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me Feb 27th, 2003 05:40 PM

While we're at it, Lets bomb France
I say that on top of fighting Iraq, we fight France. Think about it, those assholes would never have won any of the wars they were in without us such as WWI, WWII. Now they have the balls to say that are against our going into Iraq? No way. On top of that, they have refused to use words from america such as hamburger but they obviously don't know that hamburger is a german word, those silly fucks. After we defeat France, we take their cheese and fine wine and jam it directly up their asses, after we drink the wine of course. I may be over reacting to this subject but I think that is't wrong to turn your back on a country that has helped you through so many hard times. I just don't see a point for it. It would be great if there was a massive terrorist attack over there and they looked to us for help and we just said ' sorry'. Oh yeah, and I mean no offense to any of you out there who are French, I am not racist, I just have a lot of anger issues.

CaptainBubba Feb 27th, 2003 05:42 PM

You forgot the monkeys who throw cheese bombs and the midget launcher bazookas you silly sterile fucktard.

ItalianStereotype Feb 27th, 2003 05:44 PM

you are SUCH a fag forum

sspadowsky Feb 27th, 2003 05:48 PM

Me: You're a fucking idiot. Not only are you juvenile and inarticulate, you can't even post a topic in the right forum.

Furthermore, had you paid any attention in grade school history, you'd know that we could not have won the Revolutionary War without France's help.

Not that I think they're great now. They like Jerry Lewis, for Christ's sake.

At any rate, kindly get your shit together, or take a walk.
Sativa Strains

Rongi Feb 27th, 2003 05:52 PM

This thread sucks and so does me >:

GnrySgtHartman Feb 27th, 2003 05:53 PM


Rongi Feb 27th, 2003 05:56 PM

You suck too >:

GnrySgtHartman Feb 27th, 2003 05:59 PM

Try saying some of that shit in real life inside a bar.

Rongi Feb 27th, 2003 06:01 PM

You suck too >:.

me Feb 27th, 2003 06:10 PM

I understand about the revolutionary war but they would not have won WWI without us. Germany and the central powers at that time would have crushed France but we stepped in and helped. As for the wrong forum thing, you have to understand how lazy I am. If I were starving to death and there was a steak out of reach I would not get up to get it. So I came up with the idea while in this forum site and I just wrote it down. France was one of our biggest allies but they turned around and stuck it up our ass, even they only sent like 100 troops or even supported us it would be fine but they don't want any part of America other than the money and the trade.

GnrySgtHartman Feb 27th, 2003 06:12 PM


Do you really think I'm going to stop posting because some whiny little teenager with down syndrome tells me too?

Oh and Hartman, I don't give half a shit what you think. You are no different from Retro Kat, Robo, and all these other retards in my eyes. All you newerbies are the same. Why don't you all just leave? What are you? A bunch of masochists? Are you too dumb to notice no one likes you here? Do you think this is some initiation? Well it's not. We just want you to leave and never come back. We don't want you to keep posting here.

Now for the love of god, just shut the hell up and exit stage right. Thank you.


That's so funny because I was just thinking the very same thing about you. Except I do not have delusional problems enough to refer to myself in the plural.

Unlike Captain Robo, GnrySrgtHartman, and a few others, I can take a hint. Obviously, most of you don't want me here. So, the best thing to do is just leave.

Bye everyone. It was fun while it lasted.


And yeah, he did this before. He said he wouldn't be joining the new forums.

me Feb 27th, 2003 06:14 PM

Oh yeah, sspasdowsky, I am quite articulate and I'm in High School in the top 5% of my class. I am an unbelivable hockey player and have colleges such as Michigan state, BU, BC and Harvard looking to offer me scholarships. I think proves how articulate I am.

Rongi Feb 27th, 2003 06:15 PM

Oh oh! Let me caption this post!

GnrySrgtHartman gets desperate for comebacks so he recycles posts from other threads. :)

FS Feb 27th, 2003 06:16 PM


I understand about the revolutionary war but they would not have won WWI without us.
So basically, their debt to America is just more important then America's debt to them.

Narrow-minded moron.

MrAdventure Feb 27th, 2003 06:18 PM

You sound like ass.

Your writing technique is flawed, and I'll be kind enough to restate the fact that you're posting this in the wrong forum.

Your reasoning is inept, having done little or no research, and you've presented nothing but the illegitimate bastard child of an argumentative opinion.


GnrySgtHartman Feb 27th, 2003 06:21 PM


Oh oh! Let me caption this post!

GnrySrgtHartman gets desperate for comebacks so he recycles posts from other threads.
This comes from a guy who posts "leaving" threads to he can get the peoples opinions on how they like him?

Please add more smiley faces to you're posts :). And give your reply in the form of a question.

Lynchie Feb 27th, 2003 06:23 PM

Actually, it's monkeys with napalm shit and midgits strapped to nukes with heavy machineguns. And if it wasn't for the French, does that me that we'd all be British? And me, you're a stupid illiterate bastard who can't play hockey for shit. HAHAHAHAHA.

Rongi Feb 27th, 2003 06:23 PM


This comes from a guy who posts "leaving" threads to he can get the peoples opinions on how they like him?

Please add more smiley faces to you're posts . And give your reply in the form of a question.

This coming from a guy who sounds like a retard every time he posts?

FS Feb 27th, 2003 06:24 PM

me Feb 27th, 2003 06:25 PM

I thought that someone as important and politcially correct as you would know where I am coming from FS, after all, you are the ruler of Australia. I didn't exactley mean that, as far as I'm concerned we payed them back, we've helped fight in numerous wars and we helped them rebuild after WWII. They helped us get our freedom which I am grateful to them for but it's not just right to stick it up another countries ass like they did to us, especiallt when that country is your greatest allie. And I'm not just against France here either, Mexico isn't with us but I don't have as much on them as on france except that if Mexico is so good that can refuse to help us, why is it then that all of their citizens cross the border to come here?

FS Feb 27th, 2003 06:30 PM

I strongly detest the idea that actions in the past somehow grant the US the right to do whatever the fuck it wants. It's like branding Bush God Emperor of Earth without telling anyone. It's like standing by idlely and watching while the guy that saved your life a week ago beats up a woman.

You seem to value loyalty over principles. It's that kind of mentality that's caused a lot of grief throughout history.

MrAdventure Feb 27th, 2003 06:31 PM


GnrySgtHartman Feb 27th, 2003 06:32 PM


This coming from a guy who sounds like a retard every time he posts?

I gotta say Rongi, your sarcasm has improved, no more of the "fuck off and die" messages that i've so commonly heard. Nice reference to me being a retard though, I have'nt heard that one before.

P.S- Put an "is" in that sentence you "retard" :)

ItalianStereotype Feb 27th, 2003 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by me
I think proves how articulate I am.


Rongi Feb 27th, 2003 06:33 PM

Inside the lines, FS. Or else it's the corner for you >:

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