Thread: The Wii
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Zomboid Zomboid is offline
The Wolf
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Give me the coffee and no one gets hurt! LOL
Zomboid won the popularity contestZomboid won the popularity contestZomboid won the popularity contestZomboid won the popularity contestZomboid won the popularity contestZomboid won the popularity contestZomboid won the popularity contestZomboid won the popularity contestZomboid won the popularity contest
Old Oct 10th, 2008, 03:06 PM       
Sham, I was gonna go grab your secret santa pics and photoshop you doing some BAD stuff, but you're not even worth it. If you expect me to put effort into making fun of some paunchy 15 year old over the internet, look elsewhere. Hell, I'm sure tadao will do it.

Really though, close this shit.

That was very funny. Well done.
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