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OxBlood Sep 29th, 2010 06:24 AM

I still haven´t killed Antione...but it shouldn´t be that much of a problem anymore, being max-level and all that...I do fear the "have 8 guys with you" Achievement though...I hate things like that. At least the survivors are not made out of cardboard anymore.
Still haven´t eaten all food and used all melee-weapons on zombies...which is weird and it makes me grab any stool or chair around...I don´t know what the fuck I missed...

I think, the thing I hate the most about DR2 are the loading times...25 seconds loading-screens remind me of my old PC and when it was JUST enough to run a game...

The Doctor Sep 29th, 2010 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 699303)
I am replaying Metroid Prime!

I just finished it about a month ago and now have started Prime 2, I picked up the trilogy disk about 3 months ago, solid purchase. I only received a 75% so I also started Prime again and will pick away at it from time to time to receive 100%

Phoenix Gamma Sep 29th, 2010 02:07 PM

Pokemon White


executioneer Sep 29th, 2010 03:30 PM

fucking dead rising 2 is all up my butthole with its stupid annoying difficulty

also: why the fuck is everyone a dick to chuck greene in the beginning, it's making me not want to save fucking anyone. assholes should all die. especially the teen looter squad and that cockmonster on the chainsaw bike

this game is making me angry. why the fuck did it tell me i could take my PP from case zero and not mention that they only meant the first 80k that got you to level 5. I DONT WANT TO KEEP RESTARTING THIS SHIT AND GETTING TREATED LIKE AN ASSHOLE OVER AND OVER JUST TO BOOST MY PP SO I CAN ACTUALLY PROGRESS IN THIS GAME, JERKS


Fathom Zero Sep 29th, 2010 04:00 PM

I haven't restarted yet, Willie, and I didn't figure out how to import my Case Zero stuff until I was level 12. :O

MLE Sep 29th, 2010 04:06 PM

I was playing Civ 5 until it decided to break.

executioneer Sep 29th, 2010 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 699400)
I haven't restarted yet, Willie, and I didn't figure out how to import my Case Zero stuff until I was level 12. :O

have you been insisting on trying to save everydamnbody, because i have. maybe i really should let some fuckers die

Fathom Zero Sep 29th, 2010 06:01 PM

I've listened to and saved everyone involved in a scoop so far, and I found one that wasn't. :( Those are gonna be a bitch to find without a guide. I've already fucked up and skipped over Snowflake.

I'm level 23 right now, the speed boost is nice. And I played with a guy that showed me how to make a Defiler. That's a bomb-ass weapon. Axe+Sledgehammer, Willie. It kills good. So do the knife gloves, as a matter of fact.

Esuohlim Sep 29th, 2010 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 699378)
Pokemon White


How many Pokemon are there now, 1500?

Phoenix Gamma Sep 29th, 2010 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 699423)
How many Pokemon are there now, 1500?

649. They only add like 150 per game.

Esuohlim Sep 29th, 2010 08:16 PM

I stopped playing after Silver/Gold. Are you still actually able to collect every single fucking one? That would make the gameplay extremely tedious AND painful for OCD gamers like myself that aren't happy unless everything is done.

Phoenix Gamma Sep 29th, 2010 08:50 PM

I know someone who got them all in Diamond and Pearl. I got over 400 in that game before I got burned out.

It's easier if you own the other GBA and DS games cause they transfer over so you don't have to recatch them or trade. Plus WiFi makes it easier cause there's a kind of ebay-ish system where you can look up trade offers or make your own, or just hop on any forum and ask for shit.

Black and White have this constant WiFi thing going on that's basically what the 3DS does, where it's constantly searching for other people, and you can make trades or battles right on the spot with random strangers. Course, it's only out in Japan so I can't try that yet :(

Most people don't catch them all and focus on battling, cause there's a whole metagame around that. The calculations get pretty ridiculous and some of the strategies are pretty out there. That's why each release is exciting; new Mons throw new wrenches in your lineup, and some get nerfed or powered up. For instance, Ditto (remember that guy?) went from being the guy no one ever used to being one that might potentially be banned cause he has a new ability in Black and White.

