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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Nov 16th, 2007, 10:10 AM       
The Nixon destabalized Cambodia when he illegally bombed Cambodia (which he then lied about to congress, another violation of law), making the Khmer Rouge's takeover possible.

Indonesia? Trading partner of the US.

China? Trading partner of the US, and principle funder of the borrowed money which keeps the war on terror and our country running. Prior to the War on Terror, you may recall, we had a budget surplus and were in no way dependent upon China.

The 'threat' we suppossedly warred in Vietnam to prevent was a unified global communist block.

Burma is what's called a military dictatorship, something the US is sadly comfortable with.

You'd think that our current middle eastern adventure which has rendered us almost powerless to affect events on the world stage (See Pakistan, Darfur, Burma) would show you that the world is slightly more complicated than a coloring book but that would be discounting your self induced head trauma and liver damage.

Perhaps if we'd truly embraced the Vietnam war, we could have sunk our economy, lost moral high ground, diminished our status and influence around the globe and thereby established a good ol' days style world democracy three decades ago. Lucky for you, a few hard liners from Nixons old gang hung around, won (maybe) two elections and got an eight year chance to prove what they could do once they were in the drivers seat. The War on Terror has gone on longer than Good ol' WWII, in a much smaller theater of operations, with complete control of both houses of congress, a very lazy press, a cooperative supreme court and a willingness to violate the law. Take a look around. In more time than it took to topple the Nazis we can't get the friggin lights on as often as Sadaam Hussein did and we have no idea what's become of eleven billion dollars we handed out in bundled cash.

The Democrats are loosing this war? The DEMOCRATS?!? The complicit, weak willed, spineless Democrats, who are going to loose the vote you are so worried about, who can't pass anti war legislation when three quarters of the country now feels this war is a mistake, their unpassed legislation and weak sister fumbling is what's going to lose the war?

LAY OFF THE BOOZE, Drunky Mcgetsbeatup. You're less than a year away from flopping at some quasi skinhead squat wondering if you have enough energy to try to beat beer money out of some unlucky schoolboy, unless you let the army fly you home in which case you'll be disgruntled, unemployed, showing off the face tattoo you blew your last paycheck on and letting people think you were in Fallujah.

Pull yourself together, clean yourself up, meet some actual smart people and see what they're like instead of thinking you're what passes for deep and maybe in the coming recession you'll be able to parlay your army experience into a Mall security guard job where you'll find out flirting with underage girls that speak the same language as you is challenging enough to keep you from seeking out repressed homoerotic beatings.
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