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Gabby GaGa Mar 4th, 2007 02:06 AM

Adamsite is a warfare device
So eveasite is his wife
began as Innosite

(adamsite is a warfare bomb gas,
a manipulation of the masses)

Gabby GaGa

Idi Amin Mar 4th, 2007 06:14 PM

The hell you talkin' 'bout

you tryin' ta fight me.

I whup yo ass

Gabby GaGa Mar 4th, 2007 08:46 PM

I dont dig Necrocombat, Idi.
Maybe if i got suveniers,
legs, arms.

Bring it.

Idi Amin Mar 4th, 2007 09:59 PM

"Necrocombat" You are more clever than I originally took you for.

I will be more direct: Tell me how this is not a useless thread; "So eveasite is his wife" what the hell?

Gabby GaGa Mar 4th, 2007 10:55 PM

This is the Art shit thread


that is a poem.

IF adamsite is a warfare device, a product of distruction,
then there must be a creatorof such a devious device.

Eve led Adam into damnation

Eveasite is a representation of the obvious.

Adamsite was probably a Windex product before the government got ahold of it.

You desperatley need to create a poem thread.
or liturature
something of that nature.

Idi Amin Mar 5th, 2007 08:30 AM

i hate poetry

MLE Mar 5th, 2007 11:52 AM

poems go in recommended reading. not art shit.

MattJack Mar 6th, 2007 12:22 PM

Poems go in the fire, with the rest of the books.

Jeanette X Mar 8th, 2007 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Gabby GaGa (Post 477702)

Eve led Adam into damnation

No she didn't, at least not according to Judaism.

Gabby GaGa Mar 8th, 2007 12:07 AM


Gabby GaGa Mar 8th, 2007 12:07 AM


Gabby GaGa Mar 8th, 2007 12:11 AM

No she didn't, at least not according to Judaism

Adam and Eve is an idea accessable to most people.

But thats a good point.

Still, Eve is a good reprenstation of deception
something seductive that can only lead to entrapment.

The downfall of Adamsite.

Jeanette X Mar 8th, 2007 11:59 AM

Deception? She herself was decieved by the serpent. She didn't decieve Adam.

Please read the Bible before you try to interpret what it says.

Grislygus Mar 8th, 2007 12:31 PM

Didn't you people ever read Milton? Women are just plain inferior, jeez louise.

Jeanette X Mar 8th, 2007 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Gabby GaGa (Post 478663)

Why'd you post a bunch of asterisks? :confused:

MLE Mar 8th, 2007 05:43 PM

she probably triple-posted or something. Anyways -this is the wrong forum. please make a note of it.

Gabby GaGa Mar 8th, 2007 08:47 PM

Genesis 3:
"the serpent, which was the most cunning of all the creatures the Lord god had made,
asked the woman,
"is it true that god has forbidden you to eat from any tree in the garden?
2. She replied, "we may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden, except for the tree
in the middle of the garden. God has forbidden us to eat the fruit from that tree,
or even to touch it"
So you see, Eve had a clear understanding of what was off limits. She knew she would be doing wrong.
lets continue:

" and the serpent said "of course you shall not die, for god knows that as soon as you eat it,
you will both be like god himself"

"the woman looked at the tree: it was pleasing to the eye, and desirable because of the knowledge
it could give. So she took some and ate it..."
Again, another example of someone wanting to be greater then its creator. Despite the fact
that she knew the consequences, Eve still desired to be greater then god.

So, how did this fruit get into Adams hands?
Genesis says simply "she gave it to her husband, and he ate it too"
But why did the serpent choose the female? Because of her seductive nature. The serpent is aware
that Adam is under the hypnotic spell of the female, the bearer of life.
Adam is a representation of the male-female relationship. The males plays the poor dumb boy part,
open to any suggestion or coercion from "mom". The female uses the male to attain what she wants.
Damn the boy, and any innocents, she will use herself to get what she wants.
So eve was equally as erroneous as the serpent
because eve knew better.

Jeanette X Mar 8th, 2007 11:28 PM

Eve clearly understood that the tree was off-limits, but Adam did too. He is clearly just as culpable as Eve.

Your notions about male-female relationships are very unhealthy, Gabby. Do you really view men as a bunch of dumb boys to coerce?

