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-   -   VINCES WEB SITE FOUND! VISIT CATHOLIC SAMURAI! (http://i-mockery.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2673)

mburbank Apr 18th, 2003 12:29 PM

Vince, this IS you, isn't it?

Here's a writing sample from the FAQ:

"But just a little about myself to give you an idea. I am a college student at small private college in Missouri. I like loud music, loud movies, and loud pretty much anything. I like sports, hot chicks (of all ethnic backgrounds, although I am a bit of a rice king if you catch my drift), and things that blow up. I love my childhood nostalgia and my talk radio. I have the interests of a 5 year old and the social graces of a 30 year old. I like it all. I like being me. And I love insulting stupid people. Especially liberals. God put liberals on the planet to prove that He does exist, because natural evolution could not make a liberal, because tigers and gryphon would have destroyed them before they learned to talk about "tax cuts for the rich" and "gun control" laws. And my bile is just not spewed at liberals either. Ones who call themselves "conservative" and are total assholes get it to. So don't think I cant choose between the Nation of Islam and the World Church of the Creator. If it were up to me, they would be forced to live in Mississippi and Africa, respectively."

Note the odd sentence structure, as in "And my bile is just not spewed at liberals either."

Note his offering that he likes "hot chicks (of all ethnic backgrounds, although I am a bit of a rice king if you catch my drift),"

If this aint Vince Himself, he got a serious "Single White Female" plot line going on.

check it out: http://catholicsamurai.netfirms.com/index.htm

Protoclown Apr 18th, 2003 12:33 PM

That's fucking uncanny.

Anonymous Apr 18th, 2003 12:34 PM

hahahahaha holy shit max it is "Welcome to Vin Zeb's Wish List"

VinceZeb Apr 18th, 2003 12:37 PM

Yeah, that's my site. You probably found it through newsfilter's forum. I was going to post it here in my signature after a month, but thanks for the posting of it. Might as well fix that now.

Oh yes, if anyone feels like writing, Id be more than happy to post it. Even you Max. If you can come up with something intelligent Ill post it.

mburbank Apr 18th, 2003 12:37 PM

I'm quite serious, I believe he is the author. It's very, very hard to mimick a writing style that convincingly.

Vince, you ARE the authormof Catholic Samurai, aren't you?

Anonymous Apr 18th, 2003 12:38 PM

proto - it really is his site

anyway this is form the "chicks archive" page:
Hey! A white woman! - Pics of porn star Holly Body. There, three different ethnic backgrounds of women. I'm multicultural.

Helm Apr 18th, 2003 12:38 PM

That site's seemed LOL but I couldn't visit because I didn't like the name :(

Anonymous Apr 18th, 2003 12:39 PM


i already said - the wish list! on the first page

VinceZeb Apr 18th, 2003 12:40 PM

Yes, it is my site to say once again.

mburbank Apr 18th, 2003 12:40 PM

This treasure trove of Vince's writing ALMOST makes me feel better about the looting of the Bahgdad Library.

I begin my literary archeology now.

Protoclown Apr 18th, 2003 12:42 PM

This is a glorious day! :rave

Anonymous Apr 18th, 2003 12:45 PM

thanks max, that was funny

AChimp Apr 18th, 2003 12:45 PM

Uh... gryphons don't exist. :/

Vibecrewangel Apr 18th, 2003 12:48 PM

Damn Vince

You need pics of hot Native American or South American women!!!!!

Okay....everyone needs pics of hot Native American or South American women

AChimp Apr 18th, 2003 12:53 PM


New porn links every day! I can just picture Vince "on a date": the web browser would be open to a full screen photo and he'd be eating microwaved Kraft Dinner in front of the screen.

Vibecrewangel Apr 18th, 2003 12:54 PM

Chimp -

Brings a whole new meaning to the term Easy Mac.......

VinceZeb Apr 18th, 2003 12:55 PM

Id rather not do something as tacky as chick links, but it draws people.

