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kahljorn Jun 24th, 2011 04:02 PM

oxblood what are your favorite rpgs that i probably havent played

my favorite games are the tales games :( i need to get tales of the abyss

Guitar Woman Jun 24th, 2011 05:15 PM

What do people see in the Tales series?

I thought Phantasia on the SNES was all right, probably just because it didn't have any voice acting, but I don't think I hate any game more than I hate Tales of Symphonia.

Everything about it is so completely wrong that I'm still not sure if the developers weren't trying make the worst game they possibly could.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 24th, 2011 05:33 PM

The combat was cool. And some of the music.

Haven't touched any post-Symphonia, though. When I replayed it, I realized the story wasn't as cool as when I was 16.

@kahljorn: the Mario and Luigi games are fantastic (except the second one), and the Paper Mario games are great. Also depending on how tolerant you are of grinding, Persona 3 and 4 are really cool. And depending on how old school you are (as in, Phantasy Star oldschool) the Etrian Odyssey games are addictive.

King Hadas Jun 24th, 2011 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by khaljorn
my favorite games are the tales games :( i need to get tales of the abyss

Definitely, Tales of Abyss is the best; I recommend it to everyone. After playing it I went through all the Tales games I owned for a comparative good time but none of them got my dick as hard. >:

Tales of ___ Reviews!

Tales of Symphonia
Played it when I was younger, left no impression which isn't a good sign. Tried it again now, lame. Also It sucks how every other character could fight on a 3d plane while I was stuck on a 2d one (tale of abyss isn't like that).

Tales of Legendia
The cover art makes the characters look interesting, they aren't. Nothing in this game is.

Tales of Phantasia
I played it in spanish and the story seemed more engaging than jrpg's usually are. The fighting mechanics are clunky though.

Tales of Destiny 2 (AKA Tales of Eternia)
Played it when I was younger and it left a huge impression on me. Playing it now I'm still impressed, though it's not as good as in memory. The voice acting is awful but you can turn it off which shows great foresight on the designers part.

Tales of Destiny

kahljorn Jun 24th, 2011 06:42 PM


What do people see in the Tales series?
What do you see in yourself besides an annoying know it all

I love tales of phantasia that's probably my favorite rpg ever. The bad guy in that game was so bad ass and the time travel was very well thought out.

Tales of legendia did kind of suck.. at least the story. But i guess theres like a post-game game or something? i dunno i kind of gave up on it. I hated that the whole game takes place on that dumb island. The fighting was cool in it though. I remember getting some awesome combos.

i have tales of vesparia and its pretty cool but i wish it was less childish. The graphics for it are pretty awesome, the whole thing is like playing an anime basically. It had a lot of really cool elements but it would be nice if it was a little darker and had less silliness. Also I thought the ending was kind of disappointing and i wish there was more abilities, but the ones that were in the game were cool. fortunately its one of those games that has replay value.. i still need to do my second playthrough.

ill definitley have to pick up abyss.. i need to buy a new playstation 2 and mod it now that i have some money :lol
i also like the star ocean games a lot. Never played the newest star ocean, maybe i should try that. last hope new hope whatever was ok.

King Hadas Jun 24th, 2011 07:37 PM

The only Star Ocean game I've ever played was End of Time. I remember three things about it.

One of the major boss fights is with a black man :eek

The incredible twist :eek

And that the ending was so boring I couldn't sit through it.


Originally Posted by khaljorn
It had a lot of really cool elements but it would be nice if it was a little darker and had less silliness.

You'll like Abyss then, maybe. The endings kind of disappointing too. It's one of those endings where the fate of the main character is left to ambiguity, which is great but then after the credits the designers pussed out and ruin it.


Originally Posted by khaljorn
Tales of legendia did kind of suck.. at least the story. But i guess theres like a post-game game or something? i dunno i kind of gave up on it. I hated that the whole game takes place on that dumb island. The fighting was cool in it though. I remember getting some awesome combos.

If a game sucks I can let that go without any real rancor, but Legendia's cover art totally tricked me. You have this zazzy looking frankenstein guy, looking all original and interesting, but in-game his the most generic jRPG hero there ever was. Seemed like a cynical maneuver on Namco's part.

