Thread: Joe Quesada Day
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Drunken_Lemur408 Drunken_Lemur408 is offline
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Old Mar 16th, 2008, 02:12 AM        Joe Quesada Day
Well I'm back from orlando, and first off, No I did NOT get a chane to insult HIM.First it got moved back an hour, and then the line was horrible, and I was next to some guys who sounded like they would berate Quesada for me, but they said Jack Shit to him.Pussies. And he sounded like he thought he was doing a good thing. Like Hitler. So anyway, It turns out that March 8th is now officialy Joe Q. Day in Orange county. So how do you think we should celebrate next year? Oh, and Quesada admitted he was a Skrull.
I don't know how to hyperlink, so just copy and paste that for a full rundown on the Q and A session. Also sorry for the wall of text.
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