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Buffalo Tom Buffalo Tom is offline
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Buffalo Tom is probably a spambot
Old Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:02 PM       
I will do everyone a favour and summarize your post: You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs. Egads, man! What are you doing wasting your time here, applying your skill to coming up with ways to debate with reasoned and intelligent people? You should be in a forum worthy of your intelligence; I think a show like 'Romper Room' has an audience at your level of mental development. Hmmm, compared to a simpleton like you, the toddlers on that show might seem like nuanced doctoral candidates, so perhaps you ought to stick to eating the glue that no doubt has eaten away at your brain.

I would pity you, if I thought you were a human being worth even an gram of compassion. However, you have clearly demonstrated that you are not moved by the suffering of your fellow human beings, with your callous dismissal of civilian casualties and your willingness to let other people's children die trying to achieve the foreign policy aims of a self-interested administration. If these tales of misery do not give you pause, then I suggest you renounce your membership in the human race and let the rest of us get on with evolving. It's genetic dead-weight like yourself that is impeding our development as a species.

Yes, Saddam is a menace that must be dealt with, no one can argue that. However, invading a country whose population is already suspicious of American intentions, in light of their non-support of revolts in 1991 encouraged by Bush Senior, and engaging in a conflict that could potentially de-stabilize an already volatile region by increasing the ranks of radical, anti-Western forces, is not the most pragmatic course of action. One of my issues with this entire affair is that your administration seems to think that 'might makes right', and fails to take into the account the wider implications of their actions.

If the best counter-offensive you can muster against people's arguments is to impugn their character with obsolete phrases like 'limp-wristed', then, to paraphrase your own vacuous leadership, you should lay down your intellectual arms and go home. Yield up the field to someone who is more skilled at verbal jousting.
You're cooler than me
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