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Raize Raize is offline
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Raize is probably a spambot
Old May 17th, 2005, 01:02 AM       
Attacking a Republican on wanting to go to war is the wrong way. If you really want to stop Bush, fight the liberty aspects and how he's failed to cut the size of the government.

If the Democrats want to regain seats they have to start acknowledging basic economic rights of people and position their platforms so that they will "cut taxes" in ways that the Republicans have failed to do. This can be done by cutting war expenses. After all the Iraq war is over, right?

Why should the American people be paying for nation-building? It's a topic few Democrats want to address, but more should. It'll fragment the Republican party into the Libertarian-leaning Republicans (of which, a significant number are only Republican because of religious convictions) and the statists.
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