OxBlood Jun 26th, 2011 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 728213)
oxblood what are your favorite rpgs that i probably havent played

my favorite games are the tales games :( i need to get tales of the abyss

Hm, I suppose there are no exotic RPGs among my favorites...letīs see.

My favorite RPG-Experience (not in terms of gameplay, in terms of story and pacing ant things like that) is Persona 3, Iīve never played anything as gripping as that. P4 is better in terms of gameplay but the story isnīt as good, neither is the music.

I do like the Tales games but I canīt stand the battlesystem any more. Back when I first played Tales of Eternity, I was blown away and Tales of Vesperia is among the best RPGs of the recent years if it werenīt for the battles. But thatīs just me, theyīre great games.

I fucking love the Shadow Hearts games, at least one and two, those are among the best Iīve ever played. Yeah, I know Iīm a sucker for dark stories, anything with demonīs or god and stuff like that, canīt help it ;)

I also love Suikoden 2 and Parasite Eve though PE is only half-RPG I guess...

BTW, I just finished Shadows of the damned. One big "meh" is about all I can say about it. Way too little effort was put into that game. Story, Gameplay, Characters, everythingīs lacking. The musics good though. Classic rental Iīd say.

kahljorn Jun 26th, 2011 03:29 PM

guess ill try persona

OxBlood Jun 26th, 2011 03:59 PM

You can save yourself some nerves if you look up the bosses´ weaknesses, cause many times you simply won´t know what it is, bringing the wrong Personae and losing needlessly.

Just saying.

And I finished another one. Dante´s Inferno. Damn, what a great game and no one told me...just gorgeous. 9/10.

Dr. Boogie Jun 27th, 2011 03:18 AM

Just finished Yakuza 4. I liked it a lot, but I don't have the patience to go back and try to finish all the challenges. Akiyama was my favorite, apart from that odd moment when he refused to help a mother because she wouldn't work in the sex industry.

And good on them for actually including an explanation of the rules of Mahjongg this time, although it still made no sense to me.

My one request is that the stop using the knocked-over-villain-produces-gun-and-shoots-main-character bit to insert needless drama into the plot. These guys are supposed to be experienced mob types, how could they not know to check their enemies for weapons?

LordSappington Jun 28th, 2011 05:11 AM

I signed up for playtesting some game on July 7; hopefully I'll get in. My payment is two brand-new, in-the-wrapper games of my choice :eek
It's like I'm really eight again
But still, it might be fun

Chojin Jun 28th, 2011 05:16 AM

i guess i'm playing league of legends

tried 4 characters so far and still don't like it

darkvare Jun 28th, 2011 04:08 PM

just fnished episode 5 of the back to the future games the story is great and the ending is hilarious

Dimnos Jun 29th, 2011 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 728717)
i guess i'm playing league of legends

tried 4 characters so far and still don't like it

Yeah it takes a little to find one that fits your play style. Not to mention as you play more and learn the other champs and how to play against them you just get better.

Fathom Zero Jun 29th, 2011 03:25 PM

I was playing League of Legends until the client crashed six times in a row, and subsequently giving me two 'Leaves'. Fuck this game and its mother.

executioneer Jun 29th, 2011 03:57 PM

got Mount & Blade Warband last night, haven't gotten to play yet. TONIGHT I WILL CHOP OFF SOME HORSES' FACES

Fathom Zero Jun 29th, 2011 04:55 PM

OH MAN WILLIE. You're going to have to write a journal for it.

Dimnos Jun 29th, 2011 09:50 PM

Uncharted 3 multiplayer. Its boss, even if they only have 2 damn maps. :)

darkvare Jun 29th, 2011 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 728965)
Uncharted 3 multiplayer. Its boss, even if they only have 2 damn maps. :)

the thing keeps locking up on me add me on psn thought donvarone

executioneer Jun 30th, 2011 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 728937)
OH MAN WILLIE. You're going to have to write a journal for it.

day 1: got hassled by a street mugger in Sargoth. a merchant popped up from out of nowhere after I chopped the mugger's face off, asking me to help him find his brother or something like that, wasn't paying attention. he gave me some silver to recruit "at least five men" with.

