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GAsux GAsux is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Las Vegas
GAsux is probably a spambot
Old Mar 26th, 2003, 10:45 PM        Still....
Sorry to digress but at no point have you addresses or made a substantial explanation as to how the 101st incident had ANYTHING to do with sensitivity training or some kind of military paradigm shift in terms of its personnel.

Let me tell you a little about the military. You see my friend, although there is a screening process, as I'm sure you well know, it cannot weed out every bad character trait. As it turns out, there are people who beat their wives, abuse children, drink excessively, and yes, even murder within the military. Those people that commit those crimes are not easy to weed out. While you may be able to test someone to determine their intelligence or their medical qualifications, there are no tests that identify people likey to commit violent acts.

Some of those people might even seem "normal" at first. Perhaps whatever drives them to such crimes develops over time and is therefore not able to be noticed. I will certainly agree that this persons chain of command was derelict in not identifying clear signs that this particular person was unstable (insubordination, attitude problems, and as a small factor, his religion, which put his personal faith at odds with the mission at hand).

Your assertion that his actions are somehow a result of a previous, current, or future administrations decisions and policies is absurd. This has everything to do with this particular person acting irrational, and noting to do with military policy. Your assertion that the Clinton administration is responsible for these kinds of things by allowing people of other backgrounds to serve is completely ridiculous.

Asian Americans served with great pride and honor in WWII, even though they were fighting against people of their own nationality. Muslim American soldiers have served this nation for decades. Your statements on this matter are both childish and quite frankly a tad racisit whether you care to admit it or not.

However, please do not take anything I say seriously. Unlike you, I have first hand experience which has probably been tarnished by all the "pussifying" that I've been subject too.
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