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Gix Apr 13th, 2012 08:07 AM

oooo, grimrock looked fun
and i kinda liked skullgirls..all that bouncing:love
but you have to go the website to get a move's list :\

kahljorn Apr 13th, 2012 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 757454)
Hm, I can lift it and I only carry the Devil in my last name, can´t be THAT heavy ;)

OH Oxblood, du bist sehr albern

OxBlood Apr 15th, 2012 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 757467)
OH Oxblood, du bist sehr albern

I am actually but most of my humorous talent gets lost in translation, so to speak :P

Still playing Grimrock, Iīm on level 10 and while most battles are pretty easy (playing on normal), most puzzles arenīt. I was stuck in "the checkered room", simply because I didnīt transalte "checkered" correctly in my head...a well, the language-barrier gets me from time to time.

And now Iīll face the priests of mighty Cthulhu or something...at least thats what they look like...

Guitar Woman Apr 17th, 2012 12:10 AM

Dragon Quest VIII.

It's refreshing to see an RPG where my objectives aren't marked by a huge glowing arrow at all times, in case I'm the kind of person who gets lost in my own house; Skyrim and Oblivion both did this over Morrowind's "Yeah, that dungeon's like, south probably? I dunno, go find it, dickhead" approach, and I didn't really appreciate it because it meant less time navigating the world and getting sucked into it. DQ8 doesn't seem to have a lot of hand-holding in general, actually; once we got out of starterville my colleague got lost on the world map and I almost got my shit wrecked in the very first dungeon. Also, it looks fucking enormous and the comic relief is actually legitimately funny.

It's got potential and I'm really digging it so far, but if that little green asshole doesn't shut the fuck up about his horse daughter I'm going to punch his dick so hard he'll end up as the Cursed Queen, wark wark

Esuohlim Apr 17th, 2012 12:24 AM

I've got Dragon Quest VIII sitting on my shelf right now and I'm not sure how it got there. I'm thinking a friend brought it and left it but no one will tell me it's theirs WHICH MADE ME BELIEVE that it was a shitty game and someone was happy to finally rid themselves of it. So I never had the urge to try it out.

Guitar Woman Apr 17th, 2012 12:42 AM

You're probably not the kind of person who'd like it, honestly, since it's got the exact same art style as Dragonball Z and has a lot of Anime elements to it besides.

I'd skip it unless you were like really really into Final Fantasy as a kid; so far it seems like it's essentially a love letter to every good JRPG ever, only scaled up so grown-ups with brains actually find it challenging

Actually, I think Earthbound pretty much ripped off its entire engine from the Dragon Quest games, so, maybe give it a shot? It's not like you're paying for it.

Fathom Zero Apr 17th, 2012 12:47 AM


kahljorn Apr 17th, 2012 05:57 PM

dragon quest 8 is ok but i hate how long the fights take

someguy attacks!!!!

attack graphic.

Dude staggers.













it takes like one minute between each line.

Guitar Woman Apr 17th, 2012 07:26 PM

Actually compared to other games of its type DQ8 is pretty curt about battles

If you really want to see long-ass fights every single time you should play Final Fantasy 9, although I don't blame you if you end up wanting to stuff it down your garbage disposal. It's really bad.

Pentegarn Apr 17th, 2012 07:39 PM

Sounds like you need to speed up battle text in options

Mad Melvin Apr 18th, 2012 09:49 AM

Finished SH: Downpour and SH 2 & 3 in the HD collection. Good times. Now, for your viewing pleasure, I present the correct SH order from best to worst.

1. Silent Hill 2
2. Silent Hill
3. Downpour
4. Shattered Memories
5. Silent Hill 3
6. Homecoming
7. The Room

Haven't played Origins, but i'm under the impression i'm really not missing all that much.

OxBlood Apr 18th, 2012 10:54 AM

I would put it like this

The Room
Shattered Memories


Guitar Woman Apr 18th, 2012 11:53 AM

Downpour better than 3? Homecoming better than anything? What the fuck are you smoking.

In reality it's:
SH1 > SH3 > The Room > Shattered Memories > SH2 > dogshit > Origins > Downpour > Shitcoming

there you go

Mad Melvin Apr 18th, 2012 11:59 AM

Silent Hill 3 brought nothing new to the table. Plus, the whole evil cult thing is kinda lame and the characters are pretty forgettable. I also really didn't like the subway station. Just as boring as the apartment complex in SH2. Good game, but not great. The Room started ok, but the fucking ghosts just oh my fucking god no. Did not like it at all. Homecoming had a horrible combat system (and there is too much fighting), but other than that it was ok.

EDIT: And I bet you haven't even played Downpour. The screen lags from time to time, but thats the only major issue with it. It feels fresh and exploring the town is awesome. The mini sidequests keep things interesting and I like the main storyline too. It is not scary at all, but the last creepy game in the series was SH1.

Guitar Woman Apr 18th, 2012 12:03 PM


Silent Hill 3 brought nothing new to the table. Plus, the whole evil cult thing is kinda lame and the characters are pretty forgettable.
Yeah but it's fucking scary, arguably moreso than any other game in the series

Silent Hill 4 is awesome. Did you stop playing early on? You need to at least get to the Water Prison.

Mad Melvin Apr 18th, 2012 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 757686)
Yeah but it's fucking scary, arguably moreso than any other game in the series

Silent Hill 4 is awesome. Did you stop playing early on? You need to at least get to the Water Prison.

I played almost to the end, I think. That Walter Sullivan guy started chasing me everywhere and the ghosts just kept on coming. I have to applaud The Room for the monster design, which was above average. Especially the baby-faced things. But yeah, I don't like games where you have to run all the time or you die.

kahljorn Apr 18th, 2012 04:58 PM

i dont remember ff9 being as bad

Pentegarn Apr 18th, 2012 05:18 PM

The worst thing about FF9 was the uninteresting characters. None of them are likable or have stories that matter at all

Tadao Apr 18th, 2012 05:24 PM

I was working at Sotware ETC when FF7 came out and they gave us cool shirts. Even had 2 Akira shirts when they started selling anime. Anyways, when FF8 came out, I refused to wear the tshirts. FF9 was just a reminder of how sad graphics took precedent over plot.

Today I don't even care anymore. :(

Pentegarn Apr 18th, 2012 05:28 PM

God that so accurately sums up how I feel about Final Fantasy post the SNES era

Dimnos Apr 18th, 2012 09:17 PM

The worst thing about ff9 is that they didn't stop at 6.

kahljorn Apr 18th, 2012 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 757709)
The worst thing about FF9 was the uninteresting characters. None of them are likable or have stories that matter at all

thats what i remember

pretty much after i got over, "OOH BLACK MAGE AND A ETHEIFN"

kahljorn Apr 18th, 2012 10:03 PM

hows that final fantasy versus or whatever

Dr. Boogie Apr 18th, 2012 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 757686)
Silent Hill 4 is awesome. Did you stop playing early on? You need to at least get to the Water Prison.

I got as far as the part where you have to drag your annoying load of a neighbor through all the levels before I got completely bored with the whole thing. Not particularly scary, especially given that your melee charge attacks made you invincible.

Esuohlim Apr 18th, 2012 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 757607)


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