Thread: Hitler / Bush
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Ronnie Raygun Ronnie Raygun is offline
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Ronnie Raygun is probably a spambot
Old May 6th, 2003, 05:36 PM       
"The Florida situation was a fiasco from any perspective."

Yes, and mainly it was the fault of the democrats......afterall, they designed the ballots. Besides, Florida had the same amount of problems as any other state. All the focus just so happened to be on FLA because both candidates needed it to win.

"The political manuvering in question was what got counted and what didn't. Bush did better. Bully for him. I don't think he in any way stole the office. He did better in the political arena though not necessarally the popular one."

Wrong. Gore and the dems only wanted democratic counties recounted.....which they were....3 TIMES! And they were just going to keep recounting those 3 counties until Gore won the election. That's why the Supreme Court stopped it.

"See Ronnie, step outside your little box just a bit. And you'll see that things are not always black and white."

I have looked at this situation from all angles.
Paint your genitals red and black, weedwack the hair off your grandmothers back" - Sean Conlin from Estragon
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