day 2: saw a band of seven looters skulking about in the forest near the first village I was going to recruit from. Had a little bit more difficulty than I should have murdering all of them from horseback, gotta learn how to steer better. Got some more cash from their stinking corpses, plus all their disgusting unwashed armor and the rusty butcher knives they were armed with to sell to some flea market or other.

day 5: after a bit of recruiting and a few more skirmishes with future dead men, I returned to the tavern where I was to meet with the merchant with 28 recruits following. Merchant seemed surprised by this, sent me after a band of thieves that he supposed knew about his brother.

day 5 part 2: caught up with five thieves. didn't NEED to, but I killed three of them myself before my men showed up. Got cut up pretty badly though, need to be more careful next time. One of the ones I didn't kill spilled the location of their hideout and promised to lead a virtuous life from this point onward. Stripped him naked and covered him with pig's blood, told him to hope the wolves caught his scent before he froze to death.

day 7: found the bandit hideout. looked more like some kids having a bonfire on the beach, but whatever, killed them all. idiot merchant's bigger idiot brother is free now, hooray.

day 9: back in Sargoth. Merchant wants me to help him expose the guard captain for complicity in helping the bandits do banditry. sounded pretty boring until he mentioned that I'd get to personally kill a bunch of the captain's cronies.

day 9 part 2: Only got to kill five of them, boo. Merchant seemed disappointed because a lot of his men got injured. Told him they needed to stop standing behind people I'm trying to shoot at. Parted less than amicably.

day 17: Did a bunch of recruiting and odd jobs (collected taxes, trained villagers to fight bandits, hunted down a murderer for a bounty). Have 57 Nords following me now. Found out they don't like not eating, fortunately there was an undefended Vaegir village nearby. Forcing the villagers to give us stuff was so enjoyable we went and did it about five more times. I see no possible negative consequences for this in the future.

kahljorn Jun 30th, 2011 12:36 PM

that game sounds really fun ;/

OxBlood Jul 1st, 2011 09:04 AM

I actually bought it after reading that post. Played it all afternoon yesterday. I can´t really say how many times I fucked up already. Bandits kidnap me, Farmers kill my horse (and they refuse to hand over the fucking salad), lords hate me left and right but I´m still having a blast playing :D Focussing on archery mostly cause it´s a lot of fun though cleaving some barbarians in half with a greatsword is fun too :)

It´s on sale on steam btw.

executioneer Jul 1st, 2011 12:50 PM

it was $12 on amazon last time i checked, how much is it on steam?

executioneer Jul 1st, 2011 12:51 PM

also some of those things aren't really in the game you don't realyl get to cover people in pig's blood in game

Fathom Zero Jul 1st, 2011 04:22 PM

I focus on riding my horse as fast as possible to make the people i blow pastlose their limbs. That or I stand from a mile away because I'm such a pimp with the crossbow.

Mount and Blade has a steep learning curve, but if you find the right groove and get into it right, it gets crazy involved.

executioneer Jul 1st, 2011 04:45 PM

man I absolutely love shooting shit with a bow in this game. It's one thing getting headshots in a game where the bullets go right on your target reticle, when you actually have to adjust for distance and elevation and you still get five in a row it's so awesome

Shyandquietguy Jul 2nd, 2011 12:28 AM

Just got Terraria and I haven't really played much to go very far.

executioneer Jul 2nd, 2011 05:35 AM

mount&blade update:
Signed up as a merc with the Nords. I managed to very nearly get captured once (all my men died, and I ran away). However, after improving my equipment, recruiting and training more troops, I managed to utterly annihilate a force of Swadian troops that outnumbered me 108 to 58 with only 13 troops killed (and they were all poor-quality troops anyways). I personally killed at least a dozen Swadian archers myself. Signed on to another month's contract with the Nords. Hopefully this time they'll actually ask me to do something, all the battles I've gotten in have been completely on my own volition.

