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The Doctor Sep 8th, 2010 02:54 PM

I am playing Metroid Prime Trilogy and about 3/4 done the first game.

Phoenix Gamma Sep 8th, 2010 02:55 PM

I like video games :)

Fathom Zero Sep 8th, 2010 03:00 PM


darkvare Sep 8th, 2010 03:31 PM

i love free roaming games even when theres not much to do i just like driving around

Esuohlim Sep 8th, 2010 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 697313)
I like video games :)

Not me, man.

haha ok well for me video games are infinitely better after the first time you play them because you look forward to the fun parts of the game etc. I'm too busy these days to play new games in order to get the full enjoyment out of playing it the second time, so for quite a few years now I've only been playing video games I've already played before :(

It is extremely shameful to admit that I waited YEARS for the Mother 3 language patch and I've only played through the first hour or two so far :( :(

Dr. Boogie Sep 8th, 2010 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 697307)
I beat GTAIV and RDR. The cars handled like boats, the cover systems were abominable... and 40% of the game consisted of driving to a place or away from the police.

The crappy handling was an example of them trying to make the cars handle like their real world counterparts. A bad example. I had hoped that game designers learned their lesson from this, but the folks at Mafia 2 went one step further and brought in realistic handling for cars that are terrible.

And you are correct in pointing out that a game where you play a criminal does have quite a few points where you have to flee from the authorities.

As for K&L2, I have no interested because apart from being a bad port, the game appears to be the same bland cover-based shooter it was in the first incarnation. The reviews I've read all seem to mention the same problems:

1. Intentionally bad graphics look bad-bad.
2. The cover fails to serve as cover far too often.
3. The single player campaign is still short.
4. The story goes nowhere and ends rather anticlimactically.

Yahtzee even claimed that the last fight in the game was between K&L and two dogs. Please tell me that's just a joke.


Posted because it's funny, and because it's the only one I've heard where he actually sounds angry while he's doing his thing.

executioneer Sep 8th, 2010 05:56 PM

i never had a problem with how cars handled in gta4. agree that the stupid minigame relationship simulator garbage is worthless but that's why you turn off the cellphone when you're not doing missions, duh

DougClayton4231 Sep 8th, 2010 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 697309)
Quit being a holier than thou, passive aggressive cunt.

I didn't think the cars handled like boats, the cover system was fine, having bitchy people call you was just part of the game, and, frankly, it's wholly your fault for getting a game that didn't run well on YOUR PC. GTA IV and its expansions run perfectly fine on my computer, and I built it for about $300 at the beginning of the Summer from old parts. The game is very CPU dependant.

You did it again lol. Instead of focusing on the issue, you personally insulted me. I don't care, this is a web forum, you can insult me all day and it makes no difference.

The PC version and the 360 version have performance issues. I got the game in 2008 and I haven't upgraded it since 2008. God forbid me thinking that the requirements on the box, which are light years ahead of an Xbox 360 and my system surpasses by a great margin, wouldn't be enough to run the game above 20fps. It's my fault, not the shitty porting job that the publisher did. You should try Saints Row 2 on PC and tell me what you think lol.


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 697333)
The crappy handling was an example of them trying to make the cars handle like their real world counterparts. A bad example. I had hoped that game designers learned their lesson from this, but the folks at Mafia 2 went one step further and brought in realistic handling for cars that are terrible.

And you are correct in pointing out that a game where you play a criminal does have quite a few points where you have to flee from the authorities.

As for K&L2, I have no interested because apart from being a bad port, the game appears to be the same bland cover-based shooter it was in the first incarnation. The reviews I've read all seem to mention the same problems:

1. Intentionally bad graphics look bad-bad.
2. The cover fails to serve as cover far too often.
3. The single player campaign is still short.
4. The story goes nowhere and ends rather anticlimactically.

Yahtzee even claimed that the last fight in the game was between K&L and two dogs. Please tell me that's just a joke.


Posted because it's funny, and because it's the only one I've heard where he actually sounds angry while he's doing his thing.

The crappy handling in GTAIV was just crappy handling period. I remember playing the first mission and thinking that the game was broken, 5 minutes later I realized that it was meant to be broken. There's a million handling mods for the PC version just to make it playable with or without a controller. Mafia 2 is just as bad with the icy roads. Do they ever get the snow cleared off?

lol, the end of K&L2 is a dash to the finish and the last two enemies that attack you are dogs. The cover in the game degrades as it's shot to shit by your enemies, so you do end up getting shot alot. If you didn't like the anticlimactic ending of the first game, you won't like it in the second game either. Yahtzee is a funny guy, because I'd agree with him on some of his gripes about the game, but it's a decent game. You should get it when the price drops, the co-op and multiplayer are fun.

Fathom Zero Sep 8th, 2010 06:20 PM

You realize that the architectures are completely different, right? The Xbox, Playstation, and Wii run on PPC, as opposed to x86.

And I already own Saints Row II. On my Xbox. Why the fuck don't you have one?

Dr. Boogie Sep 8th, 2010 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 697341)
The cover in the game degrades as it's shot to shit by your enemies, so you do end up getting shot alot.

