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OxBlood Apr 17th, 2011 02:58 PM

Hm, it seems, Germany is really barred from using Mortal Kombat online...I registered the Online code via my UK-Fake account and voilá - it works. No Servers yet though and the first random player ran out after the first round...which was understandable cause I played Smoke and he´s super cheap :D

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 17th, 2011 03:41 PM

I love smoke. Yet to part the new mk though. Is it human smoke or robot smoke?

OxBlood Apr 17th, 2011 05:23 PM

Human, Robot Smoke isn´t in the game (yet?) We get another cyberfied Ninja instead...but I guess you already know who it is...

LordSappington Apr 17th, 2011 11:07 PM

OoT. I forgot how much I hated the Water Temple.

Chojin Apr 18th, 2011 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 717892)
it was pretty fun i guess? i liked the grid puzzle thing for choosing how your attributes level up


Guitar Woman Apr 18th, 2011 01:24 AM


OoT. I forgot how much I hated the Water Temple.
Protip: The second key you need when you're stuck is in the room where you float up to meet Ruto, mid level.

Also, don't forget that there's loot underneath the room inside the middle spire; if you raise the water up a bit, that weird brown platform floats up and there's a passage under it.

LordSappington Apr 18th, 2011 02:09 AM

I finally finished it. The whole problem is all of a sudden, the game's like "Hey, you liked the puzzles before? Well, try keeping track of rooms at multiple levels, along with changing the water levels to match them, along with matching the water levels inside THOSE rooms because they change levels! Also, fuck you!"
On the other hand, Shadow Link was a little bitch once I tried using the Megaton Hammer on him. Turns out he's completely harmless when you use it.

Guitar Woman Apr 18th, 2011 02:33 AM

I usually just don't Z-Target him at all, run in as close as I can, and fucking wail on him with the Master Sword. He'll only be able to block a few attacks before you eventually get him. This is probably the fastest possible way to beat him, but you're going to get the shit kicked out of you while doing this, so a potion or two is a good idea. Fairies are for wee little girly men.

OxBlood Apr 18th, 2011 05:14 AM

I finished the Mortal Kombat-Storymode and jeez, it´s really great, so much History :)

Played some more online too, won some matches, some with Smoke, some with Raiden, though I wanna try getting better with...errrr Secret Character #1. The King of the Hill Mode is really nice too, I can´t remember any other Brawler with a working Spectator Mode. The lags suck though when playing with some people.

Oh, and Babalities. They are so much fun :D

LordSappington Apr 18th, 2011 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 717969)
I usually just don't Z-Target him at all, run in as close as I can, and fucking wail on him with the Master Sword. He'll only be able to block a few attacks before you eventually get him. This is probably the fastest possible way to beat him, but you're going to get the shit kicked out of you while doing this, so a potion or two is a good idea. Fairies are for wee little girly men.

He literally didn't do anything when I used the hammer; he didn't block or strike back or flip out of the way; he just kept getting hit like a little bitch. It was kind of disappointing, after hearing everyone freak out about him so much.

Esuohlim Apr 18th, 2011 12:39 PM

Din's Fire, idiots. It will kill him in like two hits.

Also my problem with the Water Temple is the unintuitive placement of the blue Song of Time block in a spot where you can't see it that leads to the snake-shaped room. Other than that I didn't really find it to be the big headache everyone makes it out to be.

LordSappington Apr 18th, 2011 12:55 PM

Only losers use the fairy spells. Real men use swords and hammers and bombs

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 18th, 2011 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 717972)
I canīt remember any other Brawler with a working Spectator Mode.

That looked really interesting. Thats what I remember most about playing Mortal Kombat or even really any arcade game when I was younger was watching other people play. Waiting for my turn. Then being watched by others waiting their turn.

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 18th, 2011 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 717986)
Din's Fire, idiots. It will kill him in like two hits.

Also my problem with the Water Temple is the unintuitive placement of the blue Song of Time block in a spot where you can't see it that leads to the snake-shaped room. Other than that I didn't really find it to be the big headache everyone makes it out to be.


