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DougClayton4231 Sep 23rd, 2010 09:23 AM

I got all the way to the last boss of DR2 and I finally gave in and restarted. There's so much that I never got to do the first time and I'm excited to finally be able to do. I only got to level 29 though, how far did you get before restarting the first time Ox?

OxBlood Sep 23rd, 2010 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 (Post 698884)
I got all the way to the last boss of DR2 and I finally gave in and restarted. There's so much that I never got to do the first time and I'm excited to finally be able to do. I only got to level 29 though, how far did you get before restarting the first time Ox?

Before restarting the very first time? Umm...hm. I fucked the story up in the very beginning when you have to follow a certain person of the press around...so I didnīt get very far, mustīve been around Level 10 I think.

Iīve beaten him by now and I was around...46 I think. S-Ending GET! My reward? The Armor-Chestpiece from GhostsīnīGoblins. Now I just gotta get the helmet somehow...and get enough money to pay the stupid fortuneteller...

DougClayton4231 Sep 23rd, 2010 08:24 PM

I think the helmet is in one of the casinos lol. I'm on case 3 at level 35 now. I absolutely love this game!

Fathom Zero Sep 24th, 2010 03:19 AM



Phoenix Gamma Sep 24th, 2010 04:23 AM


God, that game has the prettiest music. Great find, man.

Fathom Zero Sep 24th, 2010 11:15 AM

I'm sad there's not a physical CD, since that's really the only way I'd spend a dollar on music, but it's not really available anywhere else. Ehhhhhghhhh.

Zomboid Sep 24th, 2010 04:23 PM

Bought Darksiders last weekend but didn't start it until Monday. I finished yesterday. It's a really nice mix of Zelda and stuff like God of War. The puzzles and little bit of free-roaming were great. The combat can get repetitive, but that's probably something that they'll fix in the sequel. Really solid game, overall.

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 24th, 2010 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 698887)
Before restarting the very first time? Umm...hm. I fucked the story up in the very beginning when you have to follow a certain person of the press around...so I didnīt get very far, mustīve been around Level 10 I think.

Iīve beaten him by now and I was around...46 I think. S-Ending GET! My reward? The Armor-Chestpiece from GhostsīnīGoblins. Now I just gotta get the helmet somehow...and get enough money to pay the stupid fortuneteller...

Aww no way. Can you get any GnG weapons at all?

OxBlood Sep 24th, 2010 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 699029)
Aww no way. Can you get any GnG weapons at all?

Hm, not really. Thereīs a Lance in the game but itīs not THE Lance or something. But I read (did I read it here?) that if you put on all parts and lose all your life, the armor breaks, you get your HP back and youīre in your underwear...still gotta get the helmet though.

But I got to Level 50 today...sadly no Zombiewalk this time...

Fathom Zero Sep 24th, 2010 07:15 PM

Level 50 in the previous was disembowel, I BELIEVE. Could be wrong. Either way, they were both HIGH up.

OxBlood Sep 24th, 2010 07:53 PM

Hm, you could be right but sadly, Chuck doesn´t have that many badass-moves in comparison to Frank...ah well, he CAN rip any Zombies arms off, I´ll give him that. Now I just gotta know if I have to kill the 1000 Zombies barehanded in one go or in total through all playthroughs...cause I really want the Shaun-Outfit...

Fathom Zero Sep 24th, 2010 08:24 PM

If it's anything like the last... it's one fucking playthrough. :lol

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 25th, 2010 10:01 AM

Level 50 was zombiewalk in DR1.

OxBlood Sep 25th, 2010 10:19 AM

One thousand re-deaded Zombies via Faustgewitter - done and one Shaun-esque Shirt with tie is mine, thanks to the Lvl 50 Skill and a lot of firecrackers.

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 25th, 2010 02:54 PM

Dead Rising 1 + Dead Rising 2 = Dead Rising Case West. DLC coming out. Awesome!

On September 15, 2010, Capcom announced a second downloadable episode titled Case West. The Xbox 360 exclusive features the return of Frank West, the hero of the previous Dead Rising, in a new story that occurs shortly after the events of Dead Rising 2. Frank must team up with Chuck Greene, the protagonist of Dead Rising 2, in order to stop an unknown zombie threat and clear Chuck's name of any involvement. The episode includes a co-op feature allowing two players to complete the game as each character. Case West is expected to be released shortly after Dead Rising 2 on September 24 in Europe and September 28 in North America.[23]
An interview with co-producer Shinsaku Ohara revealed that Case West will bring back the photography element from Dead Rising, explaining "It's part of Frank. So when Frank comes back, so does the photography."[

OxBlood Sep 25th, 2010 04:35 PM

I´d like to have that DLC...question is, will I be able to get it. Guess I´ll have to be superfast before they IP-lock it...guess I should get a pointcard to be ready the morning they release it...

OxBlood Sep 27th, 2010 09:34 AM

Ha, what do you know, Birth by sleep doesn´t have a german dub, just german subtitles and english voices. Excellent.

OxBlood Sep 28th, 2010 05:35 AM

Wow...that game looks amazing for the PSP...plays really well too, though the levels are REALLY short and the story is...strange, even for a Kingdom Hearts Game...then again, I started with the girl, Aqua, so maybe it´ll make more sense later on.

Shadowdancer21b Sep 28th, 2010 01:27 PM

Tetris Worlds on PS2. Good fun but it causes eye strain.

executioneer Sep 28th, 2010 04:19 PM

been playign that scott pilgirm game, pretty neat but i wish you could skip cutscenes (ESP. THE WIN SCREEN, CHRIST IT WAS FUN TO WATCH THE FIRST TIME BUT I DONT WANNA WATCH IT FOUR TIMES GUYS)

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 28th, 2010 06:55 PM

Picking up Dead Rising 2 tonight.

Fathom Zero Sep 28th, 2010 07:24 PM

Picked it up last night. Saved all survivors thusfar. Killed that redneck asshole on the bike.

Fathom Zero Sep 28th, 2010 09:58 PM

Fucking bitch motherfucking cocksucker piece of shit bitch cunt Chef Antoine.

Esuohlim Sep 28th, 2010 10:11 PM

I am replaying Metroid Prime!

It's probably going to take me two months :( It took me over a week just to get the first artifact because I've been too busy irl :(

DougClayton4231 Sep 28th, 2010 11:38 PM

That bike guy was a total prick to kill, but it's so worth it. Having infinite motorcycles rocks.

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