I decided to just check out a Let's Play of the game instead of buying it. Here and there, I witnessed exactly what people were talking about: the player was hiding behind some cover, and was still getting shot by enemies 15-20 feet in front of him. And this was not the kind of cover that broke away, either.


If you didn't like the anticlimactic ending of the first game, you won't like it in the second game either.
Can you see why that statement sounds completely ridiculous? "If you didn't like that anticlimax, you won't like this one!"


You should get it when the price drops, the co-op and multiplayer are fun.
Like I said, it runs like ass on my computer, despite my PC registering close to the recommended specs. This seems like one of those games that I would have to put a lot of work into just to play, and it just doesn't seem like it will be worth it.

I'll consider looking into it once they fix the 3-year-old crash bugs with the PC version.

DougClayton4231 Sep 8th, 2010 08:13 PM

I do have a 360 lol. I bought GTAIV on the PC before I got a 360. Architecture differences aside, it came out half a year later on PC, there's no excuse for how shitty the port was. Look up SR2 on PC and you'll see what I mean Fathom.

I don't know about the cover bugs, I never experienced any so I can't vouch for it. What are your specs Boogie? I didn't have any issues with the first one other than a few framerate hiccups. The anticlimax thing stands though, if you don't like games ending on a low note, both of the games endings will frustrate you. It didn't bother me though.

Dr. Boogie Sep 8th, 2010 08:26 PM

My PC looks like this:

Intel Core Duo 3.0 ghz
Geforce 8800gt
2gb RAM
Windows XP

It's not cutting edge anymore, but it can run pretty much anything on the market.

darkvare Sep 8th, 2010 08:56 PM

wait you can turn the cellphone off on gta 4?

Fathom Zero Sep 8th, 2010 09:25 PM

I've pretty much got what you have, Boogie. It's enough to play most things well.

MrAdventure Sep 8th, 2010 10:13 PM

not only can you turn the cell phone off, but you can agree to plans and then call back to cancel without a hit to the relationship

buuut i just told them no because oh no not my precious relationship percentage points that unlock extremely minor perks that i don't even remember to use when they are available oh noooooo

Shadowdancer21b Sep 8th, 2010 10:51 PM

I'm playing Gladius on Gamecube. I love this game.

darkvare Sep 9th, 2010 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by MrAdventure (Post 697388)
not only can you turn the cell phone off, but you can agree to plans and then call back to cancel without a hit to the relationship

buuut i just told them no because oh no not my precious relationship percentage points that unlock extremely minor perks that i don't even remember to use when they are available oh noooooo

i hate how some of this perks can decide to not help you whenever they want :\

Fathom Zero Sep 9th, 2010 01:46 AM

Condemned 2. This game just sucks.


OxBlood Sep 9th, 2010 05:10 AM

Hehe, and again it seem like I am the only person in the world that loved Condemned 2. Loved the first one too mind you but I always though the fighting was very unsatisfying and boy did they fix that in the second one.
It was so much fun beating the shit out of all these people, so much fun. Sure, the story destroys everything Condemned 1 set up but what the hell.
I just love brutal brawling I guess, can´t help it, one of the reasons I love the Yakuza Series so much.

But I guess I´m pretty alone with my love for C2, I don´t know anyone who liked it :D

Dr. Boogie Sep 9th, 2010 05:42 AM


I liked it. It was kind of odd the way the plot turned out, but they intended it to be a series. I guess that means they always expected to one day be screaming at hobos.

I wonder if they actually will get to make that third game.

OxBlood Sep 9th, 2010 06:03 AM

Oh right, the review...I even read that...must´ve forgotten but hey, it´s good to have an ally :)

It would´ve been best if they kept the atmosphere from the first and just improved on the combat system like in part 2. The last few levels really were weird. Started around the ship-level I think. I liked the cabin and the bear though.

executioneer Sep 9th, 2010 06:08 AM


DougClayton4231 Sep 9th, 2010 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 697381)
My PC looks like this:

Intel Core Duo 3.0 ghz
Geforce 8800gt
2gb RAM
Windows XP

It's not cutting edge anymore, but it can run pretty much anything on the market.

Your only problem is XP. The memory management is horrid and it's slow and resource intensive. If you can, upgrade to Windows 7, it's a lot better. My specs are pretty similar to yours, except that I have a 9800GTX (and it sucks ass). A lot of the games that I had issues with were less problematic after I upgraded to 7.


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 697413)
Condemned 2. This game just sucks.


I couldn't get past the second mission because the controls were so clunky. Maybe one day I'll pick Condemned 2 up again but it'll be a cold day in hell lol.

Anyone here excited for Enslaved: Odyssey To The West?

OxBlood Sep 9th, 2010 09:15 AM

Enslaved? Nah, looked too much like 08/15 Stuff and as far as I´ve read it seems to be pretty bland...don´t know, there´s so much other stuff coming out these days and I´m already out of money soooo...no, not very excited for Ensalved.

darkvare Sep 9th, 2010 01:45 PM

i loved comdemnd 2 i completed it like 3 times the gun mode was hard as hell

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