And vibe, I know. If you know of any links to some, Id post them.

Vibecrewangel Apr 18th, 2003 12:57 PM

South American sholdn't be too hard to find.

Native American a bit harder....we's is a private bunch.

AChimp Apr 18th, 2003 12:58 PM

Hmm... judging by your webcounter, it's attracted a grand total of approximately 270. I'd say that about 30 of them have come from this page now.

BTW, Vince, I really like how you ranted at that Rackjite guy's automatic e-mail responder.

mburbank Apr 18th, 2003 01:07 PM

Okay, first of all, Vince, I have a site that has over 90,000 hits and it's just a single little comedy piece, with no porn on it at all.

And now... drumroll....

mburbank Apr 18th, 2003 01:08 PM


1.) "I was thinking to myself today, I thought "Hey, isn't the words 'Cracker' and 'Honkey" just funny!"."

2.) "Now, if he is comfortable, he may spring back with some kind of welfare or fried chicken joke, in which everyone will laugh again!"

3.) "See, and that is how intelligent people cycle through differences with other intelligent people: with humor."

4.) "In my opinion, I don't think the majority of these protestors have a clue on what they are talking about."

5.) "her answers sounded like something that may be good in California, but it don't fly here in St. Louis."

6.) "If Bush sticks to what he said he was going to do, he is going to be a Iraqi hero, not unlike Gandhi or MLK Jr. was."

7.) "People who do on the side of justice and right always win in the end."

8.) "Basically what happens at these places is the cute pseudo-geisha girl lathers you up with soap and then you get your freak on."

9.) "Yeah, you fucking dicklicker, you didn't feel that way when you signed with Sony records and the idiots who buy your CDs, you dumb bitch."

10.) "These eyes have seen, and what I saw was great."

11.) "Maybe he will admit that a "16 year old brat" handed him his ass about his idiotic, uninformed, false-fact supported views."

12.) "It's Monday, folks, so that means that the morons and people that generally should not be able to hold their position of importance in life are coming out of hibernation."

13.) "Then I can threaten bodily harm against my opponents and tell the tells of my fornication with their female relatives from throughout the word!

14.) "I happen to be doing my exercise routine tonight as I always try to do once a day and I saw something that made me want to choke the life out of one of my fellow exercisers."

15.) "If you are not a hot woman, you get no talking to. If you are, you may get me to grunt something. Simple as that.

16.) "But here is just a small tip for your assclowns that want to talk on your cell phone while getting in front of we who want to not die in a flaming car wreck:"

17.) "Many military personnel I am betting would like nothing more than to drag this guy through a sock party."

18.) "I will update this constantly whenever I feel like it. With whatever I feel like, whyever I feel like. And you don't like it? Tough titties."

Anonymous Apr 18th, 2003 01:12 PM

this site gets over 2 mil page views a month and there is no porn on it

VinceZeb Apr 18th, 2003 01:13 PM

Max, my site has been up 2 weeks. How long as yours?

Well, vibe, if you can find the chicks, Ill post them. In fact, if you would like to write or do anything for the site, just tell me and Id be more than happy to post it up. I don't care for you and you don't care for me, but you have a brain so Id be more than delighted to put some of your stuff up there.

mburbank Apr 18th, 2003 01:20 PM

Vince, when and if your site, with or without porn has been up for two years, if you have more than 10,000 hits I will issue a public apology.

AND look at all the traffic I'm personally driving there! If that isn't sporting, lord knows what is.

The only point I'm making is your sad little excuse for the porn links. Are you ashamed of them? Embarassed by them? At odds with your Catholocism over them? Then get rid of them. If not, be a man about the fact you have them, but don't make excuses about traffic. IF your site has any appeal, word will spread based on it's merits. Like I-mockery. 'Simple as that.'

AChimp Apr 18th, 2003 01:21 PM

Whoa, you get about 20 hits per day (probably all from you). Hell, MY site gets more traffic and there's no porn, and that's saying a lot 'round these parts.

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