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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
VinceZeb is probably a spambot
Old Mar 26th, 2003, 10:50 AM       
Since you want a validation of my personal life, I might as well give one, since I am not ashamed. Your obession with me being fat is pretty damn funny. Considering that I have lost 250lbs in 3+ years, I wouldnt be quick to calling someone fat, because I am willing to bet that you wear a nice hefty belt size.

I vote, I exercise my rights, I keep and bear arms, I practice my freedom of religion, I listen to political and news shows and try to gather information on what influences my life, I speak to veterans and politicians whenever I can get a chance via e-mail, hand written letter or a call in talk show such as I tried to do with Sen. Jim Talent yesterday on a local station. I got to talk to Ted Nugent, so that ruled. I attend "pro-war" rallies to support our business that help build the weapons that keep our country free. I follow the politics of the day. I participate in town hall meetings and open floor debates when possible. I give money to help our troops, to support families of POWs and MIAs. I pay my respects on Veteran’s and Memorial Day to the people who fought for me to "sit on my fat ass and post angry missives on internet forums." I study to find out my laws and rights; I study to find out how I can serve my country in the future when I am old enough to run for an elected office, I study to find out the truth of the world and what is going on. I also post and discuss the important issues of the day with people on the internet since it is the medium in which political opinions can be easily voiced.

Now sir, what do YOU do to earn the freedoms that men and women are dying to protect and grant to others?
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