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OxBlood Mar 17th, 2010 09:00 AM

And that was FF13. Credits after around 58hrs. Now on to more optional and more fun postgame-content. I think that was the shortest final boss in a JRPG ever...took around 2 or 3 Minutes...not even the Persona 3- Boss went down that fast :D

timrpgland Mar 17th, 2010 08:23 PM

I've been working on my online rpg... hehe www.dragonwarriorland.com

Nick Mar 17th, 2010 10:40 PM

You had me clicking those fake buttons like a complete tard.

timrpgland Mar 17th, 2010 11:42 PM

Heh, just a placeholder for now. Only the forum is up but not linked to. The forum is also blocked off from new regs at this time. It's still in dev.

Nick Mar 17th, 2010 11:47 PM

At least now you can feel happy that you made someone feel stupid without even trying. Congrats.

timrpgland Mar 18th, 2010 12:39 AM

That's not very difficult. :(

LordSappington Mar 18th, 2010 04:32 AM

I've recently gotten addicted to Groov. It's this fun little Indie Game, that plays much like Geometry Wars. The catch here, though, is it's MUSIC BASED. The game immediately has a pulsing beat in the background, and when you fire, it plays music to the rhythm of your gun. Different enemies make different sound effects to the music, and pretty soon, you're making all kinds of crazy-awesome techno to the beat of your enemies DYING. It gets even better once your gun starts upgrading, changing the beat of the game entirely.

Fathom Zero Mar 18th, 2010 05:24 AM



10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 18th, 2010 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 676476)
And that was FF13. Credits after around 58hrs. Now on to more optional and more fun postgame-content. I think that was the shortest final boss in a JRPG ever...took around 2 or 3 Minutes...not even the Persona 3- Boss went down that fast :D

Only 4 hours into it but it seems really easy in the fact that there are save points every 20 feet and you can retry battles if you lose. I've game-overed a few times thought from lightning dieing and not blocking during the shiva battle.

TheCoolinator Mar 18th, 2010 02:12 PM

Megaman music Remixes

My favs are Metal Man and Flashman. Sparkman's theme is in 3rd place.

OxBlood Mar 19th, 2010 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 676721)
Only 4 hours into it but it seems really easy in the fact that there are save points every 20 feet and you can retry battles if you lose. I've game-overed a few times thought from lightning dieing and not blocking during the shiva battle.

Yeah, thereīs no "Goddamnit! I just lost 2 hours of my life thanks to this boss!" You only lose...I dunno 10 Minutes MAX. The longest regular fight that I had in the game was about 8 or 9 Minutes.

If you take the time to run around in the 2nd phase of the game and you max the crystarium before you continue the story, youīre set for the rest of the game. Granted I had one of the ultimate weapons by then, that helped a bit too.

Guitar Woman Mar 20th, 2010 09:06 PM

Thief 2 on Expert.

I don't think I've ever hated tile flooring as much as I did during the entire hour I spent in the Bank mission.

OxBlood Mar 21st, 2010 06:00 AM

Got Heavy Rain over the weekend and finished it yesterday. Not a game I would buy but a damn good rent Iīd say. Interesting and well written experience.

executioneer Mar 22nd, 2010 09:28 AM

been playing a lot of master of magic. I'm not saying it needs to be remade, but there's still a lot of bugs even after the final patched version i'd love to see ironed out. online multiplayer would also be nice, i guess? and i'm gonna see how shitty this new king's bounty runs on my hard-drive-locks-up-at-random shit computer in a little bit

captain516 Mar 22nd, 2010 06:47 PM

Wolfenstein on a gameboy emulator.. not bad.

MarioRPG Mar 23rd, 2010 10:26 AM

I started up Minish cap and have been playing Beatles Rock Band.

TheCoolinator Mar 23rd, 2010 10:53 AM

I just got the the remastered version of Sherlock Holmes: The Awakening yesterday in the mail. I can't get enough of these adventure games.

OxBlood Mar 23rd, 2010 11:13 AM

I borrowed Metro 2033 from a friend...it´s...pretty meh, not really good, has some PC-like bugs going on, sometimes you can´t understand the people because they have such a thick russian accent, doesn´t matter if in german or in english, gotta read subtitles most of the time.

That, and the gameplay is pretty boring, just your regular shooter. Glad I didn´t buy it. Also ordered Magna Carta 2. Between that and White Knight Chronicles, Magna seems to be the better game...also the cheaper one with 17 bucks...

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 23rd, 2010 11:24 AM

I really wanted to play the magna carta games.

TheCoolinator Mar 23rd, 2010 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 677598)
I borrowed Metro 2033 from a friend...it´s...pretty meh, not really good, has some PC-like bugs going on, sometimes you can´t understand the people because they have such a thick russian accent, doesn´t matter if in german or in english, gotta read subtitles most of the time.

That, and the gameplay is pretty boring, just your regular shooter. Glad I didn´t buy it. Also ordered Magna Carta 2. Between that and White Knight Chronicles, Magna seems to be the better game...also the cheaper one with 17 bucks...

Thanks for posting this. My next FPS was going to be Metro 2033. It looked interesting because it had the whole sci-fi angle to it but now I'll pass on it because of the boring comment and having excessive russian accents in it. I had my fill of Russian voice actors in COD5.

Dimnos Mar 23rd, 2010 01:01 PM

What does a Russian accent sound like in German? :confused:

Fathom Zero Mar 23rd, 2010 01:06 PM

The same, I'd imagine. :lol

You're better off getting S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Those games are hella fun.

OxBlood Mar 23rd, 2010 02:14 PM

True, russian accents always sound the same, no matter if they speak german, english or...chinese (?) you can hear the easter-european tounge in it. Same with german accents, those always sound the same too...or french accents (ugh, those are horrible, sorry my french friends, it´s true).

I woulnd´t say that Metro is totally boring, it´s just kinda bland. A rather straightforward shooter where you would really like something like Stalker. Which isn´t perfect either but at least it´s not just another shooter.

Metro is basically wasted potential as far as I can tell. My friend, who payed around 50 bucks for it, really ain´t happy with that purchase, I can tell you that.

Fathom Zero Mar 23rd, 2010 02:44 PM



TheCoolinator Mar 23rd, 2010 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 677637)
True, russian accents always sound the same, no matter if they speak german, english or...chinese (?) you can hear the easter-european tounge in it. Same with german accents, those always sound the same too...or french accents (ugh, those are horrible, sorry my french friends, itīs true).

I woulndīt say that Metro is totally boring, itīs just kinda bland. A rather straightforward shooter where you would really like something like Stalker. Which isnīt perfect either but at least itīs not just another shooter.

Metro is basically wasted potential as far as I can tell. My friend, who payed around 50 bucks for it, really ainīt happy with that purchase, I can tell you that.

Does it at least have a multiplayer mode?

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