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OxBlood Sep 5th, 2010 09:40 AM

Did I hear EDF? Fuck yes.

Dr. Boogie Sep 5th, 2010 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 697129)
@ Dr. Boogie, I still haven't gotten far in Mafia 2. I kept getting killed in that first mission where you rob the bank. For some reason, after I steal the bonds the guards automatically know my location and snipe the shit out of me. Any tips?

For starters, get used to bullcrap like this (i.e., groups of bad guys spawning near you and moving in like they have their own radar).

As for dealing with them, just find some cover in that office and watch the door you came through. Most of the cops will either file through it or take cover at the door, where you can pick them off at your leisure.

And don't bother trying to sneak away. There are a couple moments like this in the game where it seems like the story might diverge based on what you do, but it's just an illusion. You have to waste a bunch of cops and then deal with the aftermath (although no one makes a big deal about you killing almost a dozen cops).

DougClayton4231 Sep 5th, 2010 06:57 PM

Oh, I thought the game actually had depth lmao. They should really stop hyping games like this, Mafia 2 got more press than Red Dead Redemption for Christ's sake.

darkvare Sep 5th, 2010 07:24 PM

i want to try mafia 2 cause it sounds like one of thosse game you rent a weekend finish it and be done with it

Dr. Boogie Sep 5th, 2010 07:33 PM

There's really not a lot going for the game. People made a big deal about the series because of the story, but the gameplay itself is pretty bland. The fistfights are boring, the gunfights are fraught with bullcrap, and the driving is the worst of all, with its undue emphasis on not hitting anything ever.

You can get a nice car and upgrade it, but there's really no point. If you accidentally back into a pole and break a taillight, you have to pay to have it repaired before you can tunr your engine. Plus, you can evade the cops easily even in the junkiest car because at the end of the day, the cops are still driving the same 40s-era dreadnoughts that can't corner for shit. And if you can't, all you have to do is either lure the cops into an alley or just get them all on one side of you in the street and shoot them all. I routinely got out of 4-star pursuits (the highest there is) just by taking the time to kill all the cops that were after me, and stealing a new shirt from a clothing store.

Also, at some point, you'll be able to buy the better guns from a special gun store, but it's not worth it because you'll find shotguns and tommyguns aplenty, and there are too many instances where the game takes all your guns/money.

Best of all, I'd say about 70% of the game is just you chauffeuring people/stuff from one end of the city to the other. I have to assume this was done as a means to artificially lengthen the game.

darkvare Sep 5th, 2010 07:43 PM

speaking of cops was mafia 1 the game where cops would reach you even when you were driving a race car?

Dr. Boogie Sep 5th, 2010 07:48 PM

The only race car bit I remember about Mafia 1 was that hellish racing mission that usually ended with me rolling my cigarette racer and dying.

darkvare Sep 5th, 2010 07:52 PM

it was glitchy so i cheated

executioneer Sep 5th, 2010 09:38 PM

so i totally went nutso and got to 55th place on the dead rising 2 file zero leaderboards, is everyone impressed at how sad a person i am yet

darkvare Sep 5th, 2010 09:49 PM

i'm gonna co even crazier and try to take your spot lol

executioneer Sep 5th, 2010 09:52 PM

well if you ignore the storyline and concentrate on making the pitchfork shotgun things + using them, you could make 800000+ points per game because they give you 2500 pp each time you use the impale and lift attack on a zomby

Fathom Zero Sep 5th, 2010 10:10 PM

I actually really dig the friend leaderboards for the Arcade games. So far, I'm kicking everyone's asses at Ikaruga. But you trounce everyone I know at Castle Crashers, Willie. :O

darkvare Sep 5th, 2010 11:54 PM

what level is willie?

Fathom Zero Sep 6th, 2010 12:06 AM

I'm like 20 or something. He's sumthin' like 71.

Sam Sep 6th, 2010 02:46 AM

I wanna play Castle Crashers with y'all.

Phoenix Gamma Sep 6th, 2010 03:35 AM

Oh fuck that came out on PSN finally, huh? Now I can play a beat 'em up that's not Scott Pilgrim.

OxBlood Sep 7th, 2010 09:03 AM

Played the Ruse PS3-Demo this morning and I kinda like it. Really not bad for a Console-RTS...that and lots and lots of Yakuza 3 of course :D

Fathom Zero Sep 7th, 2010 10:14 AM

Just got a PS2 yesterday. I'm very happy, considering I had a growing back catalogue and no system for a long time. Might go back and play MGS 3. That is, if I ever finish with Persona 4. 90 minutes into playing it and I want to marry it.

OxBlood Sep 7th, 2010 10:32 AM

Ah, Persona 4...one of the best JRPGs AND videogames I´ve ever played. Good choice, Zero.

Fathom Zero Sep 7th, 2010 10:54 AM

I found a new copy for $30. I suppose that's par for new Personas, since Atlus and Nippon Ichi games are the only new ones coming out for the PS2 anymore.

Fathom Zero Sep 7th, 2010 11:05 AM

PS: I thought I should bring this up, since I did a long long long time ago and recently remembered coz of all the games I bought without boxes, but this site has an archive of video game box art that you can print out.


10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 7th, 2010 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 697168)
well if you ignore the storyline and concentrate on making the pitchfork shotgun things + using them, you could make 800000+ points per game because they give you 2500 pp each time you use the impale and lift attack on a zomby

When I made the shotgun pitchfork I figured I would still need to aim it. So I aimed it like Zeus' lightning then was amazed it did nothing. In a panic I ended up throwing all of my other inventory at the zombie horde and was quickly overrun. :(

executioneer Sep 7th, 2010 12:33 PM

hahaha yeah they should have made the shotgun fire instead of having you throw it. stuuuped

Phoenix Gamma Sep 7th, 2010 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 697208)
Just got a PS2 yesterday. I'm very happy, considering I had a growing back catalogue and no system for a long time. Might go back and play MGS 3. That is, if I ever finish with Persona 4. 90 minutes into playing it and I want to marry it.


90 minutes
So you haven't even got to the part where you stop advancing text and start actually playing?! :lol

I remember getting to the first actual battle, beating it, and saving. The time mark was 2 hours I believe. And I was like "Jesus christ that was the longest introduction to anything in my entire life".

P4 did not win me over like P3. In fact I think I hate every character in that game aside from Dojima :\

Fathom Zero Sep 7th, 2010 12:46 PM

I love it so far, the dialogue and such. The classic Shin Megami Tensei character design, too.

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