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Jixby Phillips Jixby Phillips is offline
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Old Jan 26th, 2007, 05:20 AM       
HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL caused me a lot of pain in high school:

I saw that in theaters and re-evaluated my friendship with friends who thought it was weird that I hated it. THEY DIDN'T HAVE STRONG OPINIONS ABOUT LIKING IT AT ALL, THEY JUST THOUGHT IT WAS WEIRD THAT I DIDN'T FIND IT PASSABLE. This pain was good for me.

I trashed the movie every chance I got, and then a girl I was in love with broke a date with me to hang out with another guy that she would later date (instead of dating me, you see). I was heartbroken, but then just unbeleivably angry when she told me she broke the date to watch HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL with him. We both misplaced our emotions in the same place: I yelled at her for betraying me by seeing a movie that I had so clearly told her stunk, basically disguising our REAL argument as an arguement about a movie.
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