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MarioRPG Jan 7th, 2011 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 709837)
The new Donkey Kong is pretty good. Easier than I thought though.

True, but still fun for nostalgia purposes.

Anyway, I've been playing DKCR, and The Orange Box. I'll be playing super meat boy more once I buy a controller for my laptop.

Zhukov Jan 7th, 2011 09:50 AM

Playing DK with my girlfriend makes it a whole lot harder.

"Just get on my back! GET ON MY FUCKING BACK! STAY THERE."

"Why are you using two thumbs to press button 1 and 2? USE ONE THUMB TO PRESS BOTH! YOU CAN DO IT I AM DOING IT, LOOK!"


This game needs reviewing by Erik and Emily.

Zomboid Jan 7th, 2011 03:23 PM

I agree about Ultimate Alliance 2 being a bit of a let-down compared to the first. It just wasn't as good.

Dimnos Jan 7th, 2011 03:29 PM

Yeah. I was expecting a lot more characters to choose from. I was also expecting there to be more of a difference between sides. Most of the characters just go with whoever you choose. Each side only has 3 exclusive characters and the missions are practically the same. :\ They should have just made another X-Men Legends game. Fuck all these non-mutant fucks.

darkvare Jan 7th, 2011 04:16 PM

they should have gone with galactus invading earth like the ending of the first suggested

Phoenix Gamma Jan 7th, 2011 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 709992)
"Why are you using two thumbs to press button 1 and 2? USE ONE THUMB TO PRESS BOTH! YOU CAN DO IT I AM DOING IT, LOOK!"

I got angry just reading that. We as a species conquered the art of two buttons decades ago, but somehow there are people who can't grasp that.

I met a girl my freshman year of college. Really cute. Self-proclaimed gamer. She tells me she's been playing the original Mario lately.

I watched that bitch get outrun by a fucking Goomba. :goth

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 7th, 2011 04:47 PM

I know UA2 was madedevelopedworsened by another company than the previous 3 but it enraged me how they coded it so people who can fly can only fly over walking areas. Also the costumes were limited to 2 each. The majority of the 2nd costumes were dumb as well.

Dimnos Jan 7th, 2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 710020)
they should have gone with galactus invading earth like the ending of the first suggested

I kept expecting Dr Doom to show up at some point. No we had to fight crappy Nick Furry. :rolleyes

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 7th, 2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 710021)
I got angry just reading that. We as a species conquered the art of two buttons decades ago, but somehow there are people who can't grasp that.

I met a girl my freshman year of college. Really cute. Self-proclaimed gamer. She tells me she's been playing the original Mario lately.

I watched that bitch get outrun by a fucking Goomba. :goth

People who are self-proclaimed anything need to shut up.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 7th, 2011 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 710026)
I kept expecting Dr Doom to show up at some point. No we had to fight crappy Nick Furry. :rolleyes

I still have my copy if you want to play sometime though.

Dimnos Jan 7th, 2011 04:57 PM

Mine is a PS3 copy I scored off that lockerz site Chojin was inviting people to a while back. :\

darkvare Jan 7th, 2011 09:18 PM

i have the 360 version of the first anyone wanna play i also got borderlands for 360

stevetothepast Jan 7th, 2011 09:57 PM

Ea is shutting down servers for BFME 2 on xbox if anyone wants to get a couple games in before they do it goes offline jan 11th.

I'm gonna be on for a good while tomorrow to take a black ops break.

Shadowdancer21b Jan 8th, 2011 01:12 AM

I am playing Fatal Frame on PS2 for the first time. I'm loving it.

Chojin Jan 8th, 2011 06:56 AM

i'm slowly getting over my issues with mass effect 2, though i do still miss being able to snipe everything in sight.

Zhukov Jan 8th, 2011 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 710021)
I got angry just reading that. We as a species conquered the art of two buttons decades ago, but somehow there are people who can't grasp that.

I met a girl my freshman year of college. Really cute. Self-proclaimed gamer. She tells me she's been playing the original Mario lately.

I watched that bitch get outrun by a fucking Goomba. :goth

That's funny as hell.

In her defense she hasn't played a lot of games, and she didn't even get a TV for the first twelve years of her life. She's learning. Just really slowly.

