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RaNkeri RaNkeri is offline
Fucking Finland
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Old Aug 11th, 2007, 05:41 AM       
You sure are one to talk

Originally Posted by zeldasbiggestfan View Post
I dont know what the fuck it was. I typed in "Free legal music" and oh god. I just dont care. I really hope it wasnt kid porn but if it was Im really glad I took that shit off. AND LIMEWIRE TAKES FOREVER TO DOWNLOAD SHIT.
Originally Posted by zeldasbiggestfan View Post
You look happy Schimid.

What now?
So far everything has been great in high school. Except one major thing that impacted me like a train. Girls. Now theres this girl in my algebra class. Shes pretty but a sophmore so Im thinking "No way in hell will I get with her". I like her and stuff but I just knew I didnt have a chance. But yesterday I got an IM from her but she had just signed off when I got home. All it said was "Your in my algebra class". Today she said she was my friend and I lied to her because I thought she was my friend. I told her I didnt like her and shit and then later on I get an IM from her saying it was really her not my friend. So I basicly screwed myself. I trust only 3 people to tell who I like. ONLY them. I tell other people "Hey I like this girl" but not who she is. So thats basicly how I ruined it. Tomorrow after the bell rings Im going to stop her and explain everything to her. I have no idea what the outcome will be. Any advice? Please help me out I really like this girl and I think I may have hurt her by a stupid mistake.
Im a little faggot. Nice.
I know I sound like a fag and shit but fuck off okay?
Fuck you you shuirken throwing cock sucker. Today went bad. She completely told my ass off in the halls (haha yeah in front of everyone) and left. This one girl saw and she felt bad about what happened so we started talking and crap and now I sit next to her in Biology. "What were you expecting in the I-Mockery forums"....... Your right what the hell was I thinking. I dunno Im gonna try to leave her alone now. But I sit behind her in algebra so shit. I dunno. I am going to leave her alone though cause thats what she wants so fuck her.
Yeah. I went to the movies with my friend thinking I wasnt going to like it. I did. Well the parts that I watched at least. The parts I didnt watch I was preoccupied. Yeah I was kissing a girl.

So I get home and talk to her and she drops this on me. Shes going to go out with some other guy (remember the dude that took 40 bucks from me? Yeah him). Im not pissed off though. Yeah I guess Im fucking retarted or something. So yeah what should I do when she comes back from the asshat? (I know he'll fuck up something ). Turn her down or what? I dunno.
Aah, Zeldasbiggestfan, I'll always remember the laughs I've had from you. And I'm looking forward for more.

My work here is done :salute
Originally Posted by Esuohlim View Post
You're so fucking fat Rankeri seriously

Last edited by RaNkeri : Aug 11th, 2007 at 10:55 AM.
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