scheissverdammtes (on purpose) hopping around like crazy. Is that how they conquered the stars? By hopping left and right like bunnies on crack? Really? Fuck, those guy annoy me. I DO like that you can customize your little Spartan-Dude. Mine´s yellow :D Not that I like yellow, I hate it but it looks kinda nice on the guy. Better than green or blue at least, everyone´s blue. Or red. |
I couldn't understand any of the spartans either. They sure do talk way too fucking much. The enemies are annoying as shit regardless. As you get closer to the end, it just feels like you die every 8 seconds because the rest of your squad is too busy to help you.
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