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I've only played through two levels of this so far but it's fun. I like the fact there's like 50 chars to play as. |
Yeah, they are trying to get through the levels so they can play as villains. I admit that's why I'm playing it. We also have Lego Star Wars 2 (that has the characters from the original trilogy) and Lego Indiana Jones. This one seems to be the most detailed of the three.
Damn, is it? Then hell with it. I'll just sell a kidney to get me a PS3. |
Don't be so hasty. It's pretty much universal knowledge that GW doesn't have the best taste. Get whichever system you want, but do some research.
Thanks for the heads up. :) Just wondering though, not sure if this has been discussed before.
Is there a general consensus as to what is the best system? Games, price, ease of controls? I have been really wanting to upgrade, but my PS2 has been "the system" in my house for so long that I'm not sure. It used to be that a lot of games were system exclusive, but that's not too true anymore. Any suggestions would be a large help. |
And here I go again. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself before you buy one of the big consoles:
What games do I want? What kind of controller might be better? Do I care about online gaming? Do I care about the price of the whole thing? Do I care about Blu-Ray? Do I care about how loud my System can get? Let´s view this from your perspective, meaning, you don´t have either. Concerning games, it doesn´t matter that much, most games are multiplatform anyway and the few exclusives are generally not really worth it I guess. (That goes for PS3-Exclusives and it´s just my opinion). Controller-wise, most people agree that the 360 Contoller is the better one (yes, even many PS3-Owners), but apart from the messed up L2 and R2 Buttons, the PS3-Pad is almost as good as the PS2-Pad. I still like the 360-thing better. Onlinegaming is of course possible on both systems, the only difference is, that Xbox-Live costs a bit of money, but is better organized as the PS3 Counterpart as far as I know. If you want to play with screaming little idiots is a whole different affair. You get those on both systems, part of the package. Price...well, the 360 is cheaper, but Xbox-Live costs a bit and you may have trouble with the inferior...erm...Hardware-integrity. Meaning, the 360 breaks down more often than the PS3 and has less manufacturing-quality. Blu Ray...well, the PS3 has it and the 360 doesn´t, it´s that simple. And the Noise-Level...the 360 can get extremely loud while the PS3 is pretty silent in comparison. And finally, my own point of view. I have a 360 since it launched, because it was the first next-gen console. If the PS3 had been first, I´d bought one of those instead. The whole thing with the PS3 having no games available is solved by now, both systems have largely the same lineup of games with only minimal differences between versions that no normal person cares about. The few exclusives that the PS3 has are no reason for me to spend another 400 bucks, but if you don´t have either of the systems...well I guess it´s up to you. Both systems are good, with the PS3 being the more solid piece of plastic, in terms of quality of the parts used. But apart from that, I think the 360 is slightly better, because of the (in my opinion) better controler, better online service and cheaper price. You just have to get used to it breaking down once every year or so...but I guess they should be able to produce more endurable versions by now, mine is still from around the launch. |
PS3 - Media centre that plays games.
XB360 - Games console that contains a media centre. If you don't give a shit about streaming media from your network or blu-ray then it's really hard to recommend the PS3 as this is what is does best. The games work fine but you can get a 360 more cheaply, have a wider range of games and play practically everything you could've played on PS3 anyway. The 360's relyability has increased dramatically since launch and the latest consoles are far less prone to failure than public opinion would suggest. |
why none of you plays gears 2 with me? i'm good i saw a couple of you with it here so add me and lets play >:(
PS3 - Has LittleBigPlanet
360 - Does not have LittleBigPlanet That is what I think of this subject Also, I missed a lot of PS2 exclusives last gen by being a hardcore Nintendofag, so a PS3 with backwards compatability to me is infinitely better than anything that could ever happen on the 360. |
I am saying that you can go fuck yourself
no new ps3 models have ps2 compatibility and little big planet is nice but not a console mover
Doesn't mean they don't exist!
I'd spring extra money for one. |
Cuz then I can play PS3 games, too
I want that game real bad :( |
Thanks everyone for your input. I will show this to my SO so we can figure out what is important to us. Then we can make an informed decision. Afterwards the spending of lots of cash will begin. (even though we really shouldn't but hey you only live once, right?)
I forgot the most important thing: Try not to read forums on such topics. You will mostly encounter people who are desperately trying to defend "their" system. Even though concentrating on one specific product out of sheer "loyalty" is about the most stupid thing you can do as a Videogamer since it just downgrades you to a worthless fanboy who misses out on 50% of the stuff.
But hey, even they might learn some day I guess. It´s only about the games, never about the system they run on. |
I played little big planet. It's a lot of fun with two people. My fake sister and I ended up playing it and just slapping the hell out of each other while trying to move through the levels.
I bought one of each. :3
Actually, my 360 is the louder of the two.
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