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MLE May 27th, 2011 01:42 AM

If you want a free to play MMO that's at least decent and doesn't pretend to do everything but half-ass it, you might want to try Vindictus.

OxBlood May 27th, 2011 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 723145)
it looks like an utterly generic brown and gray shit mmo that bought adspace on every single website it could afford just so people might buy it before the reviews were in

I'm so glad I got to see that middle-aged ugly knight guy run around being an uninteresting fuck in the phong wastelands something like 4000 fucking times >:

Nah, Rift is really good as far as MMOs go, I really like the class-customization and all that public questing that the rifts offer, those things are everywhere. Seems like there´s always something to do besides normal questing. Haven´t tried PVP yet but that stuff only makes me mad anyway. Seems to have a rather good community as well which is always nice when your last MMO was WOW...

And the Invasions, those are a lot of fun when the whole Zone goes into apocalypse-mode and giant enemies roam the land, the sky darkens, dozens of rifts open all at the same time...a sky full of tentacles is a sight to behold :D

Those F2Ps on the other hand...no thanks, those are just shit. What makes that Vindictus-thing better than the rest?

Oh and I´m still kinda interested in The Old Repbublic though after watching 90mins of gameplay the other day, I´m again disappointed that the game seems to have NOTHING going for it other than the license. Nothing.

timrpgland May 27th, 2011 03:48 AM

Been playing The Witcher 2 and UOSecondAge.com mainly.

Haven't had time for much fun working on my own projects.

Guitar Woman May 28th, 2011 01:55 AM

Sorry, ladies, I only play 2D MMOs. All five of them!

Speaking of, that UO link up there's looking a bit sexy.

Dr. Boogie May 28th, 2011 01:59 AM

Finally beat LA Noire. A few other people have claimed that the disappointing ending is meant to be in line with noire-style endings, but it was still disappointing.

Also, I decided to go through the cases I didn't ace to see what the correct answers were. It seems like the ones I missed are just plain ridiculous, requiring paper-thin associations between the evidence and what the person is lying about. Some of the worst has been during the Red Lipstick Murder:


LordSappington May 28th, 2011 05:49 AM

Friend loaned me a spare PC, and I've taken up TF2. Having a lot of fun with it; turns out I make a pretty solid Sniper, and I'm not too bad as a Medic or Spy, too.
Bought GMod with it, too; I mostly grief on it.Put thrusters on a barrel or TNT, make it invisible, duplicate, act like normal, and watch as everyone and their stuff blows up, then act surprised. Good times.

darkvare May 28th, 2011 12:48 PM

finally got kahl to play pvp and he is cocky but is hilarious to play with him cause he apoligizes for everything :lol

kahljorn May 28th, 2011 03:23 PM


i played last night with soem other friends and we almost ganked someone at the begining so they called us tryhards. also they were a clan or something

anyway the one whow as talking the most shit sucked the most so me and my friend talked shit on him the whoooooooollleeee time. Right at the end they tried to make a break for our nexus and me and this other dude fucked them up, went to their base and won

i was all, "gg tryhards."

Phoenix Gamma May 28th, 2011 05:10 PM

Dead or Alive on 3DS is really fantastic and worth checking out if you're new to the series. Lots of different modes and content.

k0k0 May 28th, 2011 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 723296)
Finally beat LA Noire. A few other people have claimed that the disappointing ending is meant to be in line with noire-style endings, but it was still disappointing.

Also, I decided to go through the cases I didn't ace to see what the correct answers were. It seems like the ones I missed are just plain ridiculous, requiring paper-thin associations between the evidence and what the person is lying about. Some of the worst has been during the Red Lipstick Murder:


I had this prolem also. They should have had a few of the items that would trigger the proof that they were lying instead of a singular one. There were so many times I could prove they were lying by the item I had when the game really wanted me to hit doubt also. Plus anytime I'd doubt someone, even a little girl, I'd be a real asshole about it to them.


Dimnos May 28th, 2011 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by k0k0 (Post 723355)


There you go.