Now I'm thinking about my ex again :( She was really good at games.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 8th, 2011 11:51 PM

Finally beat red dead redemption undead nightmare. The rockabilly song that plays on your way to reyes is fucking pimp.

Fathom Zero Jan 9th, 2011 06:03 AM

Infinity Blade. Just got it about 6 hours ago. I'm on the twelfth bloodline. It's mad addictive and I just want more now.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 10th, 2011 10:50 AM

Sam trying being father of the year for Katey and ended up killing Ray Ramano in the process.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 11th, 2011 02:40 PM

Jumped back into Persona 3 Portable to finish it up. After spending 40+ hours playing American girlfriend simulators with Mass Effect I decided to wrap up my Japanese girlfriend simulators. Actually Persona and Mass Effect are really alike. The only difference is where you point your gun. Hyuk hyuk hyuk.

Also waiting for Ghost Trick. That game looks fucking sweet and I heard good things from Joystiq. Might pick up Pacman CE Deluxe on PSN tonight if I feel like it. I keep hearing magical things about that game and I'm in the mood for some twitch gaming.

Chojin Jan 12th, 2011 03:48 AM

playing DC universe online with my old guild, jesus christ PVP everywhere

OxBlood Jan 12th, 2011 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 710394)
playing DC universe online with my old guild, jesus christ PVP everywhere

Whatīs your impression so far? Iīve been thinking about buying it for PS3 later...

Been playing Spelunky all afternoon yesterday, trying out Stone Soup Dungeon Crawl and Desktop Dungeons later today (work is kinda slow right now with lots of waiting)...

Samfucius Jan 12th, 2011 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 710115)
Infinity Blade. Just got it about 6 hours ago. I'm on the twelfth bloodline. It's mad addictive and I just want more now.

Infinity Blade is the coolest thing ever, and the fact that it does sword fighting better than the Wii, with better graphics and on the iPhone, makes me mad at Nintendo. Seriously, you just got your ass handed to you by a smartphone.

Chojin Jan 12th, 2011 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 710400)
Whatīs your impression so far? Iīve been thinking about buying it for PS3 later...

pvp fucking everywhere. it is completely batshit nuts atm. i would not get it on a console; it plays farrrr too fast in pvp for that.

i followed my pvp guild to dcuo. i didn't like the beta, but launch has been amazingly good.

Fathom Zero Jan 12th, 2011 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Samfucius (Post 710464)
Infinity Blade is the coolest thing ever, and the fact that it does sword fighting better than the Wii, with better graphics and on the iPhone, makes me mad at Nintendo. Seriously, you just got your ass handed to you by a smartphone.

I have an iPad, so I'm using that and everything looks great. I was playing it last night, got to the 23rd or so bloodline and it hit me that I was playing something beautiful that exceeds anything on the Wii. Blew my mind, it did. Now I'm trying to hit #1 on the leaderboards for gold. I'm something like 6700 or so. Hah.

MLE Jan 12th, 2011 10:41 PM

What server? All of Murder Herd is pretty much playing, and I'm rolling on their server tomorrow for my PvP toon.

Fathom Zero Jan 12th, 2011 10:49 PM

Someone wanna play Minecraft with me? Gimme a server to jump on.

OxBlood Jan 13th, 2011 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 710467)
pvp fucking everywhere. it is completely batshit nuts atm. i would not get it on a console; it plays farrrr too fast in pvp for that.

i followed my pvp guild to dcuo. i didn't like the beta, but launch has been amazingly good.

Why is it too fast? I mean everyone has to use the same controls anyway so it should be pretty balanced, right? Iīm not that interested in PVP anyway, Iīm too old for that crap and the only thing it does is make me fucking furious.

But I would like a console MMO...preferably one thatīs at least semi-decent. I already know that DCUO wonīt sell many copies here since germans are not know for their love of the american comic-culture but...I for one love the theme...which reminds me that Champions is supposed to go F2P later this year...

MLE Jan 13th, 2011 01:58 PM

Champions sucks, easily more than CoH/V did, and I'd probably still be playing CoH/V if I was in a large guild.

DCUO is better than both combined. It's a very very fast gameplay, and I don't know if consoles could keep up with it even with the more difficult bosses that you get when you're closer to level 16/17 out of 30.

