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k0k0 Nov 12th, 2011 11:09 PM

They should have made the giants the things fucking up everything. Those giants kill me a ton faster than a shitty dragon does. I wanna be giantborn.

Oh, and I know I said this before, but being a werewolf absolutely blows. I mean, you look bad ass, but you can't get any bonuses from sleeping and you can't use potions/items while you're changed. I am enjoying the hell out of the storyline for the werewolf clan though.

How do you get up to the top of the mountain? I've been trying every fucking spot of this fucking mountain so that I can talk to the graybeards or whatever about my dragon powers. I can't figure out exactly where to start the climb.

Dimnos Nov 14th, 2011 03:09 AM

Found my way up to that one guy shooting me. After cutting him down, killing the dragon was cake. Now... Blightown. :(

Have yet to get to Skyrim but its going to be hard pressed to hold up to Dark Souls. Loving this game.

Fathom Zero Nov 14th, 2011 03:26 AM

Just finished the Dark Brotherhood stuff. Gets pretty crazy at the end. Also, the return of Shadowmere. :O

I think I like Dark Souls more than Skyrim because I've just gotten so sick of being THE CHOSEN ONE in every video game. Even though you're the "chosen undead" in Dark Souls, it doesn't feel like it. You're meeting and saving all of these NPCs, running around, and meeting them again farther and farther into the game. It feels like you're just of many similarly skilled people running around. Everyone is doing their own adventuring toward their own goals and it's up to you to make your own way and eventually beat Gwyn, crossing paths with fellow adventurers as you go. And the sense of scale in the fights was real. You felt intimidated and it didn't surprise you if a badguy four stories taller than you beats you, whereas in Skyrim, you can take down Skeletons, Wolves, and Draugr like they were nothing, but dare to kill a Troll? PFFT. Hope you enjoy popping potions and getting chased down in seconds.

It's weird to say that Dark Souls feels less cheap than Skyrim. But I felt like I knew where I was going in terms of my character in Dark Souls and I'm just spending perks willy-nilly in Skyrim, waiting for the next not-boss to keep me from completing a quest.

Dimnos Nov 14th, 2011 11:38 AM

I have no idea where Im going in terms of my character in Dark Souls. Lots of str and end is all I got :lol

What is the deal with atunement slots and magic? For the first time at a bonfire I noticed Attune Magic. When I hit it, it tells me I dont have enough slots. How do I know how many slots I need? Do I need to bother?

Aaarg Nov 14th, 2011 02:56 PM

i'm playing shiren the wanderer because shiren the wanderer is cool

Fathom Zero Nov 14th, 2011 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 749645)
I have no idea where Im going in terms of my character in Dark Souls. Lots of str and end is all I got :lol

What is the deal with atunement slots and magic? For the first time at a bonfire I noticed Attune Magic. When I hit it, it tells me I dont have enough slots. How do I know how many slots I need? Do I need to bother?

Attunement slots is how they handle magic and other stuffs. When you buy the things, you equip them in a slot at bonfires. Some of them may require two slots. Level up the attunement thing and you get more slots. It's required if you're a magicky-type character, because you can double up on spells and get more of them. Otherwise, you're going to run out quickly.

Strength works well, but if you intend to upgrade your weapons down other paths like Divine, Magic, Chaos, etc., then you'd prolly want to put some into things like faith, magic, and dexterity. Dexterity is important because it affects most of the weapons in the game, sometimes moreso than strength. Good job putting a lot in endurance early. If I were to do something over again, that would've been it. It was a bitch not being able to move around properly in what would've been, to anyone else, light armor. As a result, I was knocked around like a pinball in fights because I had no Poise.

Dimnos Nov 14th, 2011 11:05 PM

Wtf is a raw weapon good for? I noticed I can do that or go up to +6 now.

k0k0 Nov 14th, 2011 11:09 PM

They're only good for old dirty bastard. Cuz he likes it raw.

But honestly, they aren't good at all, from what I can tell.

Fathom Zero Nov 14th, 2011 11:31 PM

Raw is terrible. They don't skill off of stats, so once you upgrade them fully, they don't get any stronger.

Dimnos Nov 15th, 2011 01:15 AM

So what you are saying is... that no matter how much str I have, it will arl only do X dmg? Where as if I get the +6, it will continue to grow with me?

kahljorn Nov 15th, 2011 01:36 AM


How do you get up to the top of the mountain? I've been trying every fucking spot of this fucking mountain so that I can talk to the graybeards or whatever about my dragon powers. I can't figure out exactly where to start the climb.


k0k0 Nov 15th, 2011 02:03 AM

Yeah, I figured it out a few days ago. It was snowing hard the 3 times I went through the city trying to find the spot, but the last time I finally found it.

Fathom Zero Nov 15th, 2011 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 749684)
So what you are saying is... that no matter how much str I have, it will arl only do X dmg? Where as if I get the +6, it will continue to grow with me?

Yuss, and if you get it to +10, there might be a legendary weapon in it if you also imbue it with a special soul.

darkvare Nov 15th, 2011 04:45 PM

saints row the thrid which has a button dedicated for ball punching

Phoenix Gamma Nov 15th, 2011 07:42 PM

Beat Skyward Sword this morning. I was going to wait until I got 100% of the stuff, but I reached a point in the story where I got really ancy and just had to see how it ended. I'll go back though because I think I probably have 80-90% of everything, which is a lot for a first-time playthrough.

After this game, I don't think I could play Zelda on a regular controller anymore. The controls are that good. (Except for the bird. That kinda sucked.) It's also hard as fuck because every enemy has specific ways of fighting them, and all of the puzzles are brand new this time. You don't even light any torches!

Nintendo LOVES torches!

Only complaint is that the Wii can't pump out the graphics that the artists intended. That and there were a little too many silly quests forced into the main game. For the most part, though, it was excellent. I'd say it's in the top three of the entire series.

Dimnos Nov 15th, 2011 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 749723)
saints row the thrid which has a button dedicated for ball punching

Did you buy this?

darkvare Nov 15th, 2011 11:06 PM

yep also bought the halo remastered i would have bought dark souls but i haven't seen a single copy on my town

Dimnos Nov 15th, 2011 11:36 PM

Fuck yeah. Ill be picking it up by the weekend. I'm assuming you got it on ps3?

darkvare Nov 16th, 2011 12:03 AM


Dimnos Nov 16th, 2011 02:29 AM

Beat blightown. Now I can't seam to figure out where to go. I have quite a few options but I keep getting my ass handed to me. Went back to the catacombs and finished it off. Holy weapons suck turd. They do to little damage. I was doing better just pushing skellies off cliffs with my axe.

Dimnos Nov 16th, 2011 01:07 PM

So i wondered my ass into the great hollow. Now I'm stuck at the bottom of a pit cursed. :\

Time to put it down for a little.

Picked up saints row Vare, lets go bust some caps.

kahljorn Nov 16th, 2011 01:26 PM



Revel Nov 18th, 2011 01:45 AM

Oddworld Munch's Oddysey :I

Pentegarn Nov 18th, 2011 08:05 AM

Been playing Knights of the Old Republic (not the MMO the old game) again. Still never finished it due to getting easily distracted, think I need to this time

darkvare Nov 18th, 2011 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 749791)
So i wondered my ass into the great hollow. Now I'm stuck at the bottom of a pit cursed. :\

Time to put it down for a little.

Picked up saints row Vare, lets go bust some caps.

i'll wait to see you online so we can fly around in the jet i just stole

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