LordSappington Jul 2nd, 2011 05:38 AM

I bought the id games pack on Steam. It's on ale right now. So, 22 games for $30. GET IT NOW

executioneer Jul 2nd, 2011 06:02 AM

ehh i've already got all the GOOD games in that pack :(

Chojin Jul 2nd, 2011 07:23 AM

playing Omikron: the Nomad Soul on the dreamcast

it's an open-world cyberpunk game by a french company, so i already loved it before i bought it

Fathom Zero Jul 2nd, 2011 07:33 AM

It was made by David Cage. Eeeeeeew.

Yeah, I'd wanna play it.

Nick Jul 2nd, 2011 10:45 PM

I've been pretty much just playing TF2 right now. All these weapons and hats and crap. Why can't I hold it all?

Shyandquietguy Jul 3rd, 2011 01:39 AM

Playing more Terraria!

OxBlood Jul 4th, 2011 04:40 AM

Terraria is a nice little game, I think they put new stuff in since I last played it but I´m not that motivated.

I can´t really seem to progress much in Mount&Blade. I think I sided with the wrong guys and now the one Jarl that liked me is my enemy and I have to start over with some other guy again...all I want is to slaughter dudes and get a piece of land for it. A little caslte maybe. Can´t be that much to ask for...

executioneer Jul 4th, 2011 05:34 AM

I've got a castle and a little village now. Best thing that's happened so far is beating a 200+ strong army with 50 guys, now. Also, good gravy do I ever love that the enemies can rout now. I thought just winning against impossible odds was fun, but seeing them driven before me and hearing the lamentations of their women definitely is the best thing :conan

OxBlood Jul 4th, 2011 06:47 AM

I want a castle too! But I guess my non-noble heritage isn´t helping much...neither is me siding with whomever I want...meh, who cares, killing peasants is fun too.

Question: Is there any way of recruiting guys other than picking them up in the villages? Don´t these countries have soldiers or something? Can´t all be peasant-armies and mercenaries, right?

Fathom Zero Jul 4th, 2011 06:53 AM

Go into the taverns and talk to people. Occasionally, there'll be some unique person that'll join your party. Also, you can hire other sorts of mercenaries.

Chojin Jul 4th, 2011 07:45 AM

lol some shit just got real in omikron and this npc started making threats at me, so in the dialog options i was just like "dude i'm playing a video game, i don't care"


OxBlood Jul 4th, 2011 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 729589)
Go into the taverns and talk to people. Occasionally, there'll be some unique person that'll join your party. Also, you can hire other sorts of mercenaries.

I´ve seen the mercs but they´re expensive as shit...and given the chance that they´ll only survive one or two battles anyway...I´ll pass on them for now. At least I got some of my boys to survive long enough to promote them to knights (which is strange since I´m a commoner and commoners can´t command knights but whatever ;) )

It´s kinda hard finding a Count to cling to...I´d prefer to just TAKE land and castles but I can´t since I can only field 45 guys...Some kind of super-battlemage or maybe 10 Ogres would be really handy right now but noooo, we´re not living in a fantasy world. No Sir, you gotta go and recruit peasant-boys from the countryside and crawl in everybodies collective ass to get along in this world...at least I got me a nice Greatsword.

Huh, I just captured some Desert-noble...what should I do with him? IS there anything to do other than collect ransom?

executioneer Jul 4th, 2011 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 729588)
I want a castle too! But I guess my non-noble heritage isn´t helping much...neither is me siding with whomever I want...meh, who cares, killing peasants is fun too.

Question: Is there any way of recruiting guys other than picking them up in the villages? Don´t these countries have soldiers or something? Can´t all be peasant-armies and mercenaries, right?

recruiting from villages and getting mercs from taverns is it, sry


Huh, I just captured some Desert-noble...what should I do with him? IS there anything to do other than collect ransom?
nope. all you can do is wait for someone to contact you

OxBlood Jul 4th, 2011 04:44 PM

Happened already. Measly 2500 Denars for a lord. Cheap bastards.

BUT: I got my first fief. Right in the middle of enemy territory. Great. Had to pause until tomorrow but somehow I doubt I´ll find it in good condition. Bah.

executioneer Jul 4th, 2011 05:02 PM

yeah, they usually start you with the shittiest fief :( it's income, i guess? plus if you build it up a bunch they'll start giving you better troops when you recruit (which, in original M&B at least, could be good or bad; sometimes they'd offer archers, which I DID NOT WANT)

Dr. Boogie Jul 4th, 2011 06:33 PM

Playing Terraria. The first 6 hours of that game were better than the entire 6 hours of DNF.