Dimnos Jan 13th, 2011 02:42 PM

Did they ever change CoH to where you could pick up new people in your group when others dropped out when you were doing what the hell ever they called a raid? That shit sucked. Is it free to play yet?

MLE Jan 13th, 2011 04:28 PM

Neither of the old superhero games are free to play, I don't think.

executioneer Jan 13th, 2011 06:13 PM

isn't there a third version, going rogue or something out now

OxBlood Jan 14th, 2011 07:13 AM

I just picked it up in town (DCUO that is)...guess I´ll see how the whole thing is later tonight or tomorrow...on the PS3, since I don´t have any kind of gaming PC...hell, my fucking Netbook can´t even play Spelunky or Minecraft...

Fathom Zero Jan 14th, 2011 07:16 AM

Shove more RAM in it. Minecraft was made to thrive on RAM, not needing a graphics card to look good.

OxBlood Jan 14th, 2011 07:53 AM

Wouldn´t help, the Netbook simply can´t use anything with 3d-graphics, the onboard-card can´t do that.

Fathom Zero Jan 14th, 2011 07:59 AM

Your netbook must really be shite, then. Though, to be honest, I think everybody's computer screws up at least some of the time with Java.

MarioRPG Jan 14th, 2011 10:09 AM

Buying The Orange Box at the start of a new sememster was not a very wise move.
Aside from that I've started up another Earthbound file. :D

OxBlood Jan 14th, 2011 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 710629)
Your netbook must really be shite, then. Though, to be honest, I think everybody's computer screws up at least some of the time with Java.

Well, itīs a Netbook, itīs not supposed to handle anything more than Word and the "normal" Internet and that it can handle quite well...just nothing that has 3d in it ;)

I dunno, if this whole work-gig keeps on going well, Iīll just buy a normal Desktop-PC later this year, I donīt need a Laptop or anything...

Dr. Boogie Jan 14th, 2011 02:34 PM

Bought Killing Floor during the big Steam sale, and I can't seem to stop playing it. Something about teaming up with people to plug English zombies in the head is just so strangely compelling.

dextire Jan 14th, 2011 04:36 PM

I found my old box of PC games from the mid-90s. Through the magic of DOSBox I'm now playing Epic Pinball: Enigma. :rock
Now I just have to get Warcraft 1 and Dungeon Keeper going and I'll be set. :)

OverdosedPuppet Jan 14th, 2011 05:52 PM

Been playing Kenka Bancho badass Rumble. Something very addicting about running a gang and beating the crap outta other class mates lol

Phoenix Gamma Jan 15th, 2011 03:24 AM

Ghost Trick.

If you have a DS and don't play it, you're dead to me.

<3 PG

Mad Melvin Jan 15th, 2011 04:42 AM

Left 4 Dead 2

It was like 10 bucks on Steam so I decided to give it a whirl. Very fun.

Fallout New Vegas

Started a new game with a character whose sole purpose in life is to decapitate people with a fire-axe.

Mafia II

Original game + two DLC:s were about 20 bucks on Steam. The original game is pretty awesome but the DLC:s are just mind-boggling. How could they fuck them up like that? All I wanted was a few cool missions that don't necessarily have to have anything to do with the original story, but instead I got some boring errandboy missions with a strict timelimit.

OxBlood Jan 15th, 2011 07:01 AM

I tried out DCUO yesterday...after 3 hours of patching mind you, and so far, it seems to be pretty solid. It controls well, its gameplay is rather simple but fun, the powers seem to be useful and diverse and even the small selection of travel powers doesn´t piss me off as much as I thought it would...I´m pleased to see that the weapon you choose isn´t just cosmetic but each has its own skill-tree with different attacks, block-beakers, interupts and stuff like that.

The quests are...meh so far, standart stuff but that was to be expected. It´s unusually quiet in the chat which is of course a detail of the PS3-Version...which reminds me, I gotta plug my Keyboard in and start getting on everybodies nerves (it´s what I do in MMO´s, I make sure people talk to each other and have some fun doing that).

