Thread: Fable 2
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OxBlood OxBlood is offline
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Old Oct 30th, 2008, 05:30 AM       
Originally Posted by Nick View Post
Short version: It sucks.
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Long Version: It feels unfinished. Again. And it is definetely not made for what I like to call "real" gamers. You can do quite a lot of things, earn money with real estates, found families, buy clothing for your character, do secondary quests, roam the land in search of treasure, follow the main quest...

BUT! And here I will list what is wrong with every single feature I just listed. Just my opinion, as always.

-Real Estate Money machine: Nice Idea but there are more efficient ways to make money, and the only thing you need it for are weapons wich you buy once.

-Family Feature: I actually have to say I don´t know what I should use that for. Why in the hell would I want a family in an action-adventure game? I just don´t see the point. They cost money, the don´t do anything for you...I was married twice in the game and the only thing I used my family for was to sacrifice them at the temple of shadows *shrugs*

-Clothing: One of the biggest letdowns. They always emphasized that "everybody will look unique". Well, that obviously can´t be true, since there are only about 10 sets of clothing in the game. For males at least. And only one or two of them look decent enough to wear. Also, there are too few tattoos and haircuts as well. Far too few.

-Secondary Quests: They do two things. They earn you experience because you always have to fight something. And they earn you Fame. Fame does two things as well: It unlocks later steps of the main quest and it earns you expressions to use on the villagers. Wow. Great. No money, no items as far as I can tell.

-Exploration and treasure hunting: Yeah, okay, the areas ARE bigger than before. But is there anything to do there? Nay. There are three things that one can find. Treasure chests which contain only crap like coffee or experience potions (that I can buy in town anyway) or more useless, ugly clothing that you already have. Second are digging spots that your dog (one of the things I like about the game, the dog is nice) finds. Contain the same useless crap. Pendants, condoms, a boot, sometimes a health potion...then there are the demon doors that want something from you and in return open up to a mini-area with a treasure, often magical weapons, that tend to be WEAKER than your regular weapons every now and then. Oh, and you can try to find and shoot 50 gargoyles, which should net you another worthless treasure I guess.

-Main quest: Yes...the main quest. About 6-8 hours short, easy as hell and with NO final boss. Way to go lionhead.

Difficulty is another problem of the the beginning you have an extremely short healthbar wich caused me to wait, I forgot, you can´t die in Fable 2, you fall to the ground, the XP-Orbs around you vanish, you get a scar and there you go, you stand up and continue the fight. After you get one or two upgrades to health, you won´t "die" if you pay attention. And after you slotted a life-leech-upgrade to your weapon, you are invincible. I´m all for relaxing games with little challenge once in a while but this is really laughable.

All in all, I thing Fable 2 wasted almost all of it´s potential. It´s short, it´s too easy, I doesn´t reward the player properly, the story is only mediocre at best, the magic system isn´t as fun as in the first one...

On the bright side, I DID like the meleé and ranged battle systems, the dog, the IDEA with the different outfits, the jobs (even though you just press A all the time), and the moment your annoying sister dies. Possibly because she kept calling me Spatz, which is Sparrow in german. But it´s pronounced "Shputs" which sounds really stupid.
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