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Guitar Woman Jun 21st, 2011 05:07 PM


Master Quest (which is now mirrored to make even harder)
That's fucking awesome. There's nothing about OOT that really needs updating but I'd buy it just for this.

Mad Melvin Jun 21st, 2011 05:55 PM

Fable III

So far, it sucks. Haven't played the previous games, so I didn't know what to expect. Game so far: I've been led around like a dog on a leash and really don't care about anything thats going on. I also wiped my ass on some guys petition paper.

zerothree Jun 21st, 2011 07:02 PM

Playing Shadows of the Damned right now. I'm only 20-ish minutes in and I'm already in love with it.

I've also been playing the new Alice game and the Ocarina of Time remake. Both are great, but they're going on the backburner until I've had my fill with Shadows of the Damned.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 21st, 2011 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 727434)
That's fucking awesome. There's nothing about OOT that really needs updating but I'd buy it just for this.

The graphics needed an update. Most people don't remember how blurry that game was.

I wasn't really a fan of Master Quest when it first came out on Gamecube. Except Jabu Jabu's Belly, which was fucking weird as shit in MQ. :hypno

Dr. Boogie Jun 21st, 2011 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Melvin (Post 727446)
Fable III

So far, it sucks. Haven't played the previous games, so I didn't know what to expect. Game so far: I've been led around like a dog on a leash and really don't care about anything thats going on. I also wiped my ass on some guys petition paper.

Having played all the Fable games, believe me when I say it doesn't get better.

darkvare Jun 21st, 2011 08:34 PM

i never found master quest to be any harder to be honest but then again i've played that game so many times before i even got master quest

Chojin Jun 21st, 2011 09:21 PM

i've never played OOT or MM, but I have played twilight princess and the NES/SNES zeldas, and the only one I liked was LTTP. should i bother with OOT?

Phoenix Gamma Jun 21st, 2011 09:41 PM

Twilight Princess is kinda like Ocarina of Time, if the pacing was horrible and the stupid wolf shit was thrown in for no real reason, Navi was replaced with a cunty imp, and the color was replaced with lots of brown and green-brown. They tried way too hard to take Ocarina and make it EPIIIIIIIIIC.

Rather, Ocarina of Time is pretty much LttP in 3D. It actually started as a remake until they started changing things here and there, then added the time travel stuff. It's pretty much the same format (three starter dungeons to break you in, then you jump to another realm and it gets serious). It's also credited with a lot of different innovations in 3D action games. I like LttP and MM a little more for different reasons (nostalgia and my own weirdness) but it's an important game, I think. It's aged reall well, though the graphics of the original version haven't. Playing it on the 3DS, I really have no complaints other than I wish they updated the music and added the different moves from the newer Zeldas. Maybe a new dungeon too. It's a solid A game with no glaring flaws, and I really can't say that about too many games.

MM is awesome if you're willing to meet it halfway. There are some fantastic sidestories in that game that trump a lot of the stuff in other Zeldas. It pretty much flies in the face of OoT and warps it into something really weird and creepy, so a lot of people didn't like it (that, and a lot of people suck at videogames and can't cope with the time mechanics). It's probably my second favorite next to LttP.

Also, if you liked LttP, Link's Awakening DX is like that but with a little bit of a Metroid-y world map and lots of weird references to other Nintendo games, and some really awesome puzzles.

Guitar Woman Jun 21st, 2011 10:10 PM


should i bother with OOT?
Playing video games a lot without having experienced Ocarina of Time is like claiming to be a sci-fi geek without having seen Star Wars.

So, yes.

You should also check out Majora's Mask, Windwaker, and Link's Awakening if you haven't already, they're srsly fantastic. '93-'03 was kind of the correct decade to grow up in for anyone with a thing for heroic medieval fantasy and block puzzles.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 21st, 2011 10:30 PM

Wind Waker felt bipolar. Some of that game was flat out amazing, and some of it really pissed me off. Seriously, they didn't need to space out islands that fucking much. Goddammit. And the Triforce Quest at the end was damn near insulting. That kinda shit was never Nintendo's style.

Guitar Woman Jun 21st, 2011 10:41 PM

Windwaker is the second-best zelda, shut your whore mouth

dextire Jun 21st, 2011 10:55 PM

Windwaker was so easy though. I don't really remember getting killed even once.
I honestly kept waiting for Ganondorf to change into some kind of final form and then the credits rolled. :\

Guitar Woman Jun 21st, 2011 11:06 PM

You weren't satisfied with three shadow-puppet fights and the first time we've had an honest-to-god man-to-man swordfight with the guy?

dextire Jun 21st, 2011 11:28 PM

Yeah, but you don't really swordfight with him, you wait for Zelda to shoot him with a light-arrow and only then can you attack.
It just felt like a simplified game to me, like they decided the series was too difficult.

Anyway, are you saying that you had more fun with Windwaker than Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past? :confused:

Guitar Woman Jun 21st, 2011 11:48 PM

Maybe, yeah.