I tunneled about 1.5 kilometers underground and found a bunch of great shit. Then I went to explore the jungle and found a solid gold room with a gold treasure chest underground. I was so happy that I tore down that room and used the materials to make a solid gold cabin. I wish my bed could have been made of gold, too.

Willie, I just picked up M&B: With Fire and Sword off Steam. Is it everything from the previous installments plus more, because I still haven't had a chance to play Warband?

Fathom Zero Jul 4th, 2011 06:33 PM

I want dudes on horseback with swords or lances. The faster, the better. Fuck archers. All they do is miss and die.

Fathom Zero Jul 4th, 2011 11:41 PM

It's old, but one of my favorite moments in video games.

Chojin Jul 5th, 2011 03:10 AM

what is it with cyberpunk and demons

still playing omikron. the game has some really neat concepts and was developed by the same company that did indigo prophecy and heavy rain, yet actually plays like a video game unlike those two. the open world system is mad neat, but the game is just retro enough that it was made in that time period where fucking nothing is explained, and you can screw yourself out of being able to finish the game if you do certain things wrong early on (or so I've read). like i said the concepts are neat, like how if you die through pretty much any plot event, you can possess a nearby person and keep playing. after i was wanted by law, i tried to get a police robot to let me through a tunnel and he just looked at me and then turned on his flamethrower :lol then i got to possess a bald female mortician :orgasm

I keep having to go back to gamefaqs for it because everything you're ever told is a fantastical riddle that the game engine can't hope to convey without a healthy dose of imagination. it also doesn't help that nothing at all is labelled on your map, so every time i enter a new city i have to chart it out on paper to figure out where the fuck anything is. you can call a car to take you to important plot destinations, but not stores.

so it's a french 3d cyberpunk action/adventure game. it also has FPS segments and fighting game segments. i feel like i should be enjoying this more. it's probably the controls that bother me the most; it's like resident evil 1 in a GTA 3 gamespace.

LordSappington Jul 5th, 2011 03:21 AM

Got Killing Floor, and holy fuck this game is goddamn hard. Especially on maps where kiting is literally impossible, and God help you if you bought the wrong gun.
I love it.

executioneer Jul 5th, 2011 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 729666)
Willie, I just picked up M&B: With Fire and Sword off Steam. Is it everything from the previous installments plus more, because I still haven't had a chance to play Warband?

someone told me it wasn't as good as warband, i haven't tried it

supposedly there's guns in it? dunno

Fathom Zero Jul 5th, 2011 04:09 AM

It's set in real Europe and there are gunz. So it's cool. I also picked it up. :)

OxBlood Jul 5th, 2011 04:53 AM

I played Fire & Sword for about half an hour and it felt very inferior to Warband imo. The guns are a nice addition but they take forever to load and they are basically a onehit on both the enemy AND you. One stray bullet and you´re done for. I also don´t like the fact that it´s not a fictional country but errr...Poland, right?

Fathom Zero Jul 5th, 2011 07:39 AM

Poland, Crimea, Turkey, etc. Eastern Europe, I think. And there were some French people from what I saw. I haven't gotten past the tutorial because the horses that my mates were supposed to get on ran away as soon as I got on mine. :lol

OxBlood Jul 5th, 2011 10:09 AM

Hm, I´ll try it again. In Warband, my first fief was about as peaceful as I expected. As in "under constant attack". Those peasants can´t build as fast as those Yellow Dudes burn down their houses. And of course I can´t do anything about it cause they have 100 guys and I got...about 15 right now :D

One thing I don´t like is that Fire and Sword doesn´t have character-origins anymore. I just love these ultima-esque questionaires to determine your skills plus it adds color to your character. For instance, my Warband-character is the son of a poacher, so I know he´s a commoner of very low standing which is quite important to know when dealing with all those nobles.

In Fire and Sword, I´m just some random dude with a nice beard and that´s it. A shame.

