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MLE is probably pretty okMLE is probably pretty okMLE is probably pretty okMLE is probably pretty ok
Old Jan 29th, 2008, 12:43 AM       
The scenario: We are walking into a building in front of you. Do we hold the door open?
I think it's always the right thing to do regardless of gender or even age. I hold the door open for belligerant teenagers as well, and most even thank me!

We are seated on a packed train and you're standing next to us. Do we give up our seat?
I agree with CiG that only if she looks like she's in pain or pregnant, otherwise do what you would do for anyone of that age or if they are carrying bags, regardless of gender. If you do, with no provocation, give up your seat and continue to try to talk to said woman, she'll try to figure out if you're a creep or not, so don't be too chivalrous.

A woman is lugging a large suitcase through the airport. Do we offer to help?
Only if it looks like she is honestly having trouble with them. If she says no thanks, don't ask again.

(If Yes to above question)Okay, so we lug the case up a staircase for you. We would love to keep helping, but now we've got our own flight to catch.
Same as CiG, run to your own flight.

We pass a woman walking down the street, crying. Do we do anything?
Most women would rather you not help. If they're crying in public where there are other places they could easily cry, she might be looking for the attention of someone they know or are there with. Otherwise, you'll just case an unwanted scene.

It's late at night and we see you stumbling alone out of a bar, extremely drunk.
Help her to a cab, but unless you have been talking with her and somewhat know her, i wouldn't recommend going with her. She might come out of the drunken stupor just enough to notice she's not in the bar anymore and in a cab going somewhere with a stranger.

We are in a parking lot and see you fighting loudly with a man, probably your boyfriend. Do we intervene?
No. You'll just cause it to be worse.

(If No to above question)We don't do anything, but then it starts to get physical -- we see him grab you by the arm...
Yes, intervene then. There's no place that a guy should handle his girl like that, unless it's the bedroom and that's the way she wants it.

We are at a bar when we see you being aggressively hit on by David Spade. What now?
If you want to be nice, and you really think you're more attractive, you can interupt nicely to see if the girl takes the out, but again, only give it one try.
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