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 717993)
Only losers use the fairy spells. Real men use swords and hammers and bombs

I never knew about Din's fire either. Was it Ocarina of Time that you could learn the scarecrow song? I remember learning it and then never finding a use for him.

elx Apr 19th, 2011 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 717993)
Only losers use the fairy spells. Real men use swords and hammers and bombs

no! real men use deku nuts :(

also i'm playing CreaVures <3

Zhukov Apr 19th, 2011 01:25 AM

I really liked the water temple.

OxBlood Apr 19th, 2011 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 718012)
That looked really interesting. Thats what I remember most about playing Mortal Kombat or even really any arcade game when I was younger was watching other people play. Waiting for my turn. Then being watched by others waiting their turn.

Yeah, itīs nice. All the little Avatars jumping around, throwing tomatoes and stuff :lol

Gladly, you can switch to fullscreen whenever you want and focus on the fight.
I was beaten to a pulp by a Scorp-player yesterday after I destroyed his Jax with my Jade...turned out he knew how to play Scorp way better...then again, he didnīt have that much of a chance against my Smoke afterwards :).

What I love about brawlers is the anticipation the moment before you can move in the beginning. Will the enemy just jump? Will he do a special and if, which will he do, will he anticipate MY jump and uppercut me? I donīt know why but I like that tension :)

Phoenix Gamma Apr 19th, 2011 07:06 AM

Just beat Portal 2's singleplayer. Fantastic story. Level design was a lot harder, and there were a lot of moments outside of the test chambers that had me stumped, though a few times the solution had me thinking "how was I supposed to know to do THAT?" after staring at a room for awhile.

Aside from that, the puzzles were really good, the story was a lot different from the first one, and then it turns out there's a store for items in co-op, so you can make a living off this game now too.

Plus it's really damn funny.

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 19th, 2011 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 718067)
Yeah, itīs nice. All the little Avatars jumping around, throwing tomatoes and stuff :lol

Hahahha, that just got so much better. I thought it was just fullscreen watching two other people fight.

OxBlood Apr 19th, 2011 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 718084)
Hahahha, that just got so much better. I thought it was just fullscreen watching two other people fight.

You can if you want. But if you use the other viewing-mode (just press select to switch back and forth) you see the two combatants´ avatars standing on little pedestals flailing their arms while the waiting crowd cheers down below. After the fight, the crowd and the loser can rate the winner from 0-10...a nice way to show spammers what you think of them :)

Here´s a pic from the PS3-Version, the Xbox uses the normal User-Avatars instead.

I´ve only played King of the hill once though and the lag was really horrible which seems to be a location problem again. Against some people it´s 90% like the singleplayer in terms of lag, against others it´s about half a second to a whole second of lag. Almost unplayable. I am able to anticipate games like this to a certain degree and do certain things even with a second of lag but I can hardly win that way ;)

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 19th, 2011 11:53 AM

I'm going to try and rent it tonight, looks like a ton of fun.

Esuohlim Apr 19th, 2011 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 718013)
Was it Ocarina of Time that you could learn the scarecrow song? I remember learning it and then never finding a use for him.

Yeah, whenever you get to an area where Navi flies off suddenly, turns blue, and hovers around an empty space that's usually where you can play the song. It usually just lead to Skulltulas or rupees, though.

darkvare Apr 19th, 2011 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 718110)
Yeah, whenever you get to an area where Navi flies off suddenly, turns blue, and hovers around an empty space that's usually where you can play the song. It usually just lead to Skulltulas or rupees, though.

actually you need it on the fire temple to get the scarecrow to appear and lead you to a heart piece if i remember correctly

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 19th, 2011 06:52 PM

I never did get all the skullatullas or hearts. That stupid french scarecrow didn't tell me all that. He must have been too busy haw haw hawing around somewhere.

Fathom Zero Apr 19th, 2011 07:04 PM

Persona 4 again on mah PS2 and it's janky ass.

But it looks like the emulator upscales the textures nicely, so I may just go that route so long as I've got just my HDTV.

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