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darkvare Jun 29th, 2012 11:17 PM

monolith is making a MOBA for consoles with lord of the rings characters now i can be one of thosse assholes that always says this games are better on pc :D

Guitar Woman Jul 1st, 2012 01:41 AM

hahaha oh god I completely regret trying to take this game seriously after Palumpolum

The sad part is that you can see a great story trying to get out, but ultimately floundering and suffocating underneath awful writing. It feels like they turned in the first draft of a script and then nobody bothered to send it back for editing.

Shit also got fucking hard; the mid-game trash mobs are capable of completely flattening you if you don't take buffs, status effects and staggering serious as a heart attack. Final Fantasy hasn't been this mean since the NES, it's wonderful.

Mad Melvin Jul 1st, 2012 05:58 AM

Still playing Day Z. It's a wonderful study of human behaviour. For those of you, who don't know what i'm talking about, Day Z is a free modification for ArmA II. It's in alpha stage still, but completely playable and has skyrocketed the sales of ArmA II.

The idea of the mod is, that you have about 250 square kilometers of post-zombie apocalypse world to explore. If you ever played any of the Stalker games, it pretty much looks like that. There are zombies everywhere and they are hella dangerous. The only goal you have is to survive. You scavenge for supplies and weapons, and if you are lucky, you might even find a vehicle. Everything in the game is made in the terms of realism. You can brake your bones, bleed out, pass out from dehydration, panic etc. and day and night change in real time. You don't have a map of the area, but you can find a compass or even a gps to help you. You can hunt animals and build a fire to cook the meat. Of course, building a fire at night is risky business. It attracts nearby zombies, but more importantly, other humans.

Even though zombies are dangerous, you eventually learn how to avoid them. Humans are another story. The game does not have a global chat (thank god) and there are no name tags hovering on top of the players, so you have no idea if a player is aggressive toward you or not. I usually choose to hide, if I see another player and he/she has not seen me yet. On some servers, there are organized "killing squads", that move in teams and their goal is to hunt other players and steal their shit. You are fucked if you run into these and they see you. There are friendly players too, of course, but I wouldn't trust anyone. Once, a player handed me water and let me stay in a barn he was occupying. Then shot me in the back of the head once I was comfortable.

Highly recommended game, even though it still buggy as hell. You sometimes get stuck in narrow doors, zombies can sometimes see you through walls and the inventory system is just awful. But it still alpha, so it's to be expected.

OxBlood Jul 2nd, 2012 04:10 AM

The Secret World. For an early access-peroid, there´s a lot of people around already. I don´t think, the game will last more than a year before going F2P but it´s pretty okay or even good. Realtime-Battles, interesting world and kind of creative quest-design for a change.

Wanna access the laptop of an Agent fronting as a normal Businessman but you don´t know his Password, only a hint? Look him up on the corporate website (which is on the normal net, the game has an ingame-browser) and put together the clues you have. There´s a lot of these quests along with stealth and dexterity-quests too, it´s pretty refreshing.

You can also mix an match all powers in the game since there´s no classes (but there ARE levels, no matter what the Devs claim) which is nice.

Negatives...Zones are seperated by lenghty loadingscreens, some quests are still buggy and for a game that values it´s outfits so much, there´s ONE clothing store in the game and you can´t even get a fucking tie there. I´m an Illuminati, alright? The others may be powerhungry partyanimals, but I wear a fucking suit in the field. Really now.

Dimnos Jul 5th, 2012 12:06 PM



Fathom Zero Jul 5th, 2012 12:11 PM

The derpiest heroes.

darkvare Jul 6th, 2012 02:30 AM

micro volts is the new free to play game on steam is pretty cool and it fits my cheapness for the time it's a third person shooter but you always spawn with a weapon of every kind and it has lots of customization one game and i already had my character looking like this

Guitar Woman Jul 7th, 2012 05:47 PM

Persona 2; never played any of these before. I'm glad they give you the option of just talking to monsters until they go away because A) the battle system is fucking awful and B) the conversations are generally hilarious. Shame you can't do it for boss battles.

Phoenix Gamma Jul 7th, 2012 07:42 PM

I think Emu told me in this thread that there's a way to make Persona 2's combat less bad. I didn't try it because Persona 3 Portable came out a little later and that game is way better.

If you want to play a good Persona game, either play the PSP version of Persona 3 (or the FES version if you don't have a PSP), or play Persona 4. Your mileage may vary on Persona 4 depending on how much you can tolerate Slice-of-Life bullshit and a really slow story (it literally has a two hour introduction before you get into the first proper battle. Not "exaggeration literally", I mean "literally literally".) Persona 3 is my personal favorite, but bought all three versions so I'm kind of a P3 whore.

I think I'm gonna play Arkham City. I never bought it and my coworker and I got in a big debate about the Nolan Batman films and now I just want to hear Mark Hamill laugh :<

Dimnos Jul 7th, 2012 10:08 PM

I didn't think any of the Persona games were on ps3. I thought they were all on ps2 and PSP.

Guitar Woman Jul 8th, 2012 02:28 AM

there's a spinoff fighting game, I think that's it.