I haven´t advanced very far, just got level 7 with my ragged, burned gadget-wielding handblaster hero but so far, I like it.

executioneer Jan 15th, 2011 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Melvin (Post 710704)
Fallout New Vegas

Started a new game with a character whose sole purpose in life is to decapitate people with a fire-axe.

please tell me you found some shades and a cop outfit for your character

Mad Melvin Jan 15th, 2011 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 710716)
please tell me you found some shades and a cop outfit for your character

No :(

But i've been meaning to plug in some mods that give more clothing choices. SO ASK ME AGAIN LATER

darkvare Jan 15th, 2011 03:16 PM

i finished demon's souls and i'm playing borderlands co-op i love rpgs that don't make wait for my turn to attack

captain516 Jan 15th, 2011 04:01 PM

A bit late to the party, but I got New Vegas recently. I love shooting people's dynamite right before they throw it and watching them explode

Tadao Jan 15th, 2011 10:37 PM

Got Angry Birds for my PC.

Fathom Zero Jan 15th, 2011 10:41 PM


Phoenix Gamma Jan 16th, 2011 05:11 PM

srsly u guise play Ghost Trick it's great you're a ghost and you possess things and the Phoenix Write team made it except it's not a text adventure game so it's not boring and there's a dog named Missle who's pretty much the best dog in the history of fiction except that one dog in that book I read in 4th grade who was in the sled race with the boy but the dog's heart exploded right at the finish line and the boy carried the dog to the finish and I cried then it was lunch time but I was still sad :tear

Why do all the good stories involve dieing?

OxBlood Jan 17th, 2011 07:18 AM

Alright, more thoughts on DC Universe online after playing it for most of the weekend.

Really stable, still not a single crash though I had to relog twice because my powers wouldn´t activate, seems to be some problem with the interface.

I mostly played as Vic Eldritch, flying, axewiedling magic-user (Destiny branch) and while the gameplay is way more simple than...say World of W, it´s more fun at the same time. I may only have 5, 6 Skills at level 12 but that kinda focusses the experience a bit more. I have to rely on the proper use of those skills and rely on my weapon for the most part which by now can do quite a few useful combos. I can stun my enemies with a flurry of axe blows, smash them in the air and stuff like that.

I also really like the style feature the more stuff I get. My villain looks like I want, no matter what stuff I´m really wearing.

The quests have some nice moments in them too. As a minion of Circe, I battled Dr. Fate (never heard of him before), I clobbered, Queen Bee...on the Heroe´s side, I arrested Scarecrow and even Bane, now that was kinda cool. They also send in NPC-Heroes to help you so for example in the Bane fight, Nightwing joins in to take revenge for Batman´s spine :D

I´ve yet to try alerts (raids) and PVP but I can already tell there´s a lot of factions I can buy stuff from, complete with cool faction armor that looks really nice. I´d post a screenshot of my guys but I don´t think the PS3-Version can do that...

King Hadas Jan 19th, 2011 07:33 PM

I bought a bunch of games during the Steam Christmas sale but I've only really gotten into two of them, The Path and Super Meat Boy. I'm excited for the SMB level editor I have some great level ideas. I'm hoping to finish everything in the game before it comes out but everything I have left is really hard.

Zomboid Jan 19th, 2011 07:44 PM

I only skimmed this page, but the one game sounds a lot like the Haunting: Starring Polterguy.

stevetothepast Jan 20th, 2011 01:40 AM

Aban Hawkins and the 1000 spikes

it's hard as fuck and only one dollar

Chojin Jan 20th, 2011 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 710866)
Iīve yet to try alerts (raids) and PVP but I can already tell thereīs a lot of factions I can buy stuff from, complete with cool faction armor that looks really nice. Iīd post a screenshot of my guys but I donīt think the PS3-Version can do that...

You haven't tried PVP at all? You're really missing out on what DC does well if you're playing on a PVE server.

The guild I've been a member of for 2+ years went to DC recently and we're tearing shit up on the death & glory server. http://legioninflames.guildlaunch.com

Sam Jan 20th, 2011 10:19 PM



kahljorn Jan 20th, 2011 11:29 PM



LordSappington Jan 21st, 2011 02:56 AM

Oh man, four more days until DS2

OxBlood Jan 21st, 2011 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 711139)
You haven't tried PVP at all? You're really missing out on what DC does well if you're playing on a PVE server.

