Thread: Don't bother
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Demogorgon Demogorgon is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Demogorgon is probably a spambot
Old Jul 12th, 2004, 09:08 PM        Don't bother
I was bored. I changed the names for easier reading. Late night Msn convos get odd.
"Dis is not furreading by u. u are not stylin' nuff to read dis. Screw u and go away.... YO!"

I says:
I'm so not cool that I'm cool that I'm not cool.

They says:
im cool. i have pink pants

I says:

They says:
they make me look hott

I says:
Congratulations. I don't care what people think about me so I take extra time to dress in extraordinary ways so I'm noticed, though I don't care.

They says:

They says:
me 2

They says:
at work people were like whoa. youre pants are pikn

They says:
and i was like yea i know

They says:
theyre like hwy are they so bright? (theyre hot pink not girly pink)

They says:
only one girl said she liked em. i think thats because she had pink hair

I says:
See, now the pink trend is ruined, it is modern and in order to maintain my noncool=cool=noncool (which secretly equals cool, but we can't speak of that) I must remain postmodern and retro at the same time so long as none others are retro as i.

I says:
I got the styles, yo.

They says:
i see

They says:
i have my retro things

They says:
like my ghetto blazer

I says:
My retro things are 34.65 years old. Seems no one else has taken the number.

I says:
Oh yeah, and I spraypainted "loser" on all my belongings. My divowal of popularity shall surely advance my styles.

They says:

They says:
u see

They says:
i have a shirt that says "i love geeks"

I says:
Geeks were cool before everyone started liking them, they are out of the stylez now.

I says:
Did you know I can be supercool with a simple phrase, because it supposedly make you think and we belong to the same superior ideal...

They says:
it makes me wanna smile

They says:
makes me think someones taking a pictue

I says:
Exactly, now we are like best friends.

They says:
we are

They says:
i love ypu

They says:

I says:

They says:
i love ypu!

I says:
Save it, you dont want it to go pre-retro, then it will be useless.

They says:
i shall have to remmber

I says:
shall... hmm... too uppity, there is no movement towards uppity people lately and there have been some in the past so i shall not sue the word... UNLESS! Yes! I can use it because it is dead and gone and I honor the uppity revolt!

They says:

I says:
My philosophy is stylism...
Have you heard sonic bowel movements new album? it is all nature sounds, it's supa-fresh!

They says:
supa dupa fly yo

I says:
Yeah! Transfromers are mroe than meets the eye!

They says:

I says:
Al my speelimng erorz are on purpoze, im awesomorzz!

They says:
i spell things wrong alot

They says:
but not purposefuilly

They says:
sometimse i like th errors os iu use them

I says:
You have to do it on purpose, stupid people arn't cool. Yeah, the errors must be on prupose, just like the forerunners of smartiness, yo!

They says:
no no

They says:
i can spelkl

They says:
just not type

They says:
but i got a 99% iun keyboaringh

I says:
You don't type with your fingers, do you?

They says:
i do

They says:
but its hard with fingernails

I says:
You are supposed to use and intricate system of sex toys attached to your head. You have to be able to do the signs of your peeps while typing, yo!

They says:

They says:
i can type with my ongue but i find it unsanitary

I says:
That went out with furby hats.

They says:
oh furby

I says:
Oh no, now it's retro...
EUGH This keyboard tastes nasty!

They says:
its finger lickin good brotha

I says:
No, I think I should have cleaned the sex toys before typing. Cleanliness aint cool though. Exploration is in style though. Damn this keyboard tastes like shizzitzle.

I says:

They says:
i like dogs

I says:
Discursion, i got you!
Look it's my pet cow!

They says:
i see it!

I says:
What's your display picture all about?

They says:
my ssister and cousin

I says:
Being an only child is cool... Hey cannibalism is in style! Put two and two together YO!

They says:
youre not an only child

They says:

They says:
oh i ddnt read the end of that

I says:
My brother is in the army!

I says:
Figtin for Bush and all his homiezzz

They says:
hes 5

I says:
So you're saying 5 year olds anr't americans! HUH!? Well he's six anyway.

They says:
imsaing hes not an armymaster

I says:
I HATE YOU! YOU ARE TOO UNCOOL! GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111oneoneone
If you read much of that, I think I pity you... Or maybe my perception is off.
Moral: You need to try very hard to be in style, otherwise you retire to a life of multiple message boards and spray cheese.
Note: I'm not cool... at all...
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