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Phoenix Gamma Oct 8th, 2010 06:14 PM

Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light. Not FF4. Different game :V

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 8th, 2010 06:21 PM

Bad times then. Is it like the crystal chronicles one?

Phoenix Gamma Oct 8th, 2010 11:47 PM

I just described it :(

It's not really like Final Fantasy. You got four dudes and they can hold 15 items, so you can't carry 99 of everything so you need to plan each quest. It's a little like the NES and first two SNES games, though; you start the game and pretty much walk wherever, and you have to talk to everyone for clues and items and shit cause there's no tutorial. And like the first game you go meet the king and he's like "sup? The princess is gone. Get her please? Y/N?" and you're like "kay" and he gives you a sword and tells you she's thataway.

The combat's just weird cause the game selects targets for you based on HP and weakness. And there's no MP because everything runs on Action Points that you spend.

It's Diet Oldschool RPG in a pretty bottle. All the fun of an oldschool RPG but without all the bloating so you can enjoy it on the go.

OxBlood Oct 9th, 2010 06:24 AM

Sounds interesting but does the auto-targeting work ok? I never like it when the game thinks it can decide for me...

Edit: Ah, who am I fooling, of course I bought it in town just now...but hey, not the usual 39 bucks but 29, why not.

Castlevania is still awesome though they wasted quite a bit of potential with the story. There´s a lot of character-developement for Gabriel but we never get to see it, we just have to take Patrick Steward´s word for it to be there (it´s only described in the loading-screens, Gabe is really just "yeah okay, whatever" most of the time).

Oh and I love how GT specifically mentioned the clocktower as hard, tedious and complicated when it really wasn´t at all. You just climb up and turn a crank, that´s it :D But I guess nowaday timed jumping is considered "hard" or something...

DougClayton4231 Oct 9th, 2010 09:06 AM

Anything involving platforming or puzzles is now "outdated" lol. I really do hope that video games go back to being fun and stop trying to be bad movies.

OxBlood Oct 9th, 2010 09:55 AM

I could understand GT if there WAS a puzzle in the clocktower but there isn´t :D
Just for the record, I really don´t like puzzles in video games anymore, I hate the Layton-Games for example but here? That´s not real puzzeling that´s stopping and looking at the room and then doing the right thing.

I like Castlevania´s pacing, it´s pretty well done. Tired of fighting? Well, just climb around and do some light thinking here and there before you beat up demons again.

And I agree, I prefer my games to be games and not movies. One reason I didn´t like MGS4 that much, the balance was just gone in that one. The other three had a nice ammount of gameplay and movie.

So yeah, I finished the first two dungeons in 4 Heroes of light and hey, I´m kinda impressed. It looks really nice, it plays great, even with the auto-targeting...glad I read the forums today, thanks Phoenix :)

DougClayton4231 Oct 9th, 2010 06:23 PM

OMG, MODOK is in MvC3. Of all people, I really didn't expect him.

I just beat the S rated ending of Dead Rising 2, and man, that must have been the only game where the protagonist really had a good reason for wanting to kill the bad guy.

Castlevania continues to rock my world.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 10th, 2010 12:03 AM

Oh you picked 4 Heores up? Neat. It's a fun little portable game. Charming as fuck. Not quite as deep at Etrian Odyssey III, but that game really worked me out so I needed a break lol.

I'm downloading Shantae 2 right now off DSiWare. I'm excited to try it. I was gonna try Sonic 4 on iPhone since I'll just pirate it on WiiWare, but $10 for an iphone game that I'm pretty sure is gonna be mediocre is a waste.

OxBlood Oct 10th, 2010 10:55 AM

Yeah, I spent quite some time with 4hol yesterday...what I don´t like is that you have to play "find the trigger" in every town...that and that those guys leave each other behind every five minutes. It´s FOUR heroes of light, not one or two. Just got the Merchant-Class and I think it´ll be VERY useful when I get all 4 together again...
I also really like the battlesystem in this game, it´s so compact and pretty fast too :)

But now...off to find out what the fuck to do to get my mainchar back from plant to human...
Oh and how about my favorite question when it comes to games like these...what did you name your characters, Phoenix?