The guild I've been a member of for 2+ years went to DC recently and we're tearing shit up on the death & glory server. http://legioninflames.guildlaunch.com

Yeah, Iīll try it sometime this weekend but PVP mostly just makes me furious. Iīm a really sore loser, I canīt handle other people killing me without me killing them FOR REAL :\

Or in other words: PVP can ruin my mood instantly. Thatīs why I try to steer clear from that. An exception is when Iīm not alone, playing with friends because they get killed as much as I am so itīs kind of a shared rage...

Chojin Jan 21st, 2011 01:04 PM

i would get mad at pvp in other games, but the entire city is a warzone and i don't really take it personally in dcuo for some reason

Dr. Boogie Jan 21st, 2011 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 711207)
Oh man, four more days until DS2

I'm looking forward to it, too.

My biggest concern is that having to stomp every single corpse to get items seems like it would get old fast, especially when you're trying to establish a certain mood.

MarioRPG Jan 21st, 2011 08:23 PM


Oh man I'm glad I have a controller to use on my computer now.

Guitar Woman Jan 21st, 2011 10:23 PM

Stalker: Call of Pripyat.

Within the first 15 minutes of playtime, I killed a bloodsucker, betrayed like 5 guys, hunted mutated pigs, and was mauled by a pack of wild dogs who charged into the middle of a gunfight.

I'd say it was pretty awesome.

I've also been slumming around on a World of Warcraft trial account. I leveled a Troll Shaman up to 19 in about 7 days of casualfagging, which is about the point you have to start dungeoneering to keep up experience flow. After two or three dungeon attempts with PuGs I can see where some of the vehement hatred of the game comes from, because everyone who's not a serious-business smacktard busy kickbanning me for sucking is even worse than I am, which is horrifying to behold.

I did get lucky and end up saddled with a party that was at just the right level of retardation; a mage, a hunter, a priest, and, after our Tank crapped out, myself, playing rock-guitar solos on every monster's face with my battleaxe and having their chair shots to my midsection balanced out by a constant spam of healing spells from the other guy, all the while supported by bullets and fireballs from the peanut gallery. It wasn't entirely sophisticated - we were basically just spamming whatever made the biggest numbers as fast as we could - but I had quite a bit of fun once I found some easygoing dudes to play with. Of course, the chances of getting saddled with a good group even a fourth of the time are probably pretty fucking slim, if Left 4 Dead is anything to go on.

So yeah, I can see how people would enjoy the camaraderie, the setting, and the art style, because I thought those were neat. And gameplay-wise, after you start to get a respectable collection of powers and shit, it's pretty satisfying to unload them all on a boss monster over and over again, but it's more or less Diablo: Slow Edition. Not to mention the massive amounts of jogging through barren wilderness in between quests and dungeon groups. That alone has probably taken up about half of my play time.

kahljorn Jan 22nd, 2011 06:13 PM


Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2011 02:42 AM

Yeah I was kind of on speed there, maybe next time I'll write about something that hasn't been irrelevant for 6 years

OxBlood Jan 23rd, 2011 11:48 AM

I´ve been playing Dungeon Raid all day (Iphone game). It´s fucking awesome. A simple match-3 at first glance but with a very nice RPG overlay without becoming a Puzzle Quest-clone. Visit the shop by matching enough coins, the blacksmith by getting shields and defeat your enemies by matching swords with them.

Fast and fun gameplay, quick sessions, great concept. If you have an iOS-device, get it.

Fathom Zero Jan 24th, 2011 08:54 AM

Dimnos Jan 24th, 2011 10:30 AM

Dont tell me you started playing LoL FZ.

darkvare Jan 24th, 2011 10:51 AM

i suck with nunu :(

Fathom Zero Jan 24th, 2011 11:55 AM

Hahaha. My friend made me play it.

I'm not really into statistics. It's why I've hated RPGs for years. But the art and character designs are pretty good.

I can't imagine spending thirty+ minutes on single match and remaining sane, doing it over and over and over. That said, Nunu is a beast.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 24th, 2011 01:32 PM

Playing Mischief Makers. One of my top three favorite N64 games. Totally enamored by it. I'm gonna see if I can get straight A's, cause I never could as a kid. Halfway through world two and doing good so far.

I'd probably suck a dick to get a sequel.

