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Phoenix Gamma Dec 5th, 2008 05:29 PM

Fire Emblem came out for the DS today. I've been curious as to how Marth's story plays out, so I was interested int trying it. Plus, I was just about to boot up an older Fire Emblem, so it came out right when I was in the mood for it.

I like it, but the graphics are crap, and you need to keep your army under 15 units to get the extra chapters. Seeing how they give you someone new every single chapter, keeping it under 15 is fucking hard.

Guitar Woman Dec 5th, 2008 05:51 PM


Also, I downloaded a japanese Fire Emblem rom and had a fucking great time only understanding about half of it so I'll probably be picking this up too :o

Microshock Dec 5th, 2008 06:33 PM

Zomboid, if you havent heard most of the exclusives that are on the PS3, maybe you should go play...them...or read about them a bit before jumping to conclusions about how they suck

and xbla does not have the Pixeljunk series..or echochrome.. i can keep listing them.

Sounds like fanboyism and also if you look at the praise for Killzone 2 by beta players and by the press, it'll change your mind on it. Sequels..can improve.

executioneer Dec 5th, 2008 07:04 PM


King Hadas Dec 5th, 2008 07:10 PM

I don't actually own any of the consoles but from what I've seen the 360 seems to be taking on the role the PS2 had in the last generation. It probably has the best variety of games out of the three consoles. Why, if I had money I might pick one up tomorrow! but since I don't I-I guess I'll just play some more minesweepers.

Minesweepers is a free game on the PC! It's too damn hard though, I can't beat it.

King Hadas Dec 5th, 2008 08:16 PM

The Sweeping Mine:
A Minesweeper Fanfiction

by King Hadas

Wallace Runnerdail had cleared his share of fields. Big and small, think and thin, and superficially this one didn't seem all that special. It was a nine by nine yard field with maybe eighty-one spaces, quite generic actually but something felt wrong. He went to work pushing down tiles to reveal clear patches of metallic ground which in turn would set of more tiles, and on said ground he could see numbers.

Every sweeper knows about the twos and the threes and the fours and what they mean. Some sort of algorithm to decide the chance of meeting a mine and than in turn meeting the mine-reaper. Some sweepers believed the numbers had a deeper intrinsic meaning; unifying the sweeper, the mine and the field into a great mine wheel of life and chance. They believed when they died they'd get a chance to be a mine or even a minefield being sweeped. Wallace learned all this at the Goosewind Minesweeping Academy for Young Boys of Questionable Moral Fiber (GMAYNQMF) though he didn't put much stock in any of it. He played the game by instinct alone and it gotten him this far. But something seemed wrong!

Wallace began to think back to when his evil twin brother had tried to kill him with a mine. He had stopped him by beating him to death with a mine that happened to be deactivated. Suddenly, Wallace broke down into tears!

"No, NO, stay focused Wallace, you damn lunatic. It's impossible, your brother is dead. It's impossible his been reincarnated as a mine and is stalking me as I speak to myself AT THIS VERY MOMENT!"

"Is it brother?" A rusty voice of steel literally chimes in.

Wallace's blood ran colder than a mine in a refrigerators inside a girl minesweepers panties. He spins around, but not quick enough! His brother Sogrog Runnerdail the mine lunges at him from atop the red number two! Wallace tries to leap away and succeeds! His brothers attack falls short and he explodes screaming "AWOOOGA!!!!!."

Wallace laughs riotously as he rushes onwards, happy and free until he hears a familiar clicking under his feet and then a not so familiar bippity-beep-bap-bop. He recognizes the bippity-beep-bap-bop from GMAYNQMF training videos and know his run atop a mine.

"...but HOW?" he exclaims with righteous indignation. "I'd already cleared this part!"

Wallace could not know that the mine field was his ex-minesweeper mother who he never visited. A mother's rage really is...explosive.

Fathom Zero Dec 5th, 2008 09:15 PM

Echochrome sucks and the Pixel Junk games are hella boring. Linger in Shadows is the best thing on the PSN right now.


PS: It's my favorite $3 purchase ever.

King Hadas Dec 5th, 2008 09:36 PM

Microshock Dec 6th, 2008 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 600139)
Echochrome sucks and the Pixel Junk games are hella boring. Linger in Shadows is the best thing on the PSN right now.


PS: It's my favorite $3 purchase ever.

Pixeljunk Monsters seems like a nice ...desktop defense type of game. I didn't really understand Eden.

And echochrome is for people that are just plain smarter than us. I am seriously considering that game too but PSN isnt accepting the credit card details :(

Super Stardust HD and Blast Factor...uhh Flock is coming out

Phoenix Gamma Dec 6th, 2008 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 600088)

Also, I downloaded a japanese Fire Emblem rom and had a fucking great time only understanding about half of it so I'll probably be picking this up too :o

Seriously, they give you so many fucking units. One map started and I saw one recruitable unit and said "whew, I'll just kill him an-" when I was suddenly ambushed by FIVE (FIVE!!!) new units, all of them the same (Usually cavaliers. I hope you fucking love horses!)