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 10th, 2010 02:16 PM

Capter 4 of LOS. Capter 3 and Chapter 4 look kinda.....short.

MLE Oct 10th, 2010 02:18 PM


MarioRPG Oct 10th, 2010 02:59 PM

About to load up some NBA Jam... Boomshakala!

Esuohlim Oct 10th, 2010 03:07 PM

I hope you're talking about the NBA Jam from the early 90s, fuck yeah

OxBlood Oct 10th, 2010 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 700349)
Capter 4 of LOS. Capter 3 and Chapter 4 look kinda.....short.

They´re not the only chapters with only 2 levels but the levels tend to get longer later on.

Just finished the game on normal. Cool stuff. Great ending and great post-credits cutscene, I wonder what will happen with this new variant of Castlevania.

Dimnos Oct 10th, 2010 04:41 PM

LoS needs online troll boxing.

OxBlood Oct 10th, 2010 06:23 PM

Alright, there´s one thing I want to punch the developers in their faces for in 4Wol. The fucking solo-parts. YOU DONT RUN AROUND SOLO IN A JRPG BECAUSE YOU WOULD DIE!

*deep breath*
Goddamit I think I´ve reset the game 20 times now already. I can´t play as any class other than freelancer because I WILL die and then I´ll lose my gems. But playing as a freelancer doesn´t help either because he can´t do shit. Who the fuck came up with this stupid idea? Zehnmal gottverdammte Mistfickdrecksscheisse, that´s what it is!
Not only would I have NO idea where to go without a walkthrough I also can´t beat the part because I AM ONLY ONE GUY! You can´t do that! You need AT LEAST two for fuck´s sake. Healer and DD, it doesn´t work with one! *head--->table*

Phoenix Gamma Oct 10th, 2010 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 700338)
Yeah, I spent quite some time with 4hol yesterday...what I don´t like is that you have to play "find the trigger" in every town...that and that those guys leave each other behind every five minutes. It´s FOUR heroes of light, not one or two. Just got the Merchant-Class and I think it´ll be VERY useful when I get all 4 together again...
I also really like the battlesystem in this game, it´s so compact and pretty fast too :)

But now...off to find out what the fuck to do to get my mainchar back from plant to human...
Oh and how about my favorite question when it comes to games like these...what did you name your characters, Phoenix?

Well, it's supposed to be an oldschool RPG (to some degree). So you need to talk to everyone. Which is kind of shitty to some degree, but just this once, I like the environments enough that I don't mind walking around and getting little hints.

I'm not too far. I took a break to jump into Shantae 2, but I'm at the part with Guy #2 and Princess. Fucking LOVE the Black Mage hat. Got him the matching cloak to go with it. So fucking badass.

I used default names for the characters because I have a serious problem with thinking too hard about Character names. When I signed up for the FF14 beta and started making a character, I literally spent something like...an hour and a half to two hours working on a name that fit my character (it'd have been an hour shorter if I didn't have to think of a surname too). :x On the bright side, I came up with a really awesome name for my awesome character (Ezio Lacriox. Blended right in with the NPC characters.). On the down side, that was a lot of time wasted thinking of a name, looking up names online, etc. Then the game turned out to be really, really awful...

If a game doesn't offer a default name, there WILL be problems. Etrian Odyssey III was another one where you have to make your own party...ugh. On the bright side, I get to use my imagination to flesh those guys out, so I accidentally fell in love with my whole guild and making up stories and conversations for everyone :love Makes me kinda wish I did name my guys in 4 Heroes cause I kinda do the same thing since the story's intentionally bare. But like I said, I'd be up all night looking up English-y sounding names for them.


DougClayton4231 Oct 10th, 2010 07:47 PM

I beat Medal Of Honor today. It's like a whole 4 hours long and then the rest is all on Live. It's kinda bullshit that there is no coop and no local multiplayer. The game was pretty and it was pretty good, it was just short and repetitive as fuck.

I guess Call of Duty Black Ops will have to make up for the lack of local options.

Fathom Zero Oct 10th, 2010 08:04 PM

I fucked y'all up in Dead Rising the other night. OH YEAH

OxBlood Oct 10th, 2010 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 700376)
Well, it's supposed to be an oldschool RPG (to some degree). So you need to talk to everyone. Which is kind of shitty to some degree, but just this once, I like the environments enough that I don't mind walking around and getting little hints.

I'm not too far. I took a break to jump into Shantae 2, but I'm at the part with Guy #2 and Princess. Fucking LOVE the Black Mage hat. Got him the matching cloak to go with it. So fucking badass.

I used default names for the characters because I have a serious problem with thinking too hard about Character names. When I signed up for the FF14 beta and started making a character, I literally spent something like...an hour and a half to two hours working on a name that fit my character (it'd have been an hour shorter if I didn't have to think of a surname too). :x On the bright side, I came up with a really awesome name for my awesome character (Ezio Lacriox. Blended right in with the NPC characters.). On the down side, that was a lot of time wasted thinking of a name, looking up names online, etc. Then the game turned out to be really, really awful...

If a game doesn't offer a default name, there WILL be problems. Etrian Odyssey III was another one where you have to make your own party...ugh. On the bright side, I get to use my imagination to flesh those guys out, so I accidentally fell in love with my whole guild and making up stories and conversations for everyone :love Makes me kinda wish I did name my guys in 4 Heroes cause I kinda do the same thing since the story's intentionally bare. But like I said, I'd be up all night looking up English-y sounding names for them.


Interesting :) I can normally pull a bah-zillion names out of my head at any given moment but there´s 4-5 names I´m always using, which is why my 4hol-guys are Miles, Galthar, Melissa and Alice (I just like those "normal" names and Galthar was created out of accident a while ago :))

I finally got to that fucking ice-cave with Male2...by making him a Blackmage again...and yes, that hat is fucking awesome indeed. I just hate it that the game makes me basically do each dungeon twice. First I´ll run it normally, save in the boss-room, die on the boss, reload, transport back to town and buy the stuff I would´ve needed the first time :lol

And hey, I just got a crown by solving math-problems. And I´m...err...I don´t know the word for it. It´s like being illiterate, only with numbers. So yeah I´m really really bad at math, can´t solve anything in my head. But somehow I got a highscore and now I have the badass Beastmaster crown :)

And bam, two more crowns for beating a small dragon, that´s how I like it.

Hm and concerning games where your Char has to have a last name, I just use a version of my real last name because it´s awesome...at least that part about me is :D

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 11th, 2010 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 700387)
I fucked y'all up in Dead Rising the other night. OH YEAH


I need to get way better at those games.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 11th, 2010 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 700371)
LoS needs online troll boxing.

I would WARG you up.

Fathom Zero Oct 11th, 2010 01:31 PM

I kick ass and take names in Bounty Hunter and Slicycles.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 11th, 2010 01:50 PM

I've never seen Bounty Hunter before then. Usually its Zombonis, the shooting one where zombies open up in elevators, the blender head one and slicycles.

OxBlood Oct 11th, 2010 06:23 PM

It´s interesting how one percepts time every now and then. I´m at "Phase 2" in 4wol now and thought it took about 5-7 hours to get there. Actually it took 15 hours. Hm. Anyway now my guys don´t abandon each other anymore every 5 minutes (and they actually reencourage each other not to do so for a while :D) and the game suddenly became WAY better (no suprise there).
Already maxed the Black mage for one guy and man is his ultimate useful. Massive damage on alle enemies for 4 points? Yes please. The bard is also quickly becoming one of my favorite classes. Seems like he´s super fast and he definetely is extremely useful. The game should´ve skipped that first part after 3 hours and it would have been so much better overall. It´s really a shame.

Oh and a friend just gave me a nice press-copy of Valkyria Chronicles 2, it´s nice to get presents every now and then I guess :)

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