Tadao Jan 26th, 2011 02:56 PM

I bought Doom 3 when it came out, but never found the time to play it. Loaded it up last night and the fucking thing makes me jumpy. :lol

Immortal Goat Jan 26th, 2011 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 711226)
i would get mad at pvp in other games, but the entire city is a warzone and i don't really take it personally in dcuo for some reason

So you're playing DCUO? Nice. I plan on getting that within the next couple of months. Your guild have room for 1 more once I get it? And are you heroes or villains?

darkvare Jan 26th, 2011 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 711579)
I bought Doom 3 when it came out, but never found the time to play it. Loaded it up last night and the fucking thing makes me jumpy. :lol

i got the special edition for 5 dollars like a year ago includes doom 1 and 2:rock

Tadao Jan 26th, 2011 06:08 PM

It's so hard to play doom 1 and 2, I should get Return to Castle Wolfenstein someday. :lol

dextire Jan 27th, 2011 11:55 PM

Got both Record of Agarest War and Two Worlds II today. Currently in RPG heaven. :)

Guitar Woman Jan 28th, 2011 04:19 AM

Monday Night Combat!

Short version: Team Fortress 3 came out early, and it is really fucking good.

Long version. From the screenshots and preview videos I assumed it'd be nothing more than a less-inspired TF2 equivalent for console tards, who will never have the updated version of TF2 available, and I would have been reasonably satisfied with that, if a little copycat-wary. Instead, the developers basically took all the stuff that makes TF2 great, boiled it down to essentials, and built a completely different gameplay experience around those core concepts. Specifically, a bizarre hybrid of team deathmatch and tower defense. And it is awesome. It looks fucking great, too, the entire thing has a fantastic visual flow that I'm having a difficult time putting into words. Probably because I'm an impoverished Wii owner unused to fancy graffix, and because I decided the best way to experience this title for the first time was underwater-stoned.

I am told it bears similarities to something dubbed "Defense of the Ancients," but I wouldn't know, because that's an RTS thing, and I don't play RTSs. I mean, I have a penis and all.

My favorite classes to play are probably Support and Assassin, although I concede that Assassin is one of the easiest roles in the game to fill, partially due to how it can attack while still invisible (which is kinda necessary since you can see behind you and all), and partially because you can get instant kills on anything but Tanks if you spend your money right early on. A Gray Level 3 Assassin is the best thing for taking down Jackbots, no question. Not to mention that, with all the kills you rack up after maxing out your attack power, buying into maxouts for every other skill doesn't take very long. And that's not even getting into the abuse potential for her smokebomb-jump thing, which I have only begun to wrap my head around. I wouldn't mind a nerf for these guys, but I'm not really qualified to think about that since I know how less than half of the game works.

The only real problems I can see at this point are that every map basically looks the same, and the one thing they ripped off wholesale from TF2, every class having a distinct look and personality, falls kinda flat, because they don't talk as much and aren't incredibly endearing (except the announcer, who is a complete asshole and is hilarious). The silhouette thing works about as well as it does in TF2, you can basically always tell what you're up against just by taking a quick look around.

If you can run this game, at all, buy it immediately, because it is gooder than hell.

MarioRPG Jan 29th, 2011 06:12 PM

I remember seeing a trailer or something like that for the game back in like November. I def want to try that game out some time.

OxBlood Jan 30th, 2011 06:32 AM

Monday Night Combat? It´s really great. Very well designed for an XBL/etc title and definitely worth the money. In coop it´s a nice tower defense game and in Versus it´s really a bit like Team Fortress.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 30th, 2011 04:44 PM

Picked up Rhythm Heaven again last night while going through old games. Close to getting all Golds, but man, that game fucks with me. And not in a sexy way that involves my penis. It's more fun than a lot of rhythm games, but it's really fucking strict about timing. More so than other rhythm games. Lockstep really frustrates me because I can't seem to hit those offbeats :\

Also some scout in TF2 was harassing me on top of a building while I was a sniper. He leaped off the building to try and dodge my knife, and I accidentally switched to the rife and shot him unscoped, killing him. Felt fucking awesome. I need to get a new mic though because the one I use was found in a dumpster behind my university's art department building 4 years ago and it buzzes a lot. Someone complained last night and I felt bad :\

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 31st, 2011 12:19 PM

I'm going to try out the GBA castlevania games I missed out on.

