Thread: Hitler / Bush
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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old May 6th, 2003, 06:40 PM        LOL
Ronnie -

It was a democrat designed ballot. Your point being? Why do you feel the need to continue pointing out things most of us already know? We know how the electoral college works. We all know that it was a democrat designed the ballot. Would it have been different if it was a republican designed ballot? Other than more yelling, probably not.

CNN On December 12, 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a Florida Supreme Court ruling ordering a full statewide hand recount of all undervotes not yet tallied. The U.S. Supreme Court action effectively ratified Florida election officials' determination that Bush won by a few hundred votes out of more than 6 million cast.
That is more than 3 counties. Though Gore and his damn 3 counties up to that point was annoying at best.

Now Ronnie, we could both go back and forth and find hundreds of little things to bring up. Chads, dimples, the absentee ballots counted in violation of provisions. It doesn't serve any purpose. The election is over and Bush is in office. And might I repeat, maybe you will catch it this time......I don't think Bush stole the office. Though Gore won the popular vote by a slight margin. Bush took the election after much political manuvering on both sides when it came to Florida. Again I state "Bully for him"
Neither Bush nor Gore impressed me so this was just depressing to watch.

Now, about stepping outside of your box. I wasn't talking about the situation. I was talking about how you seem to insist that anyone who doesn't like Bush, disagrees with him in any way or brings up anything negative about him is a liberal. That just isn't the case.
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