Zomboid Jul 5th, 2011 09:57 PM

I've started playing MK again while I wait to play Duke Nukem. I also have MvsC3, and I tried it, but honestly, I went back to MK pretty quickly; I'd imagine it'd be fun with other people, but I'm not liking it all that much.

executioneer Jul 5th, 2011 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 729790)
Fire and Sword doesnīt have character-origins anymore

well fuck that, I loved that part >:

LordSappington Jul 6th, 2011 01:19 AM

Holy shit, this Steam Summer sale is killing my wallet. I keep seeing game packs for 85% off and buying them. :(
Also, anyone want to play some Killing Floor?

Dr. Boogie Jul 7th, 2011 12:18 AM

Sure, I'm down.

Steamtag is fiendian

creeposaurus Jul 9th, 2011 01:06 PM

Biker Mice from Mars for the DS

darkvare Jul 9th, 2011 08:33 PM

i've been playing world of warcraft now that it's free also been playing arkham asylum on 3d since i got the goty edition which works better than i thought

WhiteRat Jul 9th, 2011 09:55 PM

Just started playing Knights of the Old Republic for PC for the first time. Why did I wait 8 years to play this?

Dimnos Jul 9th, 2011 11:55 PM

On the PC that game had a lot of bad ass mods too.

mew barios Jul 10th, 2011 12:33 AM

i played ghost trick: phantom detective over the past week. i'm surprised how good it looks for a ds game.

Fathom Zero Jul 10th, 2011 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 731033)
On the PC that game had a lot of bad ass mods too.

It did on the Xbox, as well.

LordSappington Jul 10th, 2011 04:07 AM

This fucking happened to me just now on the Patriarch with my friends. Fuuuuuuu

King Hadas Jul 11th, 2011 11:31 AM

Exciting news for Darkvare; Mother 3 has been translated into Spanish.


darkvare Jul 11th, 2011 12:45 PM

but is spanish from spain :( and also i don't like turn based games

Dimnos Jul 11th, 2011 04:01 PM

You dont know the kings spanish?! WTF son?

darkvare Jul 11th, 2011 04:22 PM

it's that they have some words we don't use and different words witht the same meaning i can do a video of how different both are

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 11th, 2011 04:54 PM

I would watch it. If its in english I would understand it too.

darkvare Jul 12th, 2011 02:42 AM

i bought an undead horse in wow i feel accomplished i'm gonna buy some time cards

Nick Jul 12th, 2011 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 730989)
i've been playing world of warcraft now that it's free also been playing arkham asylum on 3d since i got the goty edition which works better than i thought

Since when is WoW free?

Fathom Zero Jul 12th, 2011 07:06 AM

Up to level 20 or some shit, they made it free to play.

OxBlood Jul 12th, 2011 08:09 AM

How long does it take to get to 20 in WOW these days? An hour? Two? :lol

mew barios Jul 12th, 2011 05:41 PM

i'm 1000 lightyears behind every other human in ps2 modding, but i did finally set it up to play games streamed into it thru the network adapter so i could put it inside my arcade cabinet and never touch another primitive optical disk again. i've been playing odin sphere on it and i'm not sure how i feel about it yet but it looks really pretty.

Fathom Zero Jul 12th, 2011 10:22 PM

you can do that? :O

mew barios Jul 12th, 2011 11:01 PM

i'm gonna be doing several console mods over the next week or so, i'll make a thread about it :o

dextire Jul 14th, 2011 01:31 AM

Borrowed Super Mario Galaxy 2 from a friend and holy crap is there a lot to do!
I've already beat final Bowser twice and collected all 120 stars, and it looks like I'm just getting started.

It's a lot of fun though, and I like that you can play as Luigi this time.

Mad Melvin Jul 14th, 2011 03:16 AM

Brütal Legend

I don't really like this game all that much, but i'll try to get it over with.