Guitar Woman Feb 1st, 2011 02:54 PM


in Versus it´s really a bit like Team Fortress.
The game honestly reminds me a lot more of Team Fortress Classic than 2, and I can't decide whether that's good or bad. TFC is an awesome game that I like a lot, but it's also a horrible shitpile full of fucking wankers who never play it right. Here's what I mean, more or less.

In TFC, unlike in TF2, every class gets two types of grenades (except the Sniper, who only gets one): Frag grenades, your typical throw-do-damage bollocks, and a special grenade relating to what the class does. Demoman gets a big fuckoff bomb that splinters into like 6 smaller grenades after exploding, Spy gets gas grenades that cause the enemy to hallucinate and be unfit to chase him (in theory, anyway, in practice they were just mildly annoying/hilarious to drop at spawn doors), Pyro gets a fire grenade, Scout gets caltrops and concussion grenades to make him even more of an uncatchable little bastard, etc. They can carry up to four of both types, which is more than you'll ever need per life, but they can be refilled pretty easily. Now, in the game, there are only two classes that really bother to fight with bullets, and that's Sniper and Heavy Weapons Guy. Everyone else might as well throw their guns in the fucking river, since their grenades are one or two hit kills that you barely have to aim and are easily mastered, especially if you're of the basement dwelling persuasion. (In all honestly, though, the special grenades are pretty cool, and I could see the whole grenade system being mildly balanced if only a handful of classes got frags instead of 8 of them; the way it is now, everyone's basically a Demoman and sentries are a complete joke.)

Team Fortress Classic also contains the Combat Medic, who, unlike his nice and balanced German drinking buddy, is objectively the best class in the entire game. He's super fast, has a big fuckoff super nailgun, can fly around the map with his concussion grenades without taking damage, and has a hand-held medpak that is ostensibly for healing friendlies, but is only ever used for its secondary function of infecting enemies with a nigh incurable, contagious virus that you can only get rid of if you're healed by a friendly Medic (note: this will never, ever happen). Don't try going into the spawn for those medpack drops, either, since that will infect your entire team through I guess the fucking loudspeaker. Needless to say, Medics are complete fucking dicks, every team has at least 3, and I hate them.

Now, replace "Grenades" with "Skills" and "Medic" with "Assassin" and you've more or less got Monday Night Combat. The only thing I seem to be good at is farting around the Moneyball as Support upgrading RockIt turrets, poking my head out of the stronghold to farm cash from bots, and crying (unrelated aside: the Support's cowardly weeping every time he gets shot is fucking hilarious). Everything else gets me horribly murdered, if not by an Assassin, then by any class that's there, usually instantaneously. 80% of the time, guns are not a part of the equation from their end, the preferred methods of offing my stupid ass being grapple kills and spamming skills, a good most of which are inescapable death sentences when fully upgraded. Special mention goes to Assault's charge tackle, which sends you flying out of the arena at about 90 miles per hour and can be done from a decent distance away. Funny the first two times, monitor-fist infuriating from then on.

Assassins are a major problem for me; twice as fast as everyone else, can go twice as fast as that when using their dash skill, and can attack while invisible, so you will never see them until you are deceased. This is justified, in theory, by a faint drone emitted by their cloaking device, but go ahead and try to hear that in the middle of a firefight, or while doing anything at all other than standing stock still listening for Assassins. Fully upgraded ones don't even have to get behind you for a one-shot, they can just leap on your face and initiate wanton slaughter. They also share the TFC Medic's ability to freely leap around the map while simultaneously fucking up the HUDs of other players, which is a right pain in the dick. A favorite technique seems to be just jumping over their heads while blind and backstabbing them. Not to mention the lunge ability, which is activated by "reloading" the knife, recharges in a fraction of a second as to be massively spammable, does an absurd amount of damage, and shoots the player forward about 10 feet, again boosting the mobility of the runny fuckheads. I don't care for Tanks because they also kill the shit out of me, but they seem to be the best anti-assassin class due to their fire gun and inability to be one-shotted ever. I will either main them in the future or have one be my very best friend in every game.

tl;dr: MNC is good but I hate the fucking shit out of it. Also, would it have killed the porting team to have added a permanantly visible chat field, instead of making you hit U every time you want to see what anyone's typing? Or let us type while dead, or let us type more than half a twitter entry? Fuck, man, Marathon had better player chat than this.

kahljorn Feb 1st, 2011 11:34 PM

more meth?

