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zerothree Apr 4th, 2012 04:08 AM

I picked up Silent Hill HD Collection the day it came out for PS3. I'm slightly bummed out over the bugs and such, but still it's great playing those two games again. I've been able to pick up on some little details here and there in the background (like writings and such) that wasn't easily seen on PS2.

I found myself being less creep-ed out in SH2 in the prison with the "Ritual" monster. Back when the game first came out and I got to that point it really made me freak the fuck out. Now it's just really cool.

Also, SH3 is WAY more out there than I remember. I get this constant sense of dread playing it, plus fuck that game's version of the hospital. Fuck that room with the mirror, and fuck the hallway with the maternity ward.

Anyhoozle, I picked up Yakuza 4 the other day and now I hate myself for waiting so long to try the series out. It's probably the closest I'll ever get to another Shenmue, Streets of Rage, and a GTA game I actually enjoy all rolled into one.

OxBlood Apr 5th, 2012 04:57 AM

For some reason, I never got into the Silent Hill Games. I respect them for what they are, but I don´t like them. I never finished SH2 back in the day so I revisited it last year and I was bored out of my mind. Now mind you, I am VERY susceptible to these things normally, but there was just so much in 2 that dragged on and on...mainly the appartment-complex. I must´ve spend hours in that thing just wandering around with nothing happening...

Fatal Frame on the other hand, THAT´S a series that gets to me, I still can´t play part 3 cause I´m kinda afraid of it.

Played the Mass Effect 3 MP yesterday...that thing is fucking hard, and it apparently scales to the number of players. It´s really been a while since I had to pay so much attention when playing a game, it was really tense and kinda fun too. But I HATE the Boosterpack-System they use. Want a new weapon? Buy random packs over and over again until you get what you want. Don´t want that? Spend real money on better boosters...I´m not 13 and this is not fucking Magic the Gathering, so cut it out, EA!

Mad Melvin Apr 5th, 2012 09:27 AM

Granted, the apartment complex is the most boring part of pretty much any SH game, but the rest of the game totally makes up for it. It's one of the best games I have played story and atmosphere-wise.

Back to Downpour. I played for a couple of hours yesterday and it just keeps getting better. I really like the scenery, and there was a very beautiful mountain view which reminded me of Alan Wake. The only bad thing so far are close combat weapons. Jesus christ. They fall apart after a few swings and that is not good in a combat situation. You'll have to use your fists, which makes you unable to block and you can do very little damage. Fortunately, there hasn't been that much fighting.

Guitar Woman Apr 5th, 2012 12:57 PM

Silent Hill 2's all right, but it's sure as fuck not scary. All the monsters move at about 1/4th the speed James does and die if you spit on them, so, where the fuck's the actual threat? It's all ambiance and no payoff. Pyramid Head's freaky, I guess, but he literally only shows up in gameplay about 4 times. I was expecting more like a rapist Scissorman who'd follow me through doors and shit, which is how everyone described him to me. I was a bit disappointed.

Anyway, if you're having trouble getting into the series, start with SH1. It's easily the best and scariest Silent Hill if you don't mind the dated graphics and slightly goofy/completely disinterested voice acting. I just bought a hard copy, in fact; even though I know what's in the hospital it still makes me shit my pants every time.

Here's a jury-rigged PC port. You should play it!

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 5th, 2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 757096)
Want a new weapon? Buy random packs over and over again until you get what you want. Donīt want that? Spend real money on better boosters...Iīm not 13 and this is not fucking Magic the Gathering, so cut it out, EA!

:lol Thats exactly what I was thinking reading the first part of the paragraph was that it sounds like magic.

OxBlood Apr 6th, 2012 09:20 AM

Though with Magic, you could at least make some use of all cards or at least trade them in. Here, we´re stuck with shit basically...so it´s more like Yu Gi Oh :D

10,000 Volt Ghost Apr 10th, 2012 04:05 PM

Got Tom Clancy's Las Vegas 2 for $8 the other day with a few friends.

I know its an older game now but I just can't get used to it. I'm not a fan of having an against the wall button. Mostly played the terrorist hunt mode so far.

Fathom Zero Apr 10th, 2012 05:18 PM

Gonna buy Legend of Grimrock tomorrow. My birthday gift to myself.

Guitar Woman Apr 10th, 2012 07:01 PM

MGS1 has not aged well. I can't remember the last time I played a stealth game where every enemy instantly knows exactly where you are when one of them spots you. Normal guards are like 5 times deadlier than any of the boss fights in this game.

Dr. Boogie Apr 11th, 2012 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 757286)
MGS1 has not aged well. I can't remember the last time I played a stealth game where every enemy instantly knows exactly where you are when one of them spots you.

