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Ant10708 Ant10708 is offline
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Ant10708 is probably a spambot
Old Apr 6th, 2006, 01:56 PM       
I accused you of being a part of the CIA? I was obviously joking if I did. I apologize for indirectly accusing you of killing thousands of Americans on 9/11 and for working for a near facist country bent on world domination. I obviously wasn't being serious if I accused you of being in the CIA. I mean come on.

I don't know why 5 and 6 didn't fall but why did our government feel the need to destroy building 7 when ti had no people in it and no one even gave two shits about it? I thought 9/11 was to create an atmosphere in order for the neo cons to do whatever they want. Why didn't we set off the demolition explosions when people were still in it? Why didn't they actually attack the White House? Why didn't our govt go all out? Why just the east coast? If you want to rally the entire country for many years to come in order to support some world domination scheme shouldn't you hit targets all over the country? Why havn't the neo cons set off another 'terrorist' attack in the U.S. to bolster support for iraq? its clear the american people and the world no longer have the initial post 9/11 mindset. so why the hell not kill a couple hundred civilians or even blow up a bus of commuters in LA? Just to get the rally going again.

I'll believe your story once it has less fucking holes than the official story which most people admit is full of many holes.

Also get me some fucking evidence where the person doesn't need to squint their eyes and guess what the fuck they are looking at. I have yet to watch the video because I am at work and unable to but I will once I get home but I'm not expecting to come to the same conclusions you have reached.

I smoke nothing but high quality bud and I admit I smoke to much of it. I don't see how I'm being a dumb stoner though. Come to NY and we can get stoned and watch 9/11 footage and laugh our asses off. The best is the free fallers. Who knows maybe all the ganja will open up our minds to the real truth.

I don't believe the official story. I think the penn. flight was shot down. I have no idea what hit the pentagon but a story with more holes than the official one doesn't bring anyone closer to the truth.

And I'd honestly be more open to your theories if you didn't have a conspiracy theory for just about everything.
I'm all for the idea of stoning the rapists, but to death...? That's a bit of a stretch, but I think the system will work. - Geggy
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