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Preechr Preechr is offline
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Preechr is probably a spambot
Old Jan 27th, 2007, 11:40 AM       
Arabs have persecuted Jews, just like everybody else, since the beginning of time, Ok? Poor, poor Jews, but that's not what I was talking about.

the primary reasons for the Arab/Persian animosity toward ISRAEL (not the Jews) is now and always has been political in nature.
Always as in since the establishment of the ZIONIST ENTITY.
Learn some fucking reading comprehension.

Muslims have persecuted Christians and Jews and Muslims and just about everybody else. Christians have done the same, and I'm sure some goy got picked on at some point by some Jewish kids, too. You said it yourself: "Intolerant people hate other people who aren't the same as them." That is also not what I am talking about.

I intentionally didn't write "Gush M&M," even though I think that's a funny name, because I think this is a serious conversation. Maybe it was because I remember the funny name that I misspelled it. I can assure you I didn't hear about it on some anti-Israeli screed page. Are you sure you want to jump so quickly to the conclusion that I'm the one that's ignorant here? Just because Google can't help you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I believe this is a serious enough topic that I have made a point of NOT learning the first thing about it on the internet. This is all just opinion out here, Abcdxxx. Opinions are biased, and the last thing the peace process needs is more biased opinions floating around. Need I remind you, also, that this was not what I was talking about either?

Try googling "Gush EmUnim," Ok? Gosh, I can't believe I actually know something about Israel you don't... I'm amazed it was something so basic as this... Damn... Do I get a prize for this?

As long as were discussing only the tangential points that have nothing to do with anything, how exactly is a comparison between two different Messianic religious beliefs unfair when the two I am comparing are both convinced that establishing control over certain places will hasten the return of their hero? Not all Israelis believe the settlements are vital to Israel's goals, which is made perfectly obvious by recent settlement related events. While some Israelis moved out because they thought it was cool to live in the hills where Joshua once walked, and some just wanted out of the hustle and bustle, the settlements were a religious movement at their roots, though based in the religious beliefs of only a subset of Judaism.

You have railed against the Palestinian "cause" before by claiming that they are not a people but basically the perennially homeless flotsam of the Arab world, getting kicked out of Jordan and Egypt and then located, strategically, on the borders of Israel in order to harass it. (Notice, that is not a quote. You have said stuff much like that, and I'm just nutshelling it to make a larger point... you don't have to start arguing yet...) I can accept that sort of claim just fine. It's mostly the truth of the situation.

Yet that scenario is made up of political moves. The religious aspect of this conflict is a smokescreen. Religious belief is NOT driving this conflict. Islam has ruled it's lands before, as you mentioned, in a very tolerant manner... notice please that it was tolerant when it had actual power. Much more tolerant, in fact, than were the other governments of that time. Israel has also proven it can be tolerant, but it has also proven it can be insensitive and overbearing when holding all the cards.

What is needed is a balance of equals before peace can be established. You have yet to address MY MAIN POINT which is that Iran can, will and probably should go nuclear, and that this is the path to peace. I honestly figured THAT would be the focus of your arguments against what I'm saying, but instead you are picking at the edges of my comments. Is the specter of a nuke wielding Iran so scary to you that you can't even talk about it? Is this your "Zionist Entity?" ...the thing you can't even bring yourself to name?

Right now, our government is working really hard to find an alternative to nukes that can give Iran the power it needs to take it's seat at the world table. Until it can sit there, Iran will continue to cause trouble for anyone trying to meddle in the political stew of the region. A very similar diplomatic scenario is playing out in North Korea.

In both cases, Western media is portraying the figureheads we are dealing with as scary madmen... Not to say Kim Jong Il and Ahminajihad are actually nice guys, but the fact that they are the face on those conflicts only serves to keep us interested. They are the tantrum-throwing brats that draw the attention of everyone else in the restaurant, and it's gonna take all of us focusing on the problems here to establish peace and equality.
mburbank~ Yes, okay, fine, I do know what you meant, but why is it not possible for you to get through a paragraph without making all the words cry?

How can someone who obviously thinks so much of their ideas have so little respect for expressing them? How can someone who so yearns to be taken seriously make so little effort?!
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