Every game since then that's tried to mix things up by having a single stealth mission in a game that otherwise encourages you to do the opposite.

Just crawl underneath/into something. That's how I ditched them most of the time.

Zomboid Apr 11th, 2012 01:47 AM

Chrono Trigger. Almost done.

darkvare Apr 11th, 2012 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 757286)
MGS1 has not aged well. I can't remember the last time I played a stealth game where every enemy instantly knows exactly where you are when one of them spots you. Normal guards are like 5 times deadlier than any of the boss fights in this game.

i just shoot or break everyones neck

kahljorn Apr 11th, 2012 03:28 AM

well you should try shooting them in the head its far more effective

darkvare Apr 11th, 2012 03:31 PM

but if i shoot them in the head they die painlessly

kahljorn Apr 11th, 2012 04:05 PM

thats just sick

Guitar Woman Apr 11th, 2012 06:55 PM

You can't actually get headshots in the Playstation version, since Snake can't fire his gun in first-person mode. I find I'm also really missing the diving roll, since knocking guards over with it before they radio for help is one of the better simple pleasures of the series. As a much bigger "fuck you," my PS2 is currently bricked and I don't have a Dual Shock 1; it turns out that when you're using a DS2 on an original Playstation, it doesn't register the analog stick properly, so I can't walk. At all. It's pretty fucking hard.

On the other hand, I think the voice-acting is a lot better than in Twin Snakes, and the lack of fucking retarded wire-fu backflips in every single cutscene makes it seem more serious and dramatic, even if that's ruined a bit by the fact that nobody has a face. Twin Snakes did have a better soundtrack, though; I hate how this just uses the standard "Alert Mode" music for like, every boss fight, where I could be listening to shit like this.

Also that Goldeneye remake is kind of garbage. There's the whole "barely-there story with really bad pacing shitty simplistic stealth and Wii controls are fucking retarded" thing, but worst of all, you can't look up. What the fuck is that? You automatically look up when you're climbing stairs or something, but you absolutely cannot do it at any other time, except for when you're ADSing with a sniper rifle. I know it's a remake of an N64 game but you're not supposed to keep the parts that sucked! That's like how Resident Evil on the Gamecube kept Chris's stupid 6-slot inventory despite the fact that he clearly has more pockets than Jill! Asdf!

Phoenix Gamma Apr 12th, 2012 01:05 AM

The Goldeneye remake pissed me off at the club level where everyone on the dancefloor was a silhouette even when you walked up to them. The fucking PS2 could do better than that, but the devs were just too lazy porting their CoD game and calling it a day.

I'm about to fire up Skullgirls as soon as it downloads off PSN. It's my birthday and all I'm going to do is draw a few pages for my comic and play Skullgirls. :rock

darkvare Apr 12th, 2012 01:52 AM

i played the skullgirls demo but didn't liked it i dunno why and 8 characters is too little for me to buy

Phoenix Gamma Apr 12th, 2012 03:34 AM

It's technically unfinished. There are a lot of characters that aren't done yet. But considering it's only $15, and it runs off of GGPO, it's pretty good. Plus the tutorial is excellent for people who haven't popped their fighting cherry.

Fathom Zero Apr 12th, 2012 03:51 AM




zerothree Apr 13th, 2012 01:54 AM

That Grimrock game looks pretty rad. The combat system looks like it'd be fun to play with.

darkvare Apr 13th, 2012 02:10 AM

stupid steam won't run left 4 dead 2 me sad and angry

OxBlood Apr 13th, 2012 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by zerothree (Post 757440)
That Grimrock game looks pretty rad. The combat system looks like it'd be fun to play with.

It is. Itīs very retro but in a very good way. Itīs also way easier than...letīs say Eye of the beholder since you can regenerate Health and Mana quite easily and your party doesnīt die that easily.

Nice little detail: You can craft Potions by combining a flask and a plant via mortar and pestle and if a character drinks it, the flask is not destroyed because...well, thatīs how it is in real life too and it adds a nice ressource management-element.

I just find the magic system kinda lacking, it appears too limited for my tastes, Iīd like to be able to experiment with different effect rather than just having 3, 4 predefined spells per element. Thereīs also no healing magic as far as I can tell but then again, so far, healing is not an issue.

Also, major Kudos for the dungeon- and puzzle-design, itīs really a lot of fun to figure some of these things out...though Iīm stuck on level 4 right now...no idea what to do :D

Fathom Zero Apr 13th, 2012 03:19 AM





OxBlood Apr 13th, 2012 04:53 AM

Hm, I can lift it and I only carry the Devil in my last name, can´t be THAT heavy ;)

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