Gabby GaGa Mar 9th, 2007 01:45 AM

I view the history of statistics.
and conclude that women are manipulitive bitches.
See, the problem with your logic,
is the use of a teqnique that most politicians use.
Instead of sticking to the topic,
you turn the argument around on your opponent.
I view men as creatures that should be served by women.
We are supposed to be the submissive half of humanity.
I really do believe that men should be able to direct women,
instead of be manipulated by them.
If you noticed,
the last line is
"adamsite began as innosite"

Grislygus Mar 9th, 2007 09:32 AM

So you have read Milton.

Jeanette X Mar 9th, 2007 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Gabby GaGa (Post 479056)
I view the history of statistics.
and conclude that women are manipulitive bitches.

Might I see these statistics that you are citing? Any formal, peer-reviewed studies on the "manipulitive bitch" population?


See, the problem with your logic,
is the use of a teqnique that most politicians use.
Instead of sticking to the topic,
you turn the argument around on your opponent.
Only because the arguement appears to be utterly convuluted.


I view men as creatures that should be served by women.
We are supposed to be the submissive half of humanity.
I really do believe that men should be able to direct women,
instead of be manipulated by them.
Then get off the Internet, go get pregnant, and get back into the kitchen!


Gabby GaGa Mar 12th, 2007 02:26 AM

Women have been manipulative since our evolution. mostly due to the male supremicy pattern
dominate throughout history.
Men did the majority of hunting, and designated the women to cook the catches. Greedy as
they were, males would keep the larger share of food.
Subsequently, women had to develop manipulation skills to extract food and other goods from
the males.

Might I see these statistics that you are citing?
Women are statistically more frequent shoplifters then men.
Women are usually the aggressors in a break-up with, or divorce from, their husband/spouse.

Don't get me wrong though, women are also beautiful creatures. They aren't all
manipulitve. But the many of them are.
most men will agree with this.


Only because the arguement appears to be utterly convuluted.
not a sufficient answer.

no one said women weren't picky
about the guys they "cook" for.

kahljorn Mar 12th, 2007 07:02 PM

there's been women leaders of various societies.

and what the fuck are you using the bible as culpability for what male and female social structures are all about?

If some women are manipulative because it's the only type of power they can use i don't see your argument that they are manipulative by nature. Just because they are physically smaller means they are necessarily going to be manipulative?
Don't men manipulate? yes. if anything you are saying any person who is physically smaller will be manipulative, which sounds like the humors.

and what's the point? So a woman manipulates a few people, and a man savagely murders a few or some other cliche - which one is worse?

Gabby GaGa Mar 12th, 2007 09:53 PM

are you seriously saying that women are not manipulative?

As the owner of a penis, and most likley a credit card,
you should know otherwise.

Men aren't manipulitive.
Violent, yes.
they lie occasionaly.

But manipulation would imply some sort planning.
Men aren't planners. They're compulsive by nature.

If you don't think that women manipulate,
you have some tough lessons to learn with future relationships.


So a woman manipulates a few people, and a man savagely murders a few or some other cliche -
There have been sever serial killer women.
Women tend to be more emotionally driven,
which means they aren't as likley to kill.

However, a females emotions may be so strong to the point of horrific murder.
Take, for example, Lizzie Borden

She hacked her family, sisters, mother, to death,
cut of cody parts, and decapitated one.

I agree, though, men are a just as cruel as women. But in different way.

Women are usually concerned with the feelings of others. So while they may be manipulating behind your back, they still aren't intent on hurting men, and want to make their misdeeds lesser, just to help the male. When women know they've done something wrong, they are more inclined to feel genuine guilt.

Men on the other hand, will perform harmful acts, with disregard for females.

Women do alot of shit behind your back.
because they're great manipulators,
you never find out.


and what the fuck are you using the bible as culpability for what male and female social structures are all about?
ah, every great argument has contained the word "fuck" in it.
I didn't so much use the bible
as i did the concept of adam and eve. Everyone knows who they are.
while I dont believe in the bible,
I enjoy it as a story.
If you read it even once you would have noted that it contains alot about human nature,
some pieces of which are still true today.

I win
you lose.

Gabby GaGa Mar 12th, 2007 09:58 PM

Its a good poem, and you know it.
You just want to be argumentitive.

not that thats a bad thing.

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