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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 06:34 PM        Re: re:
Originally Posted by iron mitchell
What do you think of that new Flaming Lips and that new Mogwai?
I was personally really disappointed with the new Flaming Lips (but then again, Yoshimi was a huge step down from The Soft Bulletin), aside from a couple songs.
I'm not sure what it was, but the Mogwai album before this one (Happy Songs) seemed totally crappy, but this one's quite a bit better, though still really boring compared to the older stuff.
see, i'm one of those people that though "happy songs..." was their best album. it definately continued in weakening their ability for apocalyptic heroics ("ratts of the capital" is decent, but an insult to "like herod"), but i much prefer their tack for focusing on the sublime while retaining a disquiet and power to their music.
i think they're still in process of mastering this fully (there's some dreck that's DOA, much less inspired) but they're having more pure, if less frequent moments where they really hit the nail on the head. mr beast is a damn fine album, and it's had a huge impact on me in the month i've had it. "friend of the night" is still the best song of 06 so far IMO.

the flaming lips i'm letting sit awhile... after initial excitement (because i'm not a fan, i just liked yoshimi... sue me), i realized i was going to have to get involved in this album more than i had time for. in 2 months i've found at least 3 amazing and 3 more potentially amazing albums this year, so i'm going to wait for a lull, because i can already tell that this is a "full album" kind of deal. free radical is worming it's way into my head though.
but i also dont know... i say i'll get back to it, but maybe thats because everything i'm hearing on first impression just isn't that engaging... who knows.

talking about it like this should make me YSI both these albums right? well no,
as jinxed, either YsI or my wireless connection are flipping out and being all slow and bitchy, and i proimised my friends Matthew Herbert's sextastic album "Scale" today, so you guys can join in on the fun on that or no.
i'll have to copy mitchell's thing and put "xx" where the http is because the last link i put up here got closed in record time... i suspect largely due to direct linking... so just replace that when you copy and paste.

Matthew Herbert - Scale


making pop, R+b vocals, house, and proper string ensembles working together to make something ridiculously scandalous. listen to the first three tracks through, if you're not hooked then it;s not for you, the end.

it's like Moon-Safari Air only more house music, less modest, wildly succesful and decadent, and of course sexually ambiguous.
it's how "listenable pop," a term used to excuse shoddy crap that doesnt ouright irritate, should ACTUALLY sound like.
Thanks, Moon!
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