Cedar Jul 11th, 2012 03:41 AM

the fighting game looks awesome

OxBlood Jul 11th, 2012 04:10 PM

Endless Space, Sins of a Solar Empire - Rebellion aaand Resonance which came out on GOG without me noticing...I preordered that thing a while back. So far it´s a nice-looking, more adult-themed adventure game.

Guitar Woman Jul 11th, 2012 07:53 PM

That DS remake of Final Fantasy 4 is fucking awesome. I didn't really care for this game before because the SNES version was kind of a trainwreck, but this shit's easily in my top three FFs; it's basically the same game with everything that was initially wrong given the boot or reworked to be less shitty (the script especially is no longer shallow Engrish tripe). It's gorgeous and the voice acting is great, the combat isn't patronizingly easy any more, the remixed music sounds fantastic, and shit even the math minigame for Rydia's retarded new Eidolon is fun.

I'd say I'm surprised by Squeenix suddenly remembering how to make good games, but it turns out this was outsourced to some company called Matrix Software. huh.

Esuohlim Jul 13th, 2012 02:59 AM

I've been playing a lot of SSB Melee lately because I'm subscribed to about 60 podcasts and I need to multitask to feel like they're worth listening to.

Chojin Jul 13th, 2012 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 760175)
That DS remake of Final Fantasy 4 is fucking awesome. I didn't really care for this game before because the SNES version was kind of a trainwreck, but this shit's easily in my top three FFs; it's basically the same game with everything that was initially wrong given the boot or reworked to be less shitty (the script especially is no longer shallow Engrish tripe). It's gorgeous and the voice acting is great, the combat isn't patronizingly easy any more, the remixed music sounds fantastic, and shit even the math minigame for Rydia's retarded new Eidolon is fun.

I'd say I'm surprised by Squeenix suddenly remembering how to make good games, but it turns out this was outsourced to some company called Matrix Software. huh.

i loved snes ff2 ;<

this sounds interesting though

MLE Jul 13th, 2012 11:53 PM

darkvare, I really enjoyed microvolts in small doses. I play it here and there with friends.

MarioRPG Jul 16th, 2012 10:07 PM

Just because it's the only one of the series I hadn't played. Also, he might be my favourite character from the games.

Dr. Boogie Jul 16th, 2012 10:39 PM

I got Dragon's Dogma a couple weeks ago, and I can't stop playing it.

Complaints include the awful quest system, wherein 95% of the quests are kill/gather quests, the lack of a modern fast travel system (spending a fortune on ferrystones is bs), and Capcom's stilted approach to storytelling that makes all the characters seem like robots and psychopaths.

The thing that's just started to bug me, though, is the companion AI. Even a simple ME-style command wheel would have been appreciated when my mage continues to put fire enchantments on my weapons while barking that fire is useless against an enemy we've fought maybe 30 times before.

The best came during one late-game battle where we took on a dragon: I had kitted out my mage servant with a bunch of potent ice spells for just such an occasion, but he seemed to be having some trouble pulling one off. So, I and the other two had to peck away at the thing because he kept putting fire enchants on our weapons. Then, all of a sudden, he decided to take his own advice and fire off one of the big ice spells I gave him. Half the dragon's health instantly disappeared, and the other half went a second later, and I sat there wondering why a mage who keeps asking me how he performed could be such a worthless fuck at times.

I guess I'm just glad the game is like Dead Rising, in that it starts off pretty tough, but you can level your way through the toughness. Otherwise, shitty AI might be a bigger problem.

darkvare Jul 17th, 2012 02:25 AM

you actually need your companions to go help other people so they can learn ehen to use the correct spells and sometimes even lead you on a safer shorter way to your goal

Dr. Boogie Jul 17th, 2012 10:46 PM

Yeah, that's how it's supposed to work, but in practice, not so much.

MLE Jul 18th, 2012 12:30 AM

Just played through "Dear Esther". Not really a game, but it's more like a movie that you're along for the ride. Roughly 90 minutes, and just as interesting as any good movie I've seen.

Other than that, the Sam and Max series is amazing ;<

OxBlood Jul 18th, 2012 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 760248)
Yeah, that's how it's supposed to work, but in practice, not so much.

It does get better over time but the Mages never get the buffing right which is why I mostly played classes that were not reliant on external buffs, like the Mystic Knight or the Magic Archer (best class imo).

Sure the game has some flaws but I can't remember when I last played somerhing that had 'Adventure!' written over it like that.

...okay, well Dark Souls, of course. But other than that...Dragons Dogma is still my Game of the year, easily. I don't think Borderlands 2 will be able to take the title away from DD...and X-com...I'll have to play that first ;)

Babs Jul 19th, 2012 08:42 PM

I can not stop playing final fantasy 12. I'm really compulsive about getting everything 100% completed. One of the hunts is a creature named yiazmat whoms HP is over 50 million. 4 hours into the battle and you realize none of this is worth it. Oh well, might as well go for the 100% completion.

darkvare Jul 19th, 2012 10:40 PM

i got the little big planet karting beta pretty much mario kart they even have a blue shell and it's blue too obviuosly gonna be the whole make your own mini games and tracks to hold it and of course it's gonna be plagued with mario kart tracks

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