Aside from the absurd sidequest requirements and having too many people, it's basically a streamlined experience like how Days of Ruin streamlined AW. It's missing some things (rescuing, a few promotional classes) but strategy is even more important. I actually used a knight to block up a passage and prevented 15 enemies from attacking or moving. It was like the three stooges fitting into a door, but times 5. I took a cellphone picture because they just kept piling up into the doorway and grimacing at my one guy.

Oh! And multiplayer takes place on actual maps now, which is sick. My friend and I had some really interesting matches. Nintendo's online shop is also really handy, and lending units to friends is a neat idea (less neat when your friend wants to test it out and gives you the shitty starter paladin in exchange for someone good :( ).

If you don't mind the graphics and lack of a new system like relationships or transforming, you'll really like it.

Also, Fathom, I love the crap out of Echochrome. It's not like there are other good PSP games to play :( Definately not for everyone, but when I booted that game up at 1AM and the music kicked in through my headphones and all I saw was that tiny white screen, I got pretty into it. Plus the different illusion tools are fun :D

Fathom Zero Dec 6th, 2008 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 600184)
Pixeljunk Monsters seems like a nice ...desktop defense type of game. I didn't really understand Eden.

And echochrome is for people that are just plain smarter than us. I am seriously considering that game too but PSN isnt accepting the credit card details :(

Super Stardust HD and Blast Factor...uhh Flock is coming out

Oh that's right, I forgot that the PSN Cards are harder to find than plutonium in some places. Luckily, the exchange on post carries them.

WhiteRat Dec 6th, 2008 02:39 AM

NCAA Football 09 for PS3 almost exclusively online. 4-1 since last night.

Nick Dec 6th, 2008 03:36 AM

PSN games are horrible. First you buy the game, then they expect you to pay more money to buy the features that are in the game.

Fathom Zero Dec 6th, 2008 02:01 PM

How so?

There's expansion packs and then there's Tekken: Dark Resurrection which comes with or without online play, a difference of $10.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 6th, 2008 06:57 PM

Apparently Atlus was giving away beta codes for their new MMO, Shin Megami Tensei Online. SMT has this weird appeal, so I signed up with the hopes of it being cool enough to make me forget how bad MMORPGs are. So far it's been pretty decent.

Guitar Woman Dec 7th, 2008 12:34 AM

I replaced all the music in Morrowind with the Shadow of the Colossus soundtrack. It instantly got about three times more enjoyable.

I also set the "game over" song to Tourettes Guy screaming OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT for comic relief :<

Girl Drink Drunk Dec 7th, 2008 12:44 AM

Street Fighter II HD Remix and Prince of Persia Classic.

Fathom Zero Dec 7th, 2008 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 600286)
Apparently Atlus was giving away beta codes for their new MMO, Shin Megami Tensei Online. SMT has this weird appeal, so I signed up with the hopes of it being cool enough to make me forget how bad MMORPGs are. So far it's been pretty decent.

I'm more of an SMT fan than a Persona one. Too bad they don't come over this side of the world often.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 7th, 2008 01:39 AM

See, I've only got P3 (and FES) to go on, since I'm usually hesitant to get anything made by Atlus. They love their fans, but they publish/develop some seriously crap games sometimes.

SMT:O is pretty fun even if I'm almost entirely detached from the franchise. The demon collecting aspect is the only real draw, though. It's not like, say, PSO where it's all about getting really cool weapons or something. Combat is pretty fun since it incorporates your actions with your partners, so having someone cast Agi as you charge at an enemy is neat. Then you follow up with different combos and junk.

I could see myself playing this a lot if I had a big enough group to play with, so we'll see how it goes when the public release comes out. I want to hurry up and get better stuff instead of just the beginner crap like every other player in my area.

Fathom Zero Dec 7th, 2008 02:00 AM

As I heard it, it's a free-to-play dealie; one of those microtranaction games.

OxBlood Dec 8th, 2008 03:49 AM

THAT would make me take a look at it I guess.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 10th, 2008 08:49 PM

Actually that should tell you to stay away. Free MMOs are usually mediocre at best. It just so happens that Atlus is at the helm to give thumbs up/down.

Speaking of Atlus, I finally finished my finals, so it's time to zone out and play Persona 4. The only problem: longest tutorial since Kingdom Hearts 2. Jesus Christ, it took over an hour before I got to actually fight.

OxBlood Dec 11th, 2008 03:47 AM

Hey Phoenix, after you played a bit, could you compare it to P3 for me? Since I wont see much of the game until it gets released here next year...which sucks.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 11th, 2008 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 601355)
Hey Phoenix, after you played a bit, could you compare it to P3 for me? Since I wont see much of the game until it gets released here next year...which sucks.

Certainly. I spent another 2 hours in an actual dungeon, bringing me to four hours, which means that this game is literally half grinding and half socializing.

I'll put it in a spoiler tag because it's a long post. No actual spoilers, I promise:


That's about it. I'm still learning stuff as I go. There's a lot more stuff here, which is saying something compared to P3, which had more than an entire playthrough's worth of stuff.

Fathom Zero Dec 11th, 2008 05:12 PM

Lost Planet

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