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Zomboid Mar 21st, 2012 05:02 AM

I eventually got the hang of it, but it seems like the hit detection is off, or something. I frequently have someone in my sights with one of the sniper rifles, and it doesn't seem to do a damn thing.

Heroes mode is pretty fun.

OxBlood Mar 21st, 2012 06:14 AM

I played around with it a bit yesterday, is it possible, that RE ORC has the WORST AI of the last 10 years or so? It´s fucking horrible, the very first Counterstrike bots were better than these clowns...

Dimnos Mar 21st, 2012 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 756385)
Yeah, shotguns in general such in this game. After playing single player by myself I thought it was terrible. Playing with friends and multiplayer was a lot more enjoyable.

What game are you guys talking about? The new RE with Ox?

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 21st, 2012 10:34 AM

Yeah, me and two friends played campaign together for a bit too except we got stuck with beltway as our ai partner. The ai is pretty terrible but for about two hours it was physically manifested as beltways incompetence.

So now beltway has Lenny's voice from of mice and men.

darkvare Mar 21st, 2012 12:49 PM

so i got nba jam on ps3 i like it but i bought it mostly to play like the old snes days i wonder if someone will get beat up like the old days

Zomboid Mar 21st, 2012 05:22 PM

I managed to beat campaign mode with just AI partners, except for a period where I forgot to start a private game and had two humans with me. It...wasn't easy.

OxBlood Mar 22nd, 2012 12:45 PM

I actually managed to finish the horribly short campaign (we´re talking 3.5, 4 hours here) with 2 buddies yesterday. Apart from one or two bits, it was really easy. We played on normal, later tonight, we´ll try the highest difficulty and after that, I´ll make sure that piece of shit game gets the fuck out of my house.

Dimnos Mar 22nd, 2012 01:55 PM

Do the levels at least have some replay value like RE5 sort of had. To unlock weapons and upgrades and such? Is the multiplayer worth a damn? Should I even bother?

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 22nd, 2012 03:09 PM

You get more xp from doing the campaign levels which are kind of fun. Basically the five different classes share all guns. You carry over xp from multi to campaign and campaign to multi which is really good.

Some of the multi modes are fun. Nemesis mode is really hectic. Its like king of the hill but somewhere else in the level you can capture the nemesis computer and it goes on a rampage to the other team.

They have a survivor mode where its 4 on 4 trying to get to a rescue chopper. You can still kill the other team but can also help them get through zombies to get to the chopper. The chopper only has 4 seats on it so it becomes a full on brawl to get a seat at the end even against your own teammates.

Worth renting at least.

Zomboid Mar 22nd, 2012 05:40 PM

I did a blind buy on it, and I'm regretting it. I really expected it to be at least decent, but it's struggling to get even there. Still, I'll play it for a while longer just so it feels like I got my money's worth. Maybe it'll even grow on me.

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 22nd, 2012 06:03 PM

there's some jill campaign dlc coming out next month

Gix Mar 22nd, 2012 09:37 PM

playing mass effect 2 and tomb raider:underworld

got TB for the ps3 and do a few missions in between with ME2, tring to finish up my goal for last year and that was to have beat it with every class, after this one ill just need to beat it with the adept and ill be done :P

Phoenix Gamma Mar 24th, 2012 05:16 PM

Kid Icarus Uprising is what happens when you take a bad NES game, turn it into Sin and Punishment 2, then add ground shooter stages with the worst controls ever, then change the setting to a Universal Studios ride. So basically everything is awesome except that part with the controls.

Edit: I bought a bendy stylus and wrapped it around my thumb. Now the ground levels aren't abysmal anymore. THANKS FOR GIVING ME A BIG STUPID STAND INSTEAD OF A BENDY STYLUS NINTENDO.

OxBlood Mar 26th, 2012 05:25 AM

So I take it, Kid Icarus HAS to be played with the stylus? No alternate Button-Controls?

zerothree Mar 26th, 2012 12:13 PM

I've been playing Kid Icarus with the face buttons to move and the circle pad for targeting. It's working pretty well for me so far, but I still don't have it just right yet. It's like playing FPSs on Dreamcast all over again... sort of.