Chojin Jul 14th, 2011 01:23 PM

finally finished omikron. the game seems to forget that it's cyberpunk about a third of the way through and you end up traipsing through marketplaces and french villas or something

also the game became less of an adventure game and more of a queer puzzler as time went on, and it slowly became less possible to "live" in the environments (the last city doesn't even have cars, doesn't have a supermarket, and you get kicked out of the Awakened base after you get your mission; ne'er to return again). The whole thing starts out well after you get a handle on the controls and it feels like you're in a living city, then it just gets obnoxious when you get to the other cities.

i also kept getting pissed off because i'd possess a person i really wanted to keep and then plot elements would force me to possess someone else. you can't return to an old body and you lose all your fight training and other stats when you do that, too. i ended the game as some faggotry shrek-wannabe after my movie star chick had to kill herself by drinking poison just to get that faggot to move a rock for me.

i think the game forces you to remain emotionally unattached to the people you control, but at the same time gives you lots of information about them and makes you spend time improving them, which makes their loss tougher on you. i don't know if it's intentional, but it felt like the game was making me GROW AS A PERSON by leaving these characters behind. also it's a bizarre moral choice, considering you kill the people you possess (most of whom are civilians), and it's ambiguous as to what happens to their soul when you take over. their bodies turn into transparent soulless husks when you transfer to another, so it's not like they get it back.

the game itself is supposed to be a plot from demons to enslave souls from our world by putting them into video game characters in the game world, but the game world itself is supposed to be a real world in another dimension that persists when you turn the system off. this further raises moral questions because according to the game, you are fucking with and killing real people just so you can get your soul back out of the video game/other world.

the concepts are a lot better than the delivery.

OxBlood Jul 14th, 2011 06:10 PM

Still playing Ys Seven. That´s how you do it, just plain Action-Adventure Awesomeness.

darkvare Jul 14th, 2011 09:29 PM

i'm playing alice madnnes returns and i was wondering does this game has anything to do with psychonauts?

WhiteRat Jul 14th, 2011 09:37 PM

Still playing KotOR on PC. Was in the Sith Temple, broke into Master Uthar's room and found the datapad to give to the one guy's angsty sith son. Upon reaching said son with the evidence to sway him to our side, he goes ape shit and attacks me with his lightsabre completely unprovoked. His dad, who if you remember, is desperately trying to reconcile with him, starts shooting his own son like no tomorrow. After we killed his son I tried talking to the dad and all he says is some shit about trying to find evidence to show his son and acts like nothing has happened.

I take it that this was a glitch?

Fathom Zero Jul 14th, 2011 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 731798)
i'm playing alice madnnes returns and i was wondering does this game has anything to do with psychonauts?


Other than that, no similarities, other than the fact that American McGee and Tim Schafer are the same person.

They both make weird games that don't sell at all.

darkvare Jul 15th, 2011 12:58 AM

that's the reason i was wondering lol

Phoenix Gamma Jul 15th, 2011 01:18 AM

To be fair, Madness Returns is pretty crummy. I'm on chapter 3 and I've already seen everything the gameplay has to offer. If it weren't for the story or art, I'd have uninstalled it. Speaking of which, I got a signed copy of the artbook and a signed lithograph in the mail the other day. Pretty as fuck.

darkvare Jul 15th, 2011 01:56 AM

well i just finished it the platforming went from bad to infuriating and this is mostly due to the removal of her ability to grab onto ledges

Phoenix Gamma Jul 15th, 2011 09:01 PM

Fuck the collision. There are so many moments where Alice will hit the ledge then vibrated against it and fell.

k0k0 Jul 16th, 2011 12:25 AM

Right now I'm playing 'Ms. Splosion Man' and it is awesome. If you liked the first one, this is better and everything seems bigger. The puzzles can get a bit harder than Splosion Man, but it's pretty rewarding solving some of them. I can't wait to finish the single player and then go do some co-op online with random assholes who don't know how to play.

King Hadas Jul 16th, 2011 02:37 AM

I bought 5 games at gamestop for $31, I'm not sure if I came out ahead yet. If I can buy a game for less then it'd cost to rent it and it's a good one then usually I consider it a deal but I've only played two so far and two of the others won't load easily on my ps2 since they're blue discs.

