Thread: i-doser
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DuFresne DuFresne is offline
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Old May 27th, 2007, 12:27 AM       
I got the one last night. The majority of the built-in preset beats (because the trial version doesn't let you play the cool user-created ones ) did virtually nothing for me (general relaxation" was ok, but that may have had less to do with the freqs and more to do with the rain-on-a-tin-roof background noise), but there was one notable exception that makes me think there might be something to all this. It was the first "sleep-induction" choice on the list.

(note: bear in mind that nothing in the following description was anywhere near as cool as it sounds. I was totally in touch with reality the whole time and the feelings I'll describe were more "neat sensations" than "omg im so fukkin wazted lol !!!!!!1111111")

Now this gave me some really neat mental and effects! About 7 minutes into it, I began to sense that I was gently spinning through space, totally weightless. This feeling lasted for about 30 seconds, and from this point to the end of the 20 minute-long beat, I was essentially completely relaxed. Do any you experience this thing where, minutes before you fall asleep, your mind races with seemingly random thoughts and images, though you know you're still awake? I had many periods of that. I also recall at least two periods of what felt like sleep paralysis, fortunately without the intense fear and horror that usually comes with it.

The beat faded away after 20 minutes, and when I got up from my bed I felt very relaxed and clear. I was disappointed that it hadn't actually made me fell asleep, though. Maybe it would if you're tired to begin with, which I wasn't. Not that I was expecting it to do anything after trying the worthless other presets.

So, was it an incredible enlightening experience that will cause my life to never be the same again, like so many comments on the website would want you to believe?

Hell no. It was a neat way to spend 20 minutes alone on a friday night. So is Guitar Hero.

Last edited by DuFresne : May 27th, 2007 at 12:27 AM. Reason: typeaux
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