Shadowdancer21b Sep 30th, 2010 12:16 AM

Playing Seiken Densetsu 3 AKA Secret of Mana 2. It's pretty good, but I like Secret of Mana much better.

OxBlood Sep 30th, 2010 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Shadowdancer21b (Post 699455)
Playing Seiken Densetsu 3 AKA Secret of Mana 2. It's pretty good, but I like Secret of Mana much better.

I kind of prefer Seiken 3, it feels more polished and finished to me...apart from the menu, that thing´s horrendously ugly.

So we non-plus-members finally got the Castlevania Demo yesterday. Played it and liked it quite a bit though this slight pause that triggers whenever you hit something with the whip really throws me off my pace somehow. That and it was really hard to see the enemies in all that rain in the beginning...

I guess that game will be my birthday present for...myself. :)

Fathom Zero Sep 30th, 2010 05:05 AM

Beat it with 44 survivors. Need to get the unlisted ones next time, including Snowflake.

Zomboid Sep 30th, 2010 05:35 AM

I started playing Case Zero earlier, and I'm glad I did, because now I don't want the full Dead Rising 2. The constant load screens are ridiculous, and it's just the same shit that eventually bored me in the first game. I'll just play Toy Soldiers until New Vegas comes out.

executioneer Sep 30th, 2010 07:36 AM


I've listened to and saved everyone involved in a scoop so far, and I found one that wasn't. :( Those are gonna be a bitch to find without a guide. I've already fucked up and skipped over Snowflake.

I'm level 23 right now, the speed boost is nice. And I played with a guy that showed me how to make a Defiler. That's a bomb-ass weapon. Axe+Sledgehammer, Willie. It kills good. So do the knife gloves, as a matter of fact.
i accidentally ran into snowflake but it was at the worst possible time, after the fun jump-the-bike-onto-the-underground-train-thingy section, and i had like <1hour to get back for the next case. the machete-armed nerds i had with me helped distract it while i killed the r-tard handler but they couldn't stop it from killing me, and i said "fuck it i'll go out a different exit this time"

also i am beginning to like how well the survivors can kill shit, i gave the rock band assault rifles and they finished off that crazy mascot dude after i'd knocked off less than half his health

survivor AI is easily the biggest improvement over DR1. although they really need to make it harder to accidentally leave people behind. especially in the always-empty corridor leading to the saferoom. Really, game? they can't traverse fifteen feet of empty corridor without me being there? i gotta watch two more loading screens? bullshit

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 30th, 2010 11:03 AM

I definitely didn't think the axe and the sledgehammer would go together. I also didn't think the concrete saw and buzzsaw would make a sweeter bigger saw.

Fathom Zero Sep 30th, 2010 02:31 PM

You have to use your logics, Bill.

In short, the game is exactly like the first one. Which is good, coz I loved everything about it, including the frustrating difficulty.

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 30th, 2010 02:50 PM

I never played through the entire first one, no xbox at the time. Sam somehow managed to mix fireworks with a barney head then stick it on a zombie. Then made an electric wheelchair, put that zombie in the chair.

So a handicapped Zombie barney in a wheelchair throwing up explosions while electrocuting people getting pushed by a servbot brought me to tears.

Fathom Zero Sep 30th, 2010 03:28 PM

I ran through the game in a tuxedo, no shoes, and Maximo's helmet.

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 30th, 2010 04:05 PM

I was rockin the tux till I found out how to get my ninja gear. Ninja gear + tux looks awesome.

edit: I want to get a Maximo head.

timrpgland Sep 30th, 2010 04:09 PM

I haven't been able to get many new games lately. Dead Rising 2 is definitely high on that list.

Beat Starcraft 2 finally the other day after putting it off. Started messing with a new continue on Metroid Fusion.

Fathom Zero Sep 30th, 2010 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 699509)
I was rockin the tux till I found out how to get my ninja gear. Ninja gear + tux looks awesome.

edit: I want to get a Maximo head.

You rescue a guy and his father-in-law at some point. Save them and a trio of girls later, and you'll have the opportunity to play strip poker with them. Have him strip all the way down and you get the helmet, regardless of if you win the whole poker game or not.

10,000 Volt Ghost Sep 30th, 2010 06:37 PM

Oh, is the guy wearing the centurion helmet that is totally useless when you save him?

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