OxBlood Feb 2nd, 2011 04:33 AM

*reads*...Chat? Oh, you´re playing it on the PC. Interesting, didn´t even know it was available for PC.

And if you play Medic/Support in any game, you earn at least my respect. We need every brave and supportive soul we can get so yeah, Kudos to you for that.

I don´t know if they changed the Assassins since last time I played but they were kinda visible while running so spotting them was not the problem most of the time and while playing Assault, I had little problems with them. Then again, that was in the beginning phase of the game, I suppose people are way better with the classes by now.

Oh and I just got Inazuma Eleven...I´m curious, is it true that the game didn´t come out in the U.S? I mean, yeah, Soccer is not as big in the States as it is in Europe but still, I always find it strange when games "skip" the US on their way from Japan...btw, I hate Soccer but RPG-Superpower-Jump-towards-the-stars-ultrashot-Soccer? Hell yes.

OxBlood Feb 2nd, 2011 05:45 PM

By the gods...this version of Inazuma Eleven is in german only...and...it...it has voice actors...and about the most embarassing intro-song of all time. This is so tremendously horrible...

I´m really at a loss of words here...listen to this. LISTEN TO THIS SHIT! It doesn´t matter if you don´t understand anything it´s still horrible...

...sorry about the quality, it was the only YT-Video of the intro I could find

darkkitten Feb 3rd, 2011 02:48 AM

Just finished Cod MW2...awesome...

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 3rd, 2011 12:25 PM

castlevania HD. I hate how all the fucking DLC is like 300 pts each.

Supafly, I have the Fuma stage, are the other ones worth getting?

Fathom Zero Feb 3rd, 2011 12:34 PM

Minerva's Den DLC for Bioshock 2 and about to play Costume Quest. Been beasting it up with my friend on his copy of BLOPS, too.

Zhukov Feb 3rd, 2011 09:55 PM


executioneer Feb 4th, 2011 04:20 PM

new vegas, new dlc "dead money"

it's pretty good! good atmosphere (even where the atmosphere is literally bad, aka the poison gas clouds that are everywhere lol)

also i haven't played it so i can't be sure but are they parodying/homaging dead space? monsters that come back to life if you don't dismember them, etc

Fathom Zero Feb 4th, 2011 05:38 PM

I didn't feel a Dead Space sort of thing. :\ The whole thing made me pretty sad, especially the story about the woman that can't speak.

Really really good stuff.

Guitar Woman Feb 4th, 2011 07:04 PM

So, do the guys at Blizzard realize that buying a game with money is supposed to be easier than pirating it? Because I don't think they do, which is why they are programming a rudimentary recursive failure into their installer.

Basically, it has to make minor changes to the files it installs, and when it can't, it deletes everything. I'm suspecting that the reason it can't change them is because they are in use by the installer. :oneofthosedays

I have been wrestling with this all goddamn day and feel like punching someone in the dick. I don't even like RTS games that much.

darkvare Feb 4th, 2011 09:57 PM

i have the same problem with this world of warcraft trial version i got for buying a game

NatRatBat Feb 4th, 2011 10:31 PM

Fallout New Vegas

and sadly... Rangnarok Online

Fathom Zero Feb 5th, 2011 03:37 AM

Cthulhu Saves the World!

darkvare Feb 5th, 2011 09:47 PM

finished dead space 2 some things annoyed me
1 the lack of cool bosses

4 thosse zero gravity flying sections avoiding rubble

great game though

Guitar Woman Feb 5th, 2011 10:38 PM

League of Yigends: Renekton Edition

Also inquire about our Sivir: Shuriken Spam expansion

darkvare Feb 6th, 2011 01:08 AM

renekton is ok sivir can be annoying at times but easily killable

Phoenix Gamma Feb 6th, 2011 01:18 AM

The best part is that of the matches we played, only two other people broke 100 points. One of my better games as a spy.

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