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timrpgland timrpgland is offline
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Old Jan 17th, 2007, 12:30 PM       
I also have it for the 360.

I've only played the single player game but I played through the game. Just on regular, I haven't tried realistic. Anyway, the single player game is very enjoyable. I like how intuitive the whole control setup is for the 360. The game plays just right. The regen health system is a welcomed change imo. That might take away from some of the realism of the past but if you get over that, everything else (guns, etc) is pretty accurate to true life.

I'll be on Live tonight. I think tonight is the night that I take the multiplayer for a spin. I have to catch up and play multiplayer of all 3 of my new shooters. I always end up playing through the games first.

XBOX LIVE: KefkaGrim
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