I've always hated Link to the Past, but it was also the very last Zelda I played, so I may just be taking for granted things that it did well and that later games copied. I still hate the dungeons, though, they're too samey-looking and the puzzles are boring/arduous, especially in Level 4.

That's the thing about it, too, I usually refer to most dungeons in Zelda by name instead of "level 1, level 2, etc," because they're so awesome and memorable that you instantly know what I'm talking about when I say "Forest Temple" or "City in the Sky," but you'd have to think for a second if I just said "Level 4/Level 7." They did start naming dungeons and having some varied overworld progression in LttP, but the levels were still just primitive mazes with palette swaps, and you didn't really think of them as actual places. Link's Awakening introduced actual dungeon features and themes and shit and gave all the levels some personality, in addition to, again, make its dungeons not awful and full of fucking tedious keyhunts.

Meanwhile, Link to the Past still feels like a NES game with beefed-up graphics. Example: All the dungeons in the game have the exact same visual design. Even the dungeon carved into a mountain at the desert, all 7 in the bizarro pocket universe, and the giant, eldritch Pyramid where Ganon is imprisoned, have the exact same walls, curtains, floor-tiles and carpets as all the other ones. They've also got the same damn soundtracks until you get to the dark world; It's not distinctive and it's incredibly monotonous to look at/listen to after a while.

Not to mention it was just generally shit. I guess I just like Zelda better when it feels like a storybook that's come to life.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 22nd, 2011 12:06 AM

Wind Waker was piss easy, the sailing was boring as shit, and the triforce quest made me vomit. That's the trifecta of human excrement right there. If it weren't for the graphics, the music, and maybe half of the dungeons, I wouldn't have liked it. The charm only made up for so much. Oh, and the final boss. That fight was more amazing than that game deserved.

LttP is the definitive Zelda template, and pretty much every game since has copied it. It also made sure not to repeat puzzles. How many times do you light all the torches or shoot all the eyeballs or hold down switches with statues in modern zeldas? Those things each happened once, and the game never swung the camera around the room to tell you what to do. It was the perfect balance between Zelda 1's "You NEED a strategy guide to beat this" and the later games' "HEY WE'RE JUST GOING TO MAKE THE CAMERA SHOVE THESE THINGS IN YOUR FACE. HMMMMMMMMM THAT MIRROR LOOKS LIKE IT MIGHT REFLECT LIGHT OR SOMETHING!" Also, I remember all the dungeon names, because I'm not a jerk >:

Link's Awakening is another fantastic one because not only is nothing spelled out for you, but all of the items are absolutely critical to navigating the entire world, like in Metroid. It's not like Twilight Princes where you'll never use the fucking Spinner after the Desert Temple. You'll be stopped right in the middle of a trail because you don't have the boots to do a running leap. But the dungeons weren't very varied, you know; they were actually more repetitive since there were a limited number of colors/tiles to work with. The only standouts are the Eagle's Tower (fucking pillars) and Turtle Rock (fucking lava).

Semirelated, but I just ordered a lithograph and signed art book from the Alice: Madness Returns website. The art is the only thing pushing me through that game's tedium.

Guitar Woman Jun 22nd, 2011 12:17 AM


The only standouts are the Eagle's Tower (fucking pillars) and Turtle Rock (fucking lava).
Maybe, but they were also actually fun to play. LttP was just generally shit at everything it did.

Chojin Jun 22nd, 2011 01:10 AM

i don't understand how anyone can hate lttp. for me it felt like the only zelda that both played like an actual videogame and was also possible to beat. the dark world music was great, the gameplay was great, the scenery was great...

maybe you just don't like video games, idk

kahljorn Jun 22nd, 2011 01:21 AM

i loved lttp i probably played that game like ten times. one time i even beat it in a day.

also i refer to them by name all the time TURTLE MONSTER DUNGEON


Phoenix Gamma Jun 22nd, 2011 01:31 AM




Esuohlim Jun 22nd, 2011 01:32 AM

I played LttP for the first time only, like, five years ago maybe. I think I only got halfway through it, but from what I remember it was all right! My first Zelda experience was Link's Awakening and I still love playing through it every once in a while even though I could probably do it with my eyes closed at this point.

OoT is my favorite, though. I think it was just the 3D Zelda experience leaving me awestruck, but the game sucked me in big time. I know the whole game inside and out even though I only played through it twice.

darkvare Jun 22nd, 2011 01:38 AM

how can you not finish a link to the past it can be done in a single sitting

Esuohlim Jun 22nd, 2011 01:43 AM

Even in your first time through, back when games didn't hold your hand and tell you where to go next?

Maybe REAL LIFE DISTRACTIONS got in the way, who knows? I remember playing it in the spring, maybe I had finals coming up or something. Fuck you

Phoenix Gamma Jun 22nd, 2011 01:55 AM

Took me forever on my first try. But I was 5 :(

Esuohlim Jun 22nd, 2011 02:53 AM


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