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Pokemon SoulSilver and SMT: Strange Journey.
The former is pretty good. I never played Silver, so it's fun to play the best Pokemon game for the first time. I have my Pokewalker on me at all times at PAX this weekend and tons of people stop to link up. It's actually really fun, and the only time I'll be able to publicly wear it ever again. Once PAX is over, it'll go back to sitting in my pocket :( Strange Journey is kinda strange in the fact that it's not that strange. It's the usual SMT stuff, but the story's kinda...I dunno. I don't hate it, it's just not the typical stuff. You're an American a part of this international crew going to Antartica to check out this weird kinda black hole-ish thing. I don't know if I like it or hate it yet, cause I've been at the convention all weekend, but it seems cool. |
i got call of duty 4 and resistance for my ps3 i'm playing them now
Sonic the Hedgehog. defeated with all chaos emeralds
Trying out Battlefield Heroes, free FPS game.
Going to try and get the original Quake working via Classic (if not at least it's an awesome CD for my car).
Ugh. nvm classic is balls. Currently playing Tempest 2000 with my bro on an actual Jaguar. (AND IM LOSING BECAUSE IM TYPING) |
Couldn´t resist and got Just Cause 2. Pure and wonderful fun. That´s all I have to say about it :)
I tried the demo on Live and loved it. I wanted to get it for the PC, but it turns out it's the only new PC game on the market to not support XP.
Get it for the consoles then ;) It´s really worth it. Dropping from 6km height at full speed, landing only via the grappling-hook inside a camp, wreaking havok, blowing up their radar, then jumping off a cliff and paragliding to safety only to steal a military chopper and blow up some more stuff...and all that over the course of what...five minutes?
So good :) |
New Super Mario Bros. on the DS, and I'm about to hook up my Dreamcast and play some Airforce Delta and Crazy Taxi.
Just Cause 2 is sweet, I can't wait to own it. :(
I wish. I'm just starting to get my Dreamcast library built back up |
Just Cause 2 demo is surprisingly fun and addictive for a game I've never heard of to be a sequel. :D My friend is prolly going to buy it.
mah 360 is alive and kicking once more
Very nice...looks like the "unbreakable wire"-mod, right? Sadly the darn think breaks almost immediately on the consoles...
So all I have to offer right now is me dicking around on Panau...I really like the direct-to-youtube-feature on the PS3 :) |
The Coolinator,
Yep. I said Dreamcast. I actually have two right now, one I won off E-bay a couple years ago, and another I picked up at a yard sale for about $15. The sad thing is that they've been sitting in a box in my closet most of the time I've owned them. I'm trying to remedy that though. Kitsunexus, I'll keep my eyes open for those two! |
@Stuntdouble. I have owned FOUR of the fuckers. One white Dreamcast was fully functional and stolen, my black SEGA Sports Dreamcast has a burnt out GD-ROM power board, my other white Dreamcast has a fried maple board, and my current white Dreamcast works but I'm not trusting it.
What seems to make them go to shit faster is running CD-Rs (either pirate games or homebrew) on them. But it was worth halving the life of your system so you can play NES and SMS on the TV again (this was pre-Wii). Sadly, sbiffy! seems to be no more, as well as DCEmu. RIP. :( |
I tend to just use mine to play the official games. However, I use my Gamecube with SD Loader for all my retro gaming:rock
While I'm still thinking about it, I managed to score Virtua Tennis, House of the Dead 2, and Shenmue (with all four discs) at a nearby flea market for a grand total of...$9.45. Unfortunately HOTD 2 doesn't work that well, but I still think I got a good deal. |
No manuals unfortunately. :\ Still, it seems cheaper than I've found on E-bay so far, if you factor in shipping.
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