Bioshock 2 (the premise has become a little strained but still pretty engaging)
Fable 2 (this game is a fucking mess, not sure how I feel about it yet)
RAD (blue disc)
Okage: Shadow King (blue disc)
Blood Will Tell

I almost bought a game called City Crisis as well because I thought it might be a sequel to Incredible Crisis but it turns out it was just some sort of helicopter game.

Dr. Boogie Jul 16th, 2011 02:48 AM

Blood Will Tell is awesome. Don't let the crappy voice acting dissuade you.

Same with RAD, with even more of a warning about the crappy voice work.

Fathom Zero Jul 16th, 2011 03:16 AM

RAD is a wonderful game. I just KNOW that the people that made that went on to make Earth Defense Force. They just had to.

Everything about the games is the same. And Okage sounds so familiar. :\

After looking it up, yeah I've seen it so many times in PS2 bargain bins. It was a launch title, if memory serves.

Zomboid Jul 16th, 2011 04:11 AM

Yeah, Gamestop has that crazy sale going on now. I was tempted to get Tekken 6, but I already have a lot of fighting games and when certain friends are over we get day drunk and try playing them all but usually end up back on Mortal Kombat.

I started a new game of New Vegas, specifically to play the expansions. Man, Dead Money fucking sucked. I typically try to explore as much as possible and get a real sense of what's going on, but I just wanted that shit to end as quickly as possible. I have yet to try the second one, but it can't be any worse. Other than that, I've been wandering around discovering how much ass you can kick with a high unarmed skill. I knocked a deathclaw's head off with like two punches from my spiked fists.

Fathom Zero Jul 16th, 2011 04:32 AM

Honest Hearts is soooo fucking boring. The one that comes out next week looks great, though.

Phoenix Gamma Jul 16th, 2011 09:17 AM

My parents are using Wii Fit to weigh our luggage before our trip. BOY THAT WAS A GREAT MOTHER'S DAY GIFT I'M GLAD I BOUGHT THAT FOR YOU.

Also played a little of the Uncharted 3 beta at a friend's house. Shit's pretty cool. I can see myself playing that for awhile, climbing on shit and shooting dudes. I just want the fucking campaign though.

Zomboid Jul 16th, 2011 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 731964)
Honest Hearts is soooo fucking boring. The one that comes out next week looks great, though.

I doubt that it's worse than Dead Money. Out of the expansions for Fallout 3, I think I liked Point Lookout the most, but the Pit was also pretty fun. Anchorage and Mothership Zeta were mediocre, and I liked Broken Steel enough that I didn't feel ripped off for getting it.

Fuck, really, anything that allowed you to make up for that horrible oversight at the climax of the vanilla game was going to be a step up. I have a super mutant, a ghoul, or a robot, but none of them will press that switch. It has to be someone who can die from it. Ok, Fallout.

darkvare Jul 16th, 2011 08:17 PM

i went the free to play way :\ and got champions online so if you wanna play or mock me or whatever just let me know

Chojin Jul 16th, 2011 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 732307)
Fuck, really, anything that allowed you to make up for that horrible oversight at the climax of the vanilla game was going to be a step up. I have a super mutant, a ghoul, or a robot, but none of them will press that switch. It has to be someone who can die from it. Ok, Fallout.

yeah that was tres retarded

i went in there wearing a radiation suit and after having chowed down on like 10 bottles of rad-x. or radaway, whatever the preventative one is.

'hey this isn't bad at all okay i'll put in the code and OH GOD WHAT'

Chojin Jul 16th, 2011 09:20 PM

zeno clash is on sale on steam this weekend. i will probably get it since it looks interesting to me.

this is mostly a post to remind me to buy it tomorrow.

nvrmind i just bought it now

the next games in my list are:
-the longest journey
-dreamfall: the longest journey
-mass effect 2 (FINISH THE JOB, JAMES)
-zeno clash

with a bit of monday night combat in there somewhere; multiplayer games tend to exist on a different continuum for me

Fathom Zero Jul 17th, 2011 04:17 AM

You're not going to like Zeno Clash.

Chojin Jul 17th, 2011 07:53 AM

what makes you say that

i watched a bit of a "let's play" a few months ago and it looked interesting

i play shitty games all the goddamn time just to get ideas for my own projects and to grow as an individual

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