Pentegarn May 29th, 2011 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 723202)
Nah, Rift is really good as far as MMOs go, I really like the class-customization and all that public questing that the rifts offer, those things are everywhere. Seems like thereīs always something to do besides normal questing. Havenīt tried PVP yet but that stuff only makes me mad anyway. Seems to have a rather good community as well which is always nice when your last MMO was WOW...

And the Invasions, those are a lot of fun when the whole Zone goes into apocalypse-mode and giant enemies roam the land, the sky darkens, dozens of rifts open all at the same time...a sky full of tentacles is a sight to behold :D

Those F2Ps on the other hand...no thanks, those are just shit. What makes that Vindictus-thing better than the rest?

Oh and Iīm still kinda interested in The Old Repbublic though after watching 90mins of gameplay the other day, Iīm again disappointed that the game seems to have NOTHING going for it other than the license. Nothing.

One thing you didn't mention about the zone invasions was when those multiple rifts open up you have mini invasion forces taking over all the little towns in the zone, which can be problematic when you have quests to turn in, but also adds challenge to the game and a motivation to help close rifts

OxBlood May 29th, 2011 10:19 AM

True that can become a little problem but I think it´s a welcome change from regular questing since there are always Rifts and Invasion Forces geard towards all Level-ranges of that specific area :)

Zhukov May 29th, 2011 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 723330)

i played last night with soem other friends and we almost ganked someone at the begining so they called us tryhards. also they were a clan or something

anyway the one whow as talking the most shit sucked the most so me and my friend talked shit on him the whoooooooollleeee time. Right at the end they tried to make a break for our nexus and me and this other dude fucked them up, went to their base and won

i was all, "gg tryhards."

I want to play you guys :\

kahljorn May 29th, 2011 06:34 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost May 30th, 2011 12:27 AM

Lego pirates demo. There are the main characters. Then some jobber pirates like pegleg pete, dusty jones and so on. Then way over in the corner of tbe character selection screen is a pirate named jimmy legs. :lol

Guitar Woman May 30th, 2011 01:15 AM

The Dead Money expansion for New Vegas is so fucking awful. How did they even release this.

executioneer May 30th, 2011 01:27 AM


Fathom Zero May 30th, 2011 01:29 AM

fckn loony, GW. It's fantastic. Honest Hearts was baaaaaaaaad.

MLE May 30th, 2011 01:55 PM

Hearts Boxcars would beat the shit out of Honest Hearts.

Guitar Woman May 30th, 2011 09:20 PM

I should probably mention I was playing on Hardcore mode, so I was constantly on death's door due to toxic environment dogshit, and I always had like 5 bullets between vending machines or stashes. And then there's the goddamn motherFUCKING bear traps; I must have broken my fucking legs 57 fucking times before I got out of that shithole. Blowing Dean into a chunky corpsemist with the big tripod machine gun was little consolation.

The radios setting your collar off if you stood near them for too long would have been fucking atrociously annoying on any difficulty, too. I'll probably fly into an unstoppable berserker rage every time I hear beeping IRL from now on and murder entire apartment buildings to slake my horrendous bloodlust

Dimnos May 30th, 2011 09:38 PM

Sounds like you need to pay more attention and up that survival skill. Always carry around at least 3 antivenoms. Hardcore isnt that hardcore.

Dimnos May 30th, 2011 09:39 PM

Well... For companions it is. :lol

Guitar Woman May 30th, 2011 09:41 PM

Oh yeah, I always have antivenom on me, but basically everywhere in Dead Money is toxic as hell except for the casino itself, so your health is constantly being drained no matter what you do. The only solution is to dripfeed yourself with stimpaks, but they take away all of your shit at the beginning, so you have to find them or buy them, and stashes and money aren't as common as you need them to be.

Once you get into the casino it gets way easier, since they pretty much give you a bunch of free shit. I had 500 reserve bullets for every gun, but the only enemies at that point are holograms and the fucking indestructible speakers anyway.

Basically all I got out of Dead Money was a bunch of expensive guns that are shittier than my main game guns, a slutty cocktail dress, and three or four levels. Not worth all the shit I went through.

Dimnos May 30th, 2011 09:48 PM

Sounds like I just need to DL that shit. I was waiting for a few DLCs to come out to get them all at once.

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