Anyhoozle, other than the control learning curve, I'm really digging the game. I was really surprised that the dialogue in the game is actually funny, in a really corny way. Also, it's very pretty, especially during the flight sections.

Phoenix Gamma Mar 26th, 2012 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 756585)
So I take it, Kid Icarus HAS to be played with the stylus? No alternate Button-Controls?

You can map the face buttons and the circlepad for aiming and moving, but I wouldn't want to use either input for either function. I tried it and it's a pain to get the accuracy that the game demands. I beat about 90% of the game on lv 5 difficulty (2 is the default but it's a little too easy) and I can't imagine beating some of the later stages using the stick or buttons to aim.

If you kept an old DS Phat thumbstrap lying around, you're in the clear.

It's a must play for 3DS owners though, just for the story. It's as funny, probably moreso, than any of the Mario RPGs, and since Kid Icarus really doesn't have an established universe or story, Sakurai basically does what he did in the old Kirby games and fucks with everything and makes up whole new characters and changes all of their alliances around just for laughs before throwing in some kind of "holy shit" level.

OxBlood Mar 27th, 2012 04:45 AM

Hm, I don´t know, I think I would´ve prefered a more oldschool approach to the game, I actually liked the old Kid Icarus a lot...

Guitar Woman Apr 3rd, 2012 12:33 PM

I bought the Goldeneye remake and Bushido Blade!

Goldeneye's default controls are crap. It took me like 3 hours of fiddling and gameplay fuckups to get them right, and ironsight aiming is still fucking bad. It's nice that they put in auto-targeting, but everyone in multiplayer seems to just fire from the hip. The multiplayer is all right, I guess; I never actually played Goldeneye 64 with anyone else so IDK how it stacks up fun-wise. It feels kind of like a less shitty Modern Warfare.

Bushido Blade is completely fucking amazing and I love it a whole lot.

Mad Melvin Apr 3rd, 2012 05:16 PM

Silent Hill: Downpour

I'm pretty early in the game, but I like it so far. It's like a mix between SH3, Homecoming and Shattered Memories. It's been getting some below average ratings, but I don't see why. Seems like a pretty solid entry to the series and way better than Homecoming. But, as I said, i'm still pretty much at the beginning so maybe there's some faggy shit coming up.

Also got the Silent Hill HD Collection (XBOX360). Tried the second one, 'cause i've heard that there's a problem with the fog, a certain rape scene is missing and there are some weird bugs, but fortunately the problems seem to be on the PS3 version. This one is identical to the original, but with a better resolution. Also, the optional new voice acting is way better than the original one.

Esuohlim Apr 3rd, 2012 05:19 PM

I've been playing a LOT of the original Doom lately. So much that I've been having dreams about it. It's so fucking fun.

Fathom Zero Apr 3rd, 2012 05:38 PM

I've never played through the Quake games before. Should I, guyz?

Mad Melvin Apr 3rd, 2012 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 757042)
I've never played through the Quake games before. Should I, guyz?

No. They are really boring. Play something better. Like Shadow Warrior or something.

Fathom Zero Apr 3rd, 2012 06:44 PM


Esuohlim Apr 3rd, 2012 07:29 PM


Zomboid Apr 3rd, 2012 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Melvin (Post 757040)
Silent Hill: Downpour

I'm pretty early in the game, but I like it so far. It's like a mix between SH3, Homecoming and Shattered Memories. It's been getting some below average ratings, but I don't see why. Seems like a pretty solid entry to the series and way better than Homecoming. But, as I said, i'm still pretty much at the beginning so maybe there's some faggy shit coming up.

Also got the Silent Hill HD Collection (XBOX360). Tried the second one, 'cause i've heard that there's a problem with the fog, a certain rape scene is missing and there are some weird bugs, but fortunately the problems seem to be on the PS3 version. This one is identical to the original, but with a better resolution. Also, the optional new voice acting is way better than the original one.

I just heard about the HD collection a few days ago, and I think I might have to get it. Both Silent Hill 2 and 3 are incredible.

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