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I never got to play Windwaker damn it.
I've been getting back into Starcraft II recently, and decided that I was going to train and become one of the top players in the world... for about five minutes before changing my mind since I realised that I can't be bothered. |
Hey, look! My 3rd-favorite game :) I really wish I had a PC right now...maybe Iīll just play the PSP-Version... |
Being the best StarCraft 2 player in the world is probably a lot like being the best rapist in the world. It's an impressive position, but you'll lose your humanity somewhere along the way, and everyone will think you're a huge asshole.
Why, yes, I do have a rather low opinion of StarCraft and its fanbase, why do you ask? |
I just reloaded Pirates! on my laptop yesterday. :lol
In other news, hey, Mirror's Edge is actually good. Also definitely one of the prettiest games I've ever played.
Actually, I wouldn't really call it a "game," it's more of a super-glorified tech demo. A linear series of seamlessly-connected scripted events, where the enemies exist to provide the illusion of threat rather than anything tangible, and because of this are such fucking horrifyingly bad shots that they would make a squadron of Imperial Stormtroopers double over and collapse in laughter. Except for when the game feels like being a fucker and has 5 of them hit every clip from their machineguns on you in about 1 second, although it only seems to happen when I don't go the way the game wants me to, so I guess it's just a more assholeish way of keeping me on the train tracks. It almost feels like if you took all the police officers out of the running sequences you'd just inexplicably drop dead if you went the wrong direction. It's entertaining, I guess, but the wall-running flat out does not fucking work, and the combat with real actual NPC police is the most horrible and offensive use of QTE spam I've seen since the knife fight with Krauser. |
What are you talking about the knife fight with Krauser was great, the best QTE sequence ever made.
Man, they updated Super Meat Boy with like 140 something new levels but for some reason they don't save your progress yet. Since I only play games for the illusion of accomplishment they're totally inaccessible to me, plus I'm sick as fuck of Super Meat Boy. 44 hours of play time is pretty crazy for a platformer. |
I never even beat it. I got stuck on that room with the button on the ceiling, and the ONE time I hit it, I jump straight in thinking it's safe. Haven't played it since.
i bought re 5 cause it was a greatest hit and now i'm on the hunt for the emblems only 5 to go
Been on another Minecraft binge. I finally found a wolf, tamed it, and my game crashed and now it's disappeared. Fuck.
Wolfenstein. Luckily someone I know wanted to get rid of his copy...and since you´re not allowed to sell the game in germany (officially)...Already finished it when it first came out but it´s still nice to have it on the shelf.
So what you're saying is that seeing a swastika has not caused you to turn into a Nazi? Even though you're in Germany?
I know, it sounds crazy! Imagine all the options I have all of a sudden! I can go to Asia without turning into a drooling killer anymore shouting things like JA! SCHNELL SCHNELL or ACHTUNG IHRE PAPIERE BITTE!!!
:lol Ah, what can I say, that stupid Hakenkreuz/Swastika-thingie is against the law here so everything with such a thing in it is against the law as well... Guess how many of those Swastikas I conciously notice in the game. Exactly. None ;) I think itīs a real shame because that game is really good for just being a stupid shooter... |
I saw "Zooey Deschanel or Action Paper Bite" when I read that. I dunno about anyone else. |
Thats why I love languages so much. Things that already sound stupid to me sound even more stupid to people who donīt speak the language :D or...not as well as I do, I actually donīt know if any of you guys speak german ;)
By the way, Iīm still a little disappointed that the funny nazi guys in Wolfenstein speak english instead of bad german, it was way funnier that way :) now oll zey do iz imitating bet german aczenz mein Herr :lol |
I took German once, which was enough to teach me some pronunciation and a couple words, but my vocabulary leaves a lot to be desired.
I've played Wolfenstein which was enough to teach me some pronunciation and a lots of words. My vocabulary is astounding.
Well...I gues should my country ever resort to demonic magic to take over the world, you guys can at least understand what the soldiers want of you before they mutate into some kind of abomination from beyond the void or something :)
I think itīs kinda interesting how every portrayal of Nazi-germany in games focusses solely on their military campaign and leaves the real evil out of the equation...then again, I really wouldnīt want to play a game about THAT...ugh...Makes you wish those guys only dabbled in ancient magic or some shit like that instead of what they really did... Oh and I still think "Leichenfaust" is one hell of a name for a weapon :lol Who comes up with a name like Corpsefist... |
I need to stop buying Hitman games, because I've been duped into it three fucking times already and they just keep being horrible no matter what people tell me.
"Hey, we've got fun stealthing abound! Come and play with us!" "Ok, Hitman. Hey, wait a minute, your stealth is broken, clunky, and horrible, and the AI isn't designed around it. How the hell am I supposed to do this?" "Why don't you just shoot everyone?" "I didn't sign up for a third person shooter! Not to mention that your gun mechanics aren't much better!" "We promise the next game will be much less horrible than the last!" "I fell for that with Hitman 2 and Blood Money already! Why don't you go fuck yourself, franchise?" |
My friend was playing the new mutation for L4D2 and its you by yourself against only special infected....so no common infected or AI humans. Apparently they don't even show up to the game anymore :(
Again, Iīm at the last boss in Wolfenstein and again, heīs extremely annoying...he was stupid on normal, on hard heīs just...gah! |
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