Thread: Fable 2
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OxBlood OxBlood is offline
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Old Nov 6th, 2008, 03:07 AM       
Originally Posted by timrpgland View Post
I don't see how it doesn't. It's basically the same game with more to it.
Hm, letīs see if I can wrap that in words.

The first fable had a story that made you feel more or less important.

The second fable always TELLS you, youīre important, but I never felt like it. And it has no boss.

It also felt like some of the new features were tacked on just because the designers thought it was cool to have them, even though they donīt seem to fulfill any real purpose.

Take the families for example. I donīt really know if they have any purpose other than to feel like youīre playing the Sims or something like that. They cost money, they distract you from being what youīre supposed to be (a hero that is).

Then thereīs real estate. It DOES have a purpose (earning tiny ammounts of money and adjusting your Corruption/Purity rating) but it feels a little strange to be renting out homes as a friggin hero.

The dog. I like the dog, really. But along with the golden trail, itīs purpose was mainly to excuse the lack of a good map. Some argued, that the game is about exploring but what is one of the most important tools of ANY explorer? Yes, a map. You really can feel what they thought.

"Who will design the map, Roger, how about you?"

-"What? Aw man, no, letīs just add some more or less stupid gimmicky-features and call it a day."

It really feels forced.

As you may already have noticed, I view Videogames from a efficiency-like point of view (please excuse my lack of flashy words, itīs the best that comes to my mind right now). I want to know what certain features of a game can do for me and the game itself. And I tend to find it strange if things are purely cosmetic or are just designed "to have fun" but donīt DO anything.

And thatīs what Fable 2 feels like for me. Feel like someone forgott to add content for real gamers. Itīs short, itīs devoid of any challenge, itīs full of strange features that I wouldnīt bring in connection with a person that calls itself a hero, you NEVER find treasures of any worth outside of demon doors and even if you do find one of the magical weapons, your Master Longsword with the Ghoul enchantment tends to be better anyway. They implemented..or explemented (is that a word?) a new kind of armor, the non-armor that is purely cosmetic. I am fine with that but if you do something like that, you should design more than a measly 10 sets of clothes of wich 7 look like crap.

I really wanted to like Fable 2 but it I was alarmed when I caught myself thinking about selling it. I normally NEVER sell any of my games. The only game I have ever sold since my early PS2 days was Alone in the Dark 5.

Sorry for